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CouchQueen Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 16:33:55 Id:707933 No. 164082
I can’t find the last thread she had and I think it might be bumplocked, so I’m making this one. Anyone who would like to contribute content is much appreciated. Newer content is especially appreciated since she is looking bigger than she has in a while now Here are a couple vids of her: https://gofile.io/d/RTPXGT
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>>164708 What posts? Her Reddit account seems like a typical content creator pumping out teasers. Hers do seem to go a little more into the humiliation/“I’ve gone too far because of my boyfriend” arena, but it’s kind of hard to gauge where the kayfabe stops because then when she says it on camera it always feels more like she is reading a script. Genuinely curious where the fucked up posts are (because I’d probably be into them kek)
>>164799 Idk I stopped looking at them a while ago because she gives me the ick. I would assume if you go back a few months ago they're pretty gross. To each their own I guess.
I remember that in one weigh-in video 1-2 years ago, she looked about to burst into tears. Lots of people on Reddit were asking if she is okay, and she had to clarify that she is.
>>164902 Which vid?
>>164690 >>164686 noone likes being a fat sack of shit because it feels awful physically and mentally. you need a mental issue to find it attractive and she obviously has mental issues that are not that
frankly, she disappointed me too much. I would only be interested in her if there is a desire to explode. otherwise the subscription will go to another. too bad the crazy potential what an ace
Fuck you asshole
I totally agree the fact she has been same size for multiple years is 100% turn off she seems like a basic butch fatty. It was hot when she was gaining but she's just milking it and her bf is a pussy won't even blow her up or knock her up or wife her up. She's an idiot for wasting her time with a guy who will leave her eventually.
>>170990 You're 100% right in everything you said, but she's still never going to fuck you
>>171055 Did that even need to be said? She wouldn’t fuck him if he was the last man on earth and he ran a cheeseburger stand. The idea is so nonsensical that she would fuck him that I thought everyone knew it was never gonna happen in a million years
Anyone have her 4th of july/star spangled stuffing? I'm so desperate
>>174095 Here's the 4th of july one https://gofile.io/d/2jBevU
>>174113 This is amazing, thanks
Anyone got any old content?
Is it me or, she's finally getting bigger, but like really, she's finally getting bigger. It took a while
She is 2-4 lbs away from her heaviest weight. And this time she really looks helpless, because her multiples weight loss atempts to go back to 220 lbs have failed. I believe she just needs a little push to finally give in and I can't wait for it.
Anyone got the one where the dude fucks and cums in her belly button
2 Videos https://gofile.io/d/ZO332D
Looking for more of her hardcore vids if possible, had a storage issue and lost everything I had. 3 hardcore vids of her https://gofile.io/d/jJ6AMn
>>175766 Respect bro 🙋
>>176611 folder is private
I wonder if she broke her high weight. She does look bigger than ever
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New video is out https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/145233/30082799/he-made-me-fat
https://gofile.io/d/KKf7Ov This is the video where they paint it gold
>>185033 Fuckin Buffalo Bill over here
>>185046 "it puts the gold on it's skin" 🤣
https://gofile.io/d/p9mK7N I'd appreciate people sharing some of her stuff from the past couple of months that's not in the thread. Anything that doesn't have her boyfriend in it would be appreciated
>>185657 here you go, though it's not exactly what you requested https://we.tl/t-NiV7gVIRks
>>188756 Literally the exact opposite of what I asked for
>>188760 That's so funny. As an aside, I'm a huge fan of her hardcore stuff but had a pc crash and lost what I'd paid for, so thanks for uploading those
ngl, sometimes her vids are great and sometimes it's straightup weird like the gold paint one
Latest photos on reddit.
reflections and regrets https://gofile.io/d/1o75PF
>>189545 Thanks!. I hear a bit of sincerity of her voice, it's worrying if she's being forced to conform. On the other hand, does her spicy noodle video exist, I photos for it everywhere but I'm unable to find it?
she always looks miserable, is it just part of her character or does she get off on feeling badly about herself??
>>189585 As I saw on her Tumblr and other social medias, she get really turn on by this "degrading" game (which I love it). Ofc some of the things she said in that video can be true, but she is really concern about it and embrace it. She had shown that she is a really horny person, so i believe that's the reason behind all her videos style.
>>189585 i think she's just got that sad face / lowkey personality too. she had to make a post after her "i regret getting fat" video a year or two ago because of the amount of people expressing concern for her well-being. i think she's definitely into the degradation / lack of control / shame aspect of it, but i wouldn't be surprised if she has moments from time to time of regret and associated thoughts. i remember one tumblr model explaining that the lack of control one has over their eating and the feeling of being trapped in a vicious cycle are real, but that they also enhance the arousal they felt from the whole thing humans are complex lol.
>>189779 *i should say, she had to make a post in response to the concern explaining to everyone that she was acting, if it wasn't clear
>>191838 Mf really put gran turismo music in her video...
I saw she did a dolcett video a couple of years ago and some vore content. I love BBWs like Couchqueen that lean into the dolcett and vore side of the hobby. If they're going to get as fat as pigs, they might as well make content taking it to its natural conclusion.
