/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:57:10 Id:375ad8 No. 864
Looking for the name of an artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
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>>62002 Sauce is @HighlandHeifer,
Super hard request: I want a drawing of the artist Kelvin The Lion where two boys get fat eating corndog in a local fair.
Anyone know these artist? I found this screenshots and i want search more images by these artist
a while back i saw this tf sequence of some girl turning into a fat anthro whale. had multiple pages i've searched everywhere my porous brain can think of and i can't find shit
>>62166 Ho awsome, This was not the one I meant but this is nice allso. The one I was thinking of was a comic no coloors, panals and so
Because of some faggot named PokoChoko got their account deactived, who here has archived FatOwen's stuff from Twitter??
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Anybody know the sauce of this one? I’ve been looking for a while and nothing has come up.
sauce on this?
>>63203 Check e6 under the gelatingent tags
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Someone know who is this artist?
Can't find the name of this paid inflation/stuffing comic about a poodle lady inflating to the size of a blimp and a fox lady gorging herself about as big. Think the setting was 18th century France and every page was written in a limerick. Thanks in advance
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Sauce? (I know it says the artists name, but I cannot find their page)
>>63263 G string all in my face. Now thats what you call teasing. Ass just all out. In my face. Thats what you call teasing my poor soul have been intentionally traumatized by huge booty
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Sauce for both of these?
>>47129 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55600017/
Alright, since R9K doesn't want me to send the image, here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/510992868681187343/1235666285711589496/Catt.jpg?ex=66353368&is=6633e1e8&hm=5393201a0974e3d73bd749c348c49380b1fdb24db6643eac2d0d957a8e5a5615&
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I saw an image of a furry girl wearing a shirt that said "boy boob inspector" heres my best recreation in ms paint, any help? I think the artist name started with a "c"
>>44442 Could anyone find this art in high resolution and in its entirety along with its source?
>>60699 How about this one sequence where Sally Acorn becomes larger or smaller and gets corrupted? I am aware that Blorped Sally is the name of one of them, but I can't recall the identity of the artist.
>>63223 Inky_Skink_Art on FA
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Looking for this artist and all of their other art, or if someone has all their art saved
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All I have to go off of is this. Any help's appreciated
>>64293 saw it today but now can find it but it was lawd
im looking for the coco and cream sequence that sometimes get upload here and sometimes get deleted, if anyone have pls send to me in my discord (noir0903), thanks u guys
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Sauce on this? Found it in the Chilli Heeler thread a bit ago
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>>46032 here
>>64392 https://twitter.com/GengarGreene/status/1789820961157513271
(Warning, farts) aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2ZpbGUvZC8xTkg5YVBIdmo2eVV2ZElQX3MxbGt6ckxCVFE1WVJQT2I= Here's an odd one for y'all, just send as many pics as you're able to find
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Full quality version of this? (Artist is Wonkalicious)
https://thisvid.com/videos/rainbow-dash-inflation3/ Source please.
does anyone have this image https://www.patreon.com/posts/bitch-gonna-pop-97640114?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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>>66196 Sorry to disappoint you anon, that's an edit I made awhile ago. Here's a link to the original artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/nerveendz/art/I-think-I-ate-a-little-too-much-971153343
>>66201 Saw this on a discord and was losing my mind trying to find the artist. If you really did do this edit, I ain't even mad. This is really good anon
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I’m trying to look for a comic featuring Lycanroc and Braixen that is based off from this comic by Matt_Rat. Braixen ends up flattered, saying “Oh, you”, and farts.
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I could really use some help finding the source of this image, I know it's by baobaopangoro but I can't narrow it down at all.
>>66441 It's on CyberXilophone's Patreon as part of a story he posted. Fucker always keeps his patreon stories and pics under lock and key (His Kemono is useless since he only sends stories through DMs and Discord)
>>66474 is there anyway to get it from his discord, doesn't Kemono have something like that?
Speaking of kemono what’s goin on with that I heard there patreon import thing is down or something like that?
Sorry if this is a long shot but does anyone have a sequence along the name of “cant be tamed” featuring a anthro aquatic in a zoo(?) gaining weight to the point they fill their exhibit. Thx in advance
Can someone please help me find a furry comic that was posted around 2019-2020 on Deviantart? It was a drawing of Lagartuz/Lagartuz_gartuz's OC Angela that was presumably made by him, but is nowhere to be found now. It was a top-to-bottom stuffing sequence of Angela standing in front of a table with all sorts of fast food on it, lamenting that she can't eat it because she's on a diet, but then decides to take "just one bite". The last panel depicts all of the food gone and Angela trying to pull her shirt over her swollen belly. It looked kind of like this picture (https://www.deviantart.com/lazygartuz/art/Bad-Memories-795155240).
>>60372 https://www.reddit.com/r/fatfurs/comments/1diff6s/anybody_know_this_artist_socialsarchive_or_the/
https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/67128.html#q67132 HELP spread my HASTAG #WILDCATISINNOCENTANDLEAVEHIMALONE
>>67310 Quiet.
>>67135 I'm afraid Wildcat is gone. The damage is done.
So yhe artist puffysharks recently released an animation of  Wile E Coyote gaining alot of weight with a hose in his mouth he go's round but still has fat folds and ther was a shot of his hands sinking into he folds. I'm wondering if anyone had downloaded it before the twitter was deleted as its a Shane to lose such a good animation. https://twitter.com/puffysharks/ Thats their twitter if that helps
>>67033 sp0ons but that account was deleted. I don't know if they have a new account or if they're even still around anymore. https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/66915388#p66999795
