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Diary of a Growing Girl - DOAGG 04/03/2024 (Wed) 06:37:51 Id:ea0a40 No. 153487
Pretty new on the scene, started her curvage in January. Sounds like she has pretty genuine plans to gain some and talks about loving her curves and has just posted her second weigh-in. Share any videos you might have, I’ve got one to start us off: https://mega.nz/file/AadCQTDI#g5svL2KQm1EUMPQXsQcjryABc8m31clkXgz-d9JtSPc
>>183119 Idk what it is exactly, but for some reason, I think the way you forgot a word in a 21 word sentence gives me the impression that YOU'RE slightly retarded. You couldn't proofread 21 word big guy?
icl tho i just spelled 'words' wrong. Maybe I'm slightly retarded too.
>>183477 This is not grammar dog. Give it up. Stop using Google translate. Its nkt helping
New video on the way?
Anyone know why she's taking so long for the next video ?
Probably cause she saw some people talk shit
Or shes legit quit doesn't wanna be fat anymore
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A good way to get someone to quit is to behave like clingy weirdos because they didn’t make a video for two weeks during the holidays
Here's the latest plateau video of hers https://gofile.io/d/hKA24M
>>184021 hahaha I got you bro
>>185439 I’ll drop it next week if no one else does first. Bought it but trying to give a week before sharing (similar to what they’re doing in the Housecow thread)
I can wait a week my guy
>>185480 Hey haha
>>185439 >>185480 as promised: https://gofile.io/d/IjhZ5t
>>186441 thanks a lot
>>186441 a rare soul we can trust their word here. outstanding
>>186441 Santa's real!
She has exceptional potential
New vid looks insane
>>188050 What do you mean there's nothing there?
My bad. Here are some of the previews
what was her starting weight?
>>188056 About 10 pounds lighter. From what I can see is more performance about gaining. She is good at talking about it in a sexy way. 0d7e8d
You can’t deny this bitch is smok’n hot. British accent puts her over the top
>>188050 https://gofile.io/d/yLyZgd
>>188091 you need to get your eyes checked bro
>>188110 I looked over the new video. Her belly looks stuffed but she looks like she has gained around 10 and is holding. 596
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Contributing newest vid to keep the thread alive, anyone got this vid? https://mega.nz/folder/NhZGiZCR#mKhCKooFUsxTg-b5fTCjTw
>>191663 thanks for the share, she is noticeably different from the start of this thread, she used to be tiny. Excited to see in a couple more months
Here's a decently recent vid. She gains slower than Candii so you're not going to see much change between videos. https://gofile.io/d/bTgJpt
>>188098 Yep. I don't mind if she is gaining kind of slow (I personally don't think she's that slow really but whatever)
Yoooo she dropeed again!! And this might be the greatest video she's ever posted...
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>>192332 Looking chubby >>192328
>>192342 I always supported her, but now I support her more. The gain is noticeable now
Is this the new goddess shar?
She actually got huge this last month https://gofile.io/d/dtTqk3
>>192489 Dude thanks so much!! I salute my liege
I think she is hot. Has great body and sexy accent. Where I disagree is… that she is into gaining. She has been at this a year? She looks like she gained 0 to 7 pounds. I see giant cheat meals and a girl teasing about getting fat. Most girls who go a cruise will gain that. Fake effort. Not taking away that she is hot.
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Can’t wait to see where this goes
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I’m a fan but man this slow release of content is killing me … 😔
Same here. I just dont like how she said shes gonna post a video but then never does for like a week or so. Just dont say anything if you do that
I have a feeling she much have some whale simps giving her money cause her disappearing for 2-4 weeks at a time is odd
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Here is a 30 video Diary of a Growing Girl file, courtesy of your content president. https://gofile.io/d/gqy7Qx Download! Download! Download!
>>195212 legend
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Is her newest vid worth it?
>>196934 She looks a LOT bigger doesn’t really show many different angles tho she’s just sitting the whole time
