/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Muffet Thread Muffet Thread 09/18/2021 (Sat) 14:08:58 Id:01c875 No. 7278
Anything with the Character Muffet can go here Slobs and alts are also welcomed
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random messy spider
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>>55212 Her relaxing in a web and then it snaps.
>>55212 Maybe Muffet struggling to put clothes on due to her fat body while toriel (or someone else) watches, blushing
>>55212 Maybe her being force fed by her own spiders? Or having to eat all the “failed” donuts causing her to blimp up in size
>>55270 >>55277 Lovely! :) Can't wait to see all the other bodyshapes! And your other pics of her are great, too!
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>>55353 >>55348 >>55350 All great pieces, but do you not want to do horny? >>55271 It’s alright if you have limits
>>55358 I've been thinking about it, I just haven't settled on a specific idea.
>>55359 Thanks for thinking about it at least. If you can do sweat, have her overheating from horniness. If you can show vagina, have it leaking and sunk deep into her fupa
>>55361 But above all else, show how pathetically useless her reach is even with six fat hands doing everything to pleasure herself. Her top arms grabbing her own face from the mind-breaking need, her middle arms lifting her roaring belly as high as they can, and her lower arms falling just short of reaching past her lower belly. Maybe have her fat feet curling in anticipation
>>55348 >>55350 Fantastic! Thank you! :) Will you do a combination of all three as well?
>>55390 Seconded, and use that for the basis of the horny piece. Just have her leaking all over
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>>55514 hell yeah!!! lovin these muffets you're makin!
>>55516 What are you talking about? These >>55514 are just reposts of >>55275 and >>55277
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>>55535 Just let the man fucking cook, anon. He should be proud of his work.
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>>55514 >>55516 Check the thread next time ya goobers!
>>55542 >5 pictures taken moments before disaster She's about to experience breasts, belly and ass sizes like >>55348 >>55350 and >>55270 (or even >>55277), all at ONCE
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>>55549 Yes, that will come. I intend to make it a sequence. Doing some smaller stuff in the meantime.
>>55773 Nice! :)
I wonder if you could draw Muffet with a grumbly belly? >>55773
>>55841 Smokii, is that you?
That wasn’t me, but this is me Hi 👋 >>55847
>>55858 Hi. Are you getting any inspiration for a muffet here?
Lotta stuff here definitely helps, lots of great blob shapes 👀 When I do draw her I wanna give her darker colored arms tho >>55861
>>55865 That’s awesome. Thank you for being here to witness it
>>55847 Nope, like they said.
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sultry spider
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come on, we need more spider!
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>>55212 Obese Muffet, with sweatpants that covers half of her stomach/fupa. She also has a graphic tee. Another of her meeting Travis Touchdown (NMH3 Chibi design) with this shocked expression on his face, and him saying “Call me ‘Vanilla Ice’ because I’m aboutta ‘Cream’.”(Jojo ref) She is amused by his reaction.
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>>55212 >>57176 No need to sound desperate, but r u still active on this thread? Plus Chibi Trav needs to have the energy of a PhantomArcade doodle. Here’s what I mean
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Le saved
>>60916 I dont eat your cookies. Have my own thanks
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anyone know if there’s any good fat muffet ai chatbots on beta character or spicychat?
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