/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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The Lion King Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 16:07:26 Id:a3e790 No. 60070
Post TLK fat art to your heart's content
The Most sexier fat Scar
(74.44 KB 1104x1200 GBVaMTqXUAA4qHA.jpg)
>>60316 Literally Fat!Scar is the perfect husbando. I need this man in my life
(358.08 KB 2048x1856 Dc3YYDUVMAAx84e.jpg)
>>60322 Yes. He looks so sexi in this size
>>60322 Amen to that.
>>60326 Dress yourself my guy. Expensive taste or no taste.
(208.54 KB 1010x1280 1616088834.dragontzin_scrshwr.jpg)
(100.01 KB 1920x1080 EiuusnTXsAAVY6O.jfif)
(89.29 KB 1920x1080 Eiur7u-XkAMyjfA.jfif)
(127.82 KB 1920x1080 Ei7Wy8gXsAEJ67p.jfif)
(123.64 KB 1920x1080 Ei7WyqmWoAAn4i5.jfif)
(108.46 KB 1280x1280 1528207048.ranno_sketch_528.png)
Mufasa in his truly King size
(127.19 KB 1280x1022 1317237353.tato_tkl_binge2.jpg)
(203.35 KB 750x586 KottyEduardoSm.jpg)
(264.08 KB 687x900 KottyFatGenerations.jpg)
(241.36 KB 886x545 Simbanalafat.jpg)
(161.30 KB 1280x914 1625868482.zilcher_comm.jpg)
(110.42 KB 1280x960 1580007636.vanttalon_vitani.jpg)
(211.99 KB 1280x886 XZrEWOe.jpg)
(481.15 KB 1000x800 1522873416.whiteraff_nuswing.png)
(174.10 KB 1132x732 LionsPrideC.png)
(312.03 KB 2000x1470 big_cub.png)
(619.91 KB 3000x1800 january_reward3.png)
(504.96 KB 3000x2000 january_reward2.png)
(625.66 KB 3000x2000 february_reward_12.png)
(587.31 KB 2500x1500 march_reward6.png)
(725.15 KB 3100x2583 NjSzBMN.jpg)
Post more art of Kion! :D
(356.65 KB 1280x1265 1475567161_kanteun_image.jpg)
(331.64 KB 1164x1280 1472766730_kanteun_image.jpg)
(290.40 KB 1280x988 1472907027_kanteun_image.jpg)
Kion should be the fattest lion of the pride, he is just a cub obsessed with social media and mobile games.
Any good Kion fat story?
Anyone want to talk about fat lions on Discord?
Who is your favorite character from the TLK cast?
(359.24 KB 2048x1343 GMRsUZ4WwAA5AuN.jpg)
>>63378 I love how the head is blatantly pasted on.
(316.31 KB 2048x1519 GNvF9WyX0AAvb2V.jpg)
(345.70 KB 2048x1593 GLVAmCWWYAAPZzc.jpg)
(192.82 KB 2048x1799 GIoEW5wW8AAv-Sz.jpg)
Honestly is funny to think that it's just, one person posting things in here, and that nobody gives a shit about anything in here except for this one person.
Keep on posting, Anon, we know how much of a terrible person you are.
(514.29 KB 2283x1614 IMG_6157.jpeg)
Waiting for more Kionlicious pictures.
(50.28 KB 690x848 1195163087.gnight_ma.png)
Have some Ma.
(993.30 KB 1083x1503 timmabut.png)
(168.24 KB 1059x868 timmasedit.jpg)
>>68069 Not a bad idea! This thread is a bit short on female characters
(260.32 KB 801x686 timma1.png)
(217.91 KB 816x671 timma2.png)
(212.59 KB 660x664 timma3.png)
(330.87 KB 779x520 timma4.png)
(152.75 KB 804x576 timma4unblocked.png)
>>68461 >>68069 these are from discord
Don't forget Timon and Piper!
(282.53 KB 2048x1651 20240704_094831.jpg)
