/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Chikn nuggit 2 Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 23:20:56 Id:7e7927 No. 58854
Now with canonical Cofi X Chee. Post more of the fat animals here.
>>61231 Yeah. I don’t think that’s a good idea, pal.
>>61343 Uh... You might wanna stay away from that chick. Her son REALLY doesn't want anybody with her.
>>61415 What about his teacher? Is she available?
>>61415 >>61416 No, she doesn’t really seem like my style. God, why do all of the best girls have to be taken?!
>>61419 I’m asking for me. I thought the teacher was adorable and chubby as hell
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>>60933 Feeder freak Cofi
>>61432 Mfw this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6RN4w1QSo2Q&pp=ygUmSG9seSBmdWNrIHloaXMgaXMgd3JvbmduIGJ1dCBob2x5IGhlbGw%3D
Wow, that tag-team match really left some marks on me. Alright, I’m gonna do the drawing sometime today. Anything else I should include?
>>61435 Hey Gilbert.
>>61479 Anyone got any more Slushi fanart? I’d love to see her fatten up~.
>>61104 I’m glad you’re the anime Mantaro. I hated your manga counterpart, too snobby for no reason. I heard your dad’s getting a new anime arc. How do you feel about that?
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>>61523 I know this ain’t art of my chick, but…
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Hey! Wh-what happened to my sis?!
>>61546 Honestly, I'm glad my old man is getting his chance on the boob tube once again! I can't wait until I get the reboot treatment. (Any more Sass fanart?)
>>61674 You better not touch my sis’ chick… or else.
>>62032 Ill bring her by her neck & slut her out then youre next you never been fucked by strong bull
>>62032 Wait, I just had lunch with her, and I even patted her gut. What does that mean?
>>62052 Ehh, That’s fine. As long as you don’t try to steal her from cofi.
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New chikn nuggit art dropped
>>62105 Chikfila twerk special
>>62105 Are you trying to gain too, Hawt Saus
>>62105 Fake, i wouldn’t DARE let anybody see my ass.
>>60720 Is she dead?
>>62787 They only said reported dead. Who knows what a crazy woman like her can pull off. Destroyman was reported dead twice and he still came back
Where is the Sequel to this?!
>>62790 Yup, she's bad. She wasn't even hot anyways. I need my preggy calico cat.
>>62904 You better watch out for Destroyman too
>>62812 Didn’t that chanmattlet person leak the rest of that?
Can anyone find me the HD version?
>>63243 Yup!
Thanks my man!
>>63245 Hey, that's MY chick!
bump. Preg Cheezborger plz
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(Art cred: Donutlord on Fur Affinity)
>>65536 hell yeah.
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So, one of my friends that lives in Paradise, Arizona, decided to ditch his naggin' bitch off a wife to get with Chee. Turns out that he had a major plan for her. I knew he wasn't that much of a extrovert, but damn, he pulled a baddie and didn't pull out in time. He regrets nothing. (Art cred: Anon artist on the draw request thread. Check them out.)
>>65580 saws u seein' this?
>>58892 Give me details about her and I'll do It.
>>65900 I made this a longtime ago, but ok. The scenario is that the user finally gets to met her after hearing Sody Pop mention her so many times. Much to their surprise, she's humongus! The user then proceeds to hang out with her, trying to make a good first impression. Her personality's the same. You can add onto it.
Found this image of Slushi. I know it aint much, but u gotta make the most out of anything ya find.
>>65900 how's the work coming along?
(Art Cred: danthetrain16 on Deviantart.)
>>65900 Did he dip?
