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Lana2002 Curvage Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 07:15:00 Id:6f543b No. 110147
Here is what I have https://we.tl/t-BWNPxIG4kZ?src=dnl Post more Lana2002
>>185067 Sorry girl we got our own shit to deal with.
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She’s getting massive
>>188997 it will be fake anyway so
>>189004 You're not wrong. Video suss af
>>189007 yeah the entire videos fake. There’s a part where she shows her body standing up and you can clearly tell where she starts to photoshop (video shop?) her belly. Shame it’s entirely too obvious
I don’t think that’s true..I dont see any proof of editing and tbh I don’t think she’d know how to do that video editing is very difficult. She has worked hard I’ve followed her for years and she has been 350 for so long why would she lie she has been trying to get to this number for a while and I, super proud of her she definitely looks massive!!
>>189045 If you've been a follower of hers for years have you ever noticed how the scale fluctuates wildly and she never lets it settle? The video just ends.
I don’t know about you but I definitely see the scale stop t 4001/2 for like 2 seconds?? Also she explains why the scale fluctuates its natural with weight gain. A true fan of weight gain would understand that. She’s still sexy as hell and looks huge!!! Be proud of her
Her last weigh in was 392lbs at the end of 2023 so it’ll be interesting to see if she’s gained. I think she’ll be over 400 now. She’s definitely blimped up this year, so hot
>>189075 That weigh in was a scam.
>>189075 >>189052 It is one of the fakest weigh ins ive seen in years. She honestly sounds like the next Big Booty beauty. Same energy and the obvious photo shopping of pictures doesnt help
Mate it was a real weigh in. A shit one yeh but gotta remember how short this woman is. And look at last year's she Def looks bigger just stfu and have a wank she's gorgeous
>>189713 She's likely 350 lbs.
>>189713 any weigh in of hers I've seen always ends the same. The scale bounces around wildly then the actual video ends when it hits the number she wants. She never lets the scale settle because she's probably wearing a backpack full of stuff to make her seem heavier
Idk she has some where you can see her full body and there’s clearly nothing on her, like a back pack?? And nothing on the back of the scale I struggle to think how she’d cover that up when her full body’s in frame (in previous weigh ins) Also she definitely looks 400! Stop complaining have a wank and just appreciate her body it isn’t that deep😂 also she got stuck in a Maccies booth on insta so I’d say she’s defo at 400+ for that to happen 😍
Whaaa plz tell me you screenshotted it
How are we ripping things of OF atm? Whats easiest way?
actually the coomer has been updated for those who didn't know
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Not again
>>193130 She posted yesterday, then this out of the blue.
>>110147 Last thing she posted (yesterday): https://gofile.io/d/6W6wn9
>>193143 Is the video completely green for anyone else or just me?
>>193144 All green here too
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I just looked and her OF is normal
>>193144 >>193146 It looks like onlyfans has patched the way i download videos. How are we meant to get them off onlyfans these days?
>>193274 Try the Soul browser
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>>194089 Didn't she say that everything was gonna be free on her of?
Her new video does look good to be fair, may have not posted a lot recently but the wait seems worth it. Hopefully someone can share it before I give in and buy it
>>194126 Yes she did. Another empty promise
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Tbf her bio does say all her vids are no PPV except sex videos and this is a sex video right?
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So here is her statement regarding the pricing on the new squashing & s3x vid
>>194240 I think its good deal than most
>>194206 If by sex you mean penetration, i guess you could say it had that, except for the fact it was only 8 seconds long cus theres no way the dude couldve reached in
>>194369 We need a way of getting drm protected stuff from Onlyfans.
>>194355 >>195093 Onlyfans version: https://gofile.io/d/3Wfuj2
>>195583 Thank you so much bro
>>195583 Thank you for the video kind sir Gotta say tho that got weird at the end. And the state of her room and her private parts man. Guess it shows how lazy she is but there’s no way I’d be putting my face in there lol. Much bigger models that look after themselves better so no excuse really. Is it a turn of for you guys aswell? (Bad hygiene, dirty room etc)
>>195802 Nah ive seen far far far far far worst houses in the backgrounds of videos, especially when you get into the SSBBW territory.
Are you 12? Every big woman has some discolouration—it’s completely normal. What you’re calling “bad hygiene” down there is just hair, not dirt or whatever you think have you ever even seen a plus size woman’s vagina? Hers is perfect imo! And judging her room? She might not come from the richest background, but it’s not dirty, just some clothes on the floor—like most young girls rooms!!Such a rude comment! she’s absolutely perfect.
>>195969 The state of her room but its just a attic that has too much shit in it. My god wall are worried about everything but the fucking porn.
The pictures she added to instagram recently too her house is a fucking mess
I may be more easily distracted than others. But common. You telling me seeing bare shit on the floor dosnt ruin videos. I put money on it she stinks irl. I guess I just over analyse videos. Plus I’m less fond of her now she’s fallen of content and weight gain wise.
The state of her living space is just something to consider when you date obese you’re probably signing up for a mess too you either clean up after them or hire a maid most of the clean houses you see aren’t theirs or they have maids
>>196040 Yeah you definitely are cause seeing a cluttered room doesn't bother me unless it's some actual grimey shit going on. The only thing that takes me out of it is if I see their fucking pet walking around while their making a video.
>>196040 >>195802 Bro if you've never seen a woman in real life before just say so.... Every single woman on earth has discoloration, stretch marks, freckles, moles, hair etc. doesn't matter if they're skinny, fat or whatever like this isn't even fetish specific, for example you could examine yourself in a mirror and you'll probably notice exactly the same things, if you don't you're delusional and/or retarded
>>196029 You don't get that fat by being proactive
>>196437 My gf is just under 300lb and still gaining. She washes and creams everyday to avoid the discolouration where her skin rubs. I wasn’t tryna go on some next debate. Just simply stating from her videos she looks like a tramp. If that dosnt turn you off then fairs. But for me it does.
>>196492 I agree with you. These guys talking about “tELl mE YoUve NeVEr bEen WiTH a WoMan”. Being fat doesn’t mean you have to be dirty and unhygienic. Obviously discoloration is something will happen when you get towards that weight, but there are methods to mitigate it, being messy is a different story. not all fat people are messy and some fat women I’ve been with have had the cleanest houses I’ve stepped in.
