/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fat Mao Mao Thread anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 02:08:01 Id:1ece10 No. 78214
post this one here
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need more fat mao mao :3
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>>78637 tbh obese black cats in general are really hot, but mao mao's chaotic personality and deep voice make him that much better :3c
>>78697 Real real his deep voice is so hawtttt hehe
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What sorta story ideas do you lot have for our lovely sheriff / his other folk?
>>78728 Him and badgerclops feeding themselves I am very original
>>78720 thank you for the large load of mao mao art <3
I love this thread ^^ hopefully it doesn't disappear like the last ones lol
Perhaps I could help revive it? I don't have any pictures but God do I love this fat ass cat and would love to talk about it~
Same here!! He's my fav!! ❤️
>>78987 Man he's so hot yea I would love to turn him into a washed up fatty version of himself
>>78998 Whatcha like about him hehe
Huge dilfy black cat; imagine that outfit ripping to expose his massive, sweaty furry cheeks~
He's just perfect Id love to do rps with him and bc more often
Bc? Also imagine his massive furry black ass letting one rip potentially eheh~
>>79017 oo definitely i see it same uwu imagine if he was wearing a tight suit before he expanded it wide open ripping it
Revealing all that fluffy blubber~
Omg can we do an rp by chance?? And bc as in badgerclops
Eh, I'm not really into him and I don't really rp much unless I'm actuslly close with people, we can talk about him more though
Alright then, so you think he'd just fall to cobbler?
Elaborate when you say "fall"~
>>79057 like let himself go into gluttony~
Obviously~ do you think he'd eat little too much to handle if you know what I mean?
>>79059 absolutely~ and then he'll try to go on patrol and be out of breath~
>>79038 And he'd be very gassy too~
>>79057 imagining him trying to steal cobbler and go from sheriff to pirate all because of his gluttony huff
>>79038 Poster from earlier in the thread. When I was looking for Mao Mao art a couple weeks ago, I was genuinely so disappointed that I couldn't find any art of him ripping ass. I cannot describe how desperately I need art of Mao Mao gorging on a supply of sweet and greasy foods, causing his ass to violently erupt with hot, steamy gas.
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>>78720 God, that last one is really good, what's the source?
>>79378 Could you download the art and send the full res file?
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Does anyone have an full pic on patreon?
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>>80390 where did you find this??
source: meowmymyamo
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>>82176 edited to remove the five year old
>>82176 artist?
>>82224 https://inkbunny.net/gallery/ToonTwister3D/1/1b43f51257 this guy I think
