/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Beg Thread 5 Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 04:33:38 Id:c0e77a No. 63217
Kemono/Paid Content thread.
>>76590 You're an idiot, Wildcat. You totally glossed over my statement, which is the fucking truth, and brushed it off as "doubt". Why can't you learn to take criticism? Has no one ever given you any sort of negative feedback in your life? >>76591 Anons have already been doing this, they don't need your shitty "anchor" post.
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>>76603 >I am smart
>>76606 >The R-word is HATE SPEECH Retard lol
>>76633 No, I called you a retard. If you're offended, that is no one's fault but yours. How about you grow a thicker skin and learn to take the damned punches? Words only have the power that you give them.
Can anyone update RoaryAndFriends on Kemono?
Someone get this guy on Kemono or dump his pics on here https://www.patreon.com/AbsoluteGOOFNY
Get this guys stuff on Kemono or here https://www.patreon.com/AbsoluteGOOFNY
anybody have that rescue rangers animation made by jackurai a while back
Anyone have this pack?
Hello i just wanna see the video
Hi i just wanna see the video
Anybody got dabubby/bubby860's full pic?
could anyone get this one? as well as his other works from his Patreon? https://www.patreon.com/ThatDarnFoxCreations
Can anyone update Yellowhellion on Kemono?
Someone have this? https://www.patreon.com/posts/jumbe.....tent=join_link
Anyone have any mutual art?
anyone have any mursula art?
Someone please update wolfoesempai!
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Wondering if anyone has bought and are willing to share these two at least the shared love one since there’s no real way to buy it anymore.
Is Kemono just completely down for everyone else, or is it just me? It's giving me an error upon opening the website.
https://baroncroc.itch.io/the-eternal-feast Anyone got this?
>>77289 Bad news, Kemono lost access to Patreon's API
Anyone got the most recent heftyscale patron pics?
Does anyone have the Tales of Bella Ventus curse of the sky fort VN ? https://red-deer-studios.itch.io/tales-of-bella-ventus-curse-of-the-skyfort
>>77305 "API", What's that?
>>75653 Sorry, re-up? Dammit I need to check back more
anybody got volkenfox ilustrated stories?
Can someone update sleepyras's kemono page? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/38739156
This thread has been spammed for two months and you're not getting shit can you poors drop it already
>>77447 >"API", What's that? The people who are unable to take a hint that Kemono is practically dead don't know what a fucking API is? Imagine my shock.
https://nekocrispy.e-junkie.com/product/1864382/My-Chubby-Horse-Friends-2-Artpack :)
I'm happy for the artists, but it's tough to keep paying for all the artists we love...
>>77259 Check out random124537383 on deviantart they are posting most of their comics including the shared love
Anyone update this Pateron? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/5140782
anyone got https://bubblegumdrgn.itch.io/kink-jinxed-halloween-3
>>77035 Anyone at all?
Now that the patreon importer is fixed, can someone please add Valerya5 patreon to kemono.
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Since the patreon importer is working again for kemono can someone please post this???
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https://www.patreon.com/AbsoluteGOOFNY Import this guys schtuff on to Kemono!
>>69193 Bump
Please add rubypanda to Kemono https://www.patreon.com/rubypanda Hornbuckle too pls https://www.patreon.com/ArtByHornbuckle
Jolene dubois's patreon anyone?
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Anyone got access to this? If so, send full image please Art credits: V1sage
FloofToonZ update would be greatly appreciated. Much thanks.
PLEASE add this artist to Kemono https://www.patreon.com/posts/master-of-all-116327637?
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Get this guy on Kemono! https://t.co/nRiUN3CRuu
Can someone please update Roary's kemono page? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/23500420
Can someone update Ccracker https://kemono.su/patreon/user/2339615
