/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(625.49 KB 806x834 "Here.".png)
Draw Request Thread NEO hpuser 05/30/2024 (Thu) 02:48:35 Id:80eaa5 No. 65467
Come put your requests here
(448.46 KB 534x1299 IMG_1898.png)
Gonna be a long shot, but can someone please draw Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman morbidly obese? Please and thank you!
do you have any social media username?
>>76240 Thread bump
(875.36 KB 1880x2820 Silaris.jpg)
Requesting for someone to draw Silaris (Sea Salt) in their own style.
(1.33 MB 5744x5095 IMG_5828.jpeg)
>>76340 Donerald
(9.42 MB 2456x2096 IMG_2388.png)
Anyone have any uncensored Mursula art?
(420.33 KB 1620x1497 rteret.png)
>>77306 Enjoy it!
>>78786 Nice! Wasn’t expecting anyone to fulfill my request, thank you!
(334.93 KB 1100x1700 spr_liz_happy.png)
Request for Liz (Best dino) to be as fat as Clarabelle on the right?
>>77117 Not exactly the reply you're probably hoping for but you can learn the basic of opening and posing a 3d model in blender in about 20 minutes. There's plenty of fat 3d models out there and it might help.
a freind of mine would love to see fat art of randall from monsters inc. preferably with him on the scare machine being blown up, specifically to the proportions of one of wojti2000's pics
(97.95 KB 1000x542 Roz_Reading_The_Daily_Glob.webp)
I am that friend, and let me explain my thought process. The idea is Randall being blown up to this size via the scream machine he was planning to use in kids to extract screams directly since in the film its implied thst excessive use of the machine on an individual will sorta drain them of energy like how Fungus is white and wheezing, so I figured dthe opposite of that would be someone like that conniving skinny little bastard getting extremely obese from kids screams (or laughter, which would probably get Jim to blob size considering kid laughter is much higher in energy level than screams) and if I could add an idea, there's this newspaper that advertises a massive weight gain diet full of disgusting junky slop, with a picture of that exact magazine in the film. I'd think for some reason as a sort of revenge Randall is forced to undergo this diet and becomes immensely huge; It's not as detailed as the scream machine but if it's easier to draw I wouldn't mind
>>76240 Por favor
>>74684 >>74910 Bumping my request if anyone is willing to do it
Can this pic have a sbbw belly on her please?
I'd love to see a fat and massive continent sized (North America) of Stella Goose (pale purple version when she first meets Boris) on Balto 3 Wings of Change animated movie and still gluttonously feeding on a massive giant sun sized feeding vat in space that is constantly reproducing whale fat for Stella to feed her uncontrollable gluttony for whale fat.
>>65467 Requesting this to be remade in your art style.
(232.04 KB 792x598 jnaskdjsjdhakjshdqw.png)
a little edit and color of saxxon
>>65467 i wanna see someone here dickaround with this sprite sheet here (https://www.deviantart.com/zeroghostrei/art/Bottom-Heavy-Gardevoir-Kirlia-Sheet-1011817146) and see what happens (you can use other sprites if you want to)
>>79340 >saxxon You're a man of taste, anon. >>79384 Goatse?
(928.29 KB 1638x1263 COCOMADNESS.jpg)
>>79385 thanks men. i finish it already
(3.70 MB 4032x3024 20241228_213023.jpg)
>>79248 You've got me a little bit there with that request, but here's a sketch
I would love to see someone draw Naomi as her normal self and or as blueberry and or as a flexible juiced doggo! I love her so much! For some reason it's not letting me upload her full blueberry pic
(1.39 MB 990x797 Capture 75.PNG)
Let's see if this will work...
(527.42 KB 2410x2796 IMG_20241230_200232.jpg)
Could someone make her naked?
>>79532 The fuck you on about?
Bro's on his period, don't worry about him
You posting these art requests somewhere? Cause I'm only on deviantart, furaffinity and Discord.
How about Pepper the Dutch Warmblood grey mare on Horseland TV series, fattened huge, massive and covering up all of the Horseland ranch?
>>79610 Get your crypto ai slop the fuck outta here
>>69198 As apologies for bumping the thread, I'd like to bump this request, less restrictions tho
(239.54 KB 1280x592 Iwon'tforgetyoubuddy.webm)
>>71920 Bumping this.
Lien-Da from the Archie Sonic comics, but as fat as this?
Requesting a picture of Smolder (first picture) with a bit of weight gain with curves, being in denial about her gain but still eating, something like the second picture
(583.03 KB 958x1200 f0174b0fd272d4898079.png)
>>65467 I would like these anthros merged into one, please.
>>80230 Three into one, that is.
>>80230 >>80231 This is retarded. You may very well beg an artist to draw a totally new OC at this point. There's no point in merging three literal who characters.
Probably won't happen but can someone redraw this ai artwork of raboot
(1.74 MB 1274x1233 040404.png)
(438.89 KB 1024x1331 IMG_8519.png.jpg)
(705.54 KB 1368x1368 Iron_Man_Hero_Portrait.png)
Very odd request but can someone sketch a simple linea art pic of IronMan and a pudgy Sisu in the same pose as Gordon/Krystal?
can someone victoria, who is supposed to be a chubby cat (left) overfeeding officer kitty as a huge naked immobile slob (right), she’s stuffing her with donuts and brownies, after she finishes feeding her, she burps very loudly
>>80849 also sorry for some misspelling here, I don’t speak english
An edit of the first image of minnie mouse around this size from the 2nd image please. (2nd is by AltzEgoz)
(332.67 KB 2048x1365 Yuna feeder his BF Legoshi.jpg)
(60.77 KB 500x500 King_Triton_DHBM.webp)
(184.46 KB 1398x1494 Ursula.webp)
Could someone draw an Ursula fattening up King Triton? Here are my specifications: a. Ursula has to be like Juno (female wolf) b. King Triton must be the same size as Legoshi (male wolf), that is, the same belly c. King Triton must have the same expression as Legoshi d. Ursula must also have the same expression as Juno
I know I may be buried with other requests, but the cheshire cat has potential
>>79485 but why request when all of the things you asked of you already seen and have?
>>80905 Because, I'd like to see her in someone else style, like if she's a blueberry, someone could draw her being bounced on or being rolled, or if after being juiced you could give her a new pose with her being flexible like... I had some drawings in my head that I've seen but idk where they are, or if's she's normal just make her Receiving the golden ticket, or just make her being her cute self lol, I just wanna see more of her if that makes sense, I barely see her anymore and it's sad :((
>>80866 This shit ain't furry, FOHB
>>80925 no shit sherlock, people can draw them as furries
(135.80 KB 377x428 Puar_Artwork.png)
Could someone make fat puar art from theses bases?
