/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 02:20:37 Id:67ba22 No. 67271
Five Nights at Freddy's Thread 5
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>>72041 Source?
>>73135 KrimdelaKrimxon on twitter
Can you add more Circus Baby?
Rockstar Chica deserves more fat art!
(450.72 KB 1022x1001 IMG_3566.jpeg)
SunsetteOS has some pretty good chica stuff on patreon tn
(98.89 KB 1234x906 IMG_8086.jpeg)
Any archives of the previous thread?
>>76387 I swore I saw a time lapse vid of pics 1 & 3 on yt somewhere tho
Can someone post this video here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d75a2oh53v39u04usywkq/FrennisPizzaFeastHD.webm?rlkey=sw4zba0qtfx9wx50xg9g868ya&st=wblsc5z5&dl=0
Some more Foxy would be nice
(6.62 MB 1920x1920 FrennisPizzaFeastHD.webm)
>>76678 >Can someone post this video here Okay, but the file is literally a .webm and is well below bbw-chan's file size limit. Why couldn't you be bothered to post it yourself? As if the anons on this couldn't any more dumber...
(135.12 KB 1412x1080 Gb0wh9sXYAIOLmy.jpg)
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BubbleFox_NSFW is at it again!
>>77507 Could someone add sound to this?
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Not fnaf related but it's spoof film Willy's wonderland recently had a ebay auction of all it's costumes! Crazy most sold for only $3,000 or under. I believe willy himself is still for sale if someone wants to impress your friends next con. Anyways close ups of the characters out of the darkness and I never knew Ozzy ostrich has such thick inflatable thighs 👀 but I think I've snagged all the female images at least if anyone wants them for reference for art
(355.14 KB 480x960 Screenshot_20241208-193833.png)
Willies still for sale for someone who has the cash although he's the highest at $8,000
>>78716 https://www.ebay.com/itm/267090160670?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=j7vpIRkEQYa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=wUZMgY9-Swe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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There hasn’t been many fat robo boys in this thread so I decided to take initiative
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(881.29 KB 2932x3450 FaYt-u5XkAMWNDj.jpg)
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