/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Outgrown Clothing Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 20:24:43 Id:a9fdcd No. 113576
post girls who got a bit too fat for their clothes. bonus points for bellies poking or hanging out, tight belts and button gaps
Does anyone have videos of girls ripping they’re tight/outgrown clothes
(611.22 KB 716x955 fatty blue dress.png)
(509.86 KB 720x1280 layla bursting out of clothes.webm)
(270.48 KB 1281x820 bigbellyjudy 2 fat 4 dress.jpg)
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Does anyone have a video so it's not all images?
(278.36 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2024-09-01-13h45m13s834.jpg)
>>170871 yeah I've got a few https://gofile.io/d/KjEc44
(247.31 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2024-09-14-11h32m21s701.jpg)
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>>173992 Damn. I found her back maybe 6 months ago on TikTok and didn’t think she’d get any bigger. Her belly has really ballooned out though!
(287.12 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2024-09-30-21h18m49s939.jpg)
(249.46 KB 1920x1080 vlcsnap-2024-10-12-10h34m06s299.jpg)
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>>176481 What’s the name??
>>179310 Feedist dani on curvage
>>179415 That’s a different model
>>179452 No its not. She just cut her hair recently lol
>>180110 Dang. I replied thinking he was talking about thr pictures from 10/27
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>>117588 Who is that ginger girl in image 2?
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KailMessy / MessyKail
>>184430 who this? this chick might make me pay for some shit
>>184484 Do you know what her contents like ?
>>184496 Lilbatfacedgirl on curvage
>>184484 She posts on Reddit / X quite often I’ve never seen her OF content tho
>>184627 Man she's so good looking. In recent posts her roundness is getting prominent.
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>>186971 Holy COW. literally. what a porker
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More tianastummy
>>186987 Where's that from chief?
>>119465 I think she took down her account, not sure if she has any other accounts
>>187000 https://gofile.io/d/pjsMEy
>>187013 Thank you worth the watch!.
>>173663 what video is this from?
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