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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Moot Cat Thread 2 Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 04:58:50 Id:135c79 No. 53195
An archive of the old thread.
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>>72195 >>72101 sauce? These are adorable!
>>72200 Bloinkum on twitter
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>>72101 >>72195 >>72537 I love these! >>72539 Nice color job!
>>73435 Too many cookies...
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ITT nostalgia
>>75398 happy anniversary 4chan!!!
Didnt understand how this character got so much art until i learned that wg is actual mechani/visual change of the mod LOL
>>76175 Please elaborate????
>>76175 Most of this fanart got made because of Super Mario /v/orld 3 to be specific. There's no weight gain in that hack, but there's a level where you have to avoid hamburgers.
>>76189 seconding this, it mostly exploded around those threads and the main level it's based on is more just avoiding the burgers while the joke of the level's aesthetics is Lmao Fat and then a lot of people started drawing this cat and threads got made and i got really into doing so and i deeply love and appreciate seein everyone else draw her cause sdhjfkgjkhsgdfhjksdfg they are adorable and perfect >>76175 there's gonna be a seperate weight gain romhack and right now they're working on most of the levels iirc https://vxtwitter.com/thickposting/status/1813395722378629151
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A source, a source, my kingdom for a source! https://www.deviantart.com/drilldan/art/Moot-4-939924196
>>76344 If you’re referring to the fat moot romhack it’s here https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/677481708/#677750387
>>76348 Now we need Nintendo to use this version of the game at their new museum.
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>>76350 >Now we need Nintendo to use this version of the game at their new museum. Nintendo hates ROM hacks, and would ruin your life for having suggested they show off a fetish hack at their family friendly Nintendo museum. I would not be surprised if they've already sent the ninjas your way, actually. They're probably off the plane right now as we speak.
How would i go about ripping the sprites from this romhack?
>>76353 Damn bro it was a joke 😭
Anyone have that one patch that lets you play as ayamari? I have an idea
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>>76398 God damn it.
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im sure its a lazy edit but oh well idk if she has a tail but i gave her one just in case>>76446
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>>78395 Cute.
The fat moot hack is up https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/697230857 https://catbox.moe/c/oufkqr https://files.catbox.moe/jshn2z.sfc
>>78843 where’d it go????
>>78895 The /v/ thread's archived and the catbox links are still active.
>>79136 Make me want to milk in that pussy.....
>>79691 WHO MADE THIS?????
>>79691 >Ohmmm, I won't buy--...well, maybe I'll buy you another burger...
there's a longplay if you want to see https://youtu.be/WBJv95dFmgE?si=1dwcY4t9MZyg4Xuz
>>79750 I played it. Difficulty aside, it's pretty good, though it's also funny how this longplay apparently has more views than the main /v/orld hacks.
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by jonhcereal986 on deviantart
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Would you hug her?
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>>80916 Of course!
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apparently i missed an entire fat moot thread and im only just waking up and seeing the good stuff that came out of it https://arch.b4k.dev/v/thread/701608948/ i still need to draw her more and to clarify i, The Mischievous Creffanon, didn't work on any bit of the hack but i still love the work that was put into it and seein more of their cute art!!! >>81131 That Was For Mentioning The Simpsons. >>76344 this entire sequence is still godlike and i wanna just get smothered by her massive doughy belly as she scarfs down entire islands in seconds and meows for more,,,,,
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>>81132 There was also this one and one from an unrelated art thread.
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>>75404 Janny BTFO’d forever
>>81885 Who’s this??
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Another good-ass thread happened, with more new draws. https://arch.b4k.dev/v/thread/702823849/
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Y'all can cook up a janitor.ai bot of fat moot cat or just moot cat so i can make her fat? Cuz i know jack's shoes about her
>>81976 this was a godly thread!!!! i loved seeing the sprite guide as well and hope that eventually people make more awesome hacks like this hgsjdfkhjkdfghjksfdghjk everyone on xfinity was banned for a few days so im late to actually saying this
>>82301 there was a sprite guide yoooo?
