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Olivia Jaide: Bonafide Pig johnny sack 07/12/2024 (Fri) 21:24:13 Id:00eae9 No. 165651
Can't believe this thread doesn't exist already. This bimbo has really turned herself into an absolute prize hog. https://gofile.io/d/BMvxxE Her belly is damn near perfect, probably the best in the game.
some more olivia jaide stuff here https://gofile.io/d/AnwU39
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>>165791 heres some more stuff. please post what u have https://gofile.io/d/ccuBE5
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>>168199 That decode vid was hot asf
Cheers for the haul everyone! Would anyone happen to have this video? It’s an oldie, but a goodie: https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/14204961/ride-and-dine-breadsticks-hd
I'll try to see if I have more
https://www.cambro.tv/1149226/odette-delacroix-vs-olivia-jaide-part-2/ Found this can't download it and upload it on gofile since my downloader is fucked so here it is. There was some guy or gal who wanted this shit so Merry Christmas
>>168507 Amazing. Thank you sir. I see at least two other unseen rare Odette videos on there but of course the morons made them private videos. I can't sign up for some reason. I have lots to trade for though.
>>168529 Can you at least upload something that hasn't been uploaded before. I feel that's a little fair from me uploading that link tbh
>>168622 I don't have anything on Olivia. Wasn't ever that big of a fan of her. And you didn't upload shit, so stop whining. You found a video on a tube site and shared it. You still shared it, but you're acting like you went out of your way uploading your own finds or purchases. So please stop acting all entitled.
>>168622 Okay hold on, I literally just noticed you're using a username, so you DID upload content. That's my bad. But you're still acting entitled. I've been on other boards here on bbwchan sharing stuff all the time without anyone adding in, and so have many others.
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>>168638 I asked you a simple question you should relax. I think it's a fair question to ask since I didn't have to do that at all lol. It's not entitled to ask for someone to upload something if they mentioned that they had stuff to "trade". Especially when trading is against the rules. The whole point is to upload whatever you have. I swear everyone is on fucking edge on this website. Holy fuck anything small as a "can you upload what you have" can turn into something worse.
>>168622 >>168658 I meant trading with the cambro users with the videos, not you dip shit.
I think this thread needs rescuing https://gofile.io/d/OXacQw
>>168735 thanks man
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>>168728 Okay ur the one who blew it outta proportion. Ffs
>>168835 Anywayyyy heres another drop https://gofile.io/d/KzxzcJ
>>168735 >>168841 W drops y’all appreciate it
>>169968 I've got a lot of dog shit in my backyard. Do you need me to mail it to you? You could sniff it like my big shepherd does.
>>168841 Thanks bro ... u r great man ... if any hero have more plz upload it
thanks you x2!!
Would any kind soul have her Fried Chicken Family Meal vid? Here's her messy office cake coma vid in exchange: https://we.tl/t-Lmn82enXSD
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/68859/20387309/all-fours-cake-stuffing-fuck-mp4-1080 Anyone?
Found a vid https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-trampled/
>>173119 Thanks, hadn't seen that one. nice contrast. Funny how a skinny woman can jump on her while she laughs. Now she should do a part2 revenge clip with a few splashes as well
>>173524 Thanks! I like how you put any blonde model that looked remotely similar lol
(3.94 MB 854x480 Cake Coma.webm)
>>184376 I fucking love her but I also wish she'd cut it out with those god awful nails
>>184443 https://we.tl/t-yDkNmei6wu If anyone has her Fried Chicken Family Meal vid, it'd be appreciated.
>>184450 Appreciate you boss I don’t have that one but I have others
>>184715 Yes the one thread that should be moved by now I agree
Hell ua
(7.28 MB 854x480 Health Update.webm)
>>189872 This sounds hot
>>189872 Wish my love for fat women didn't cause health issues for those women :(
>>189903 wtf? that's the best part
>>189992 i find it arousing I just don't want bitchs to die for being fat but whatever dude
>>190378 Agreed
Here's a video I found. If I can figure out how to download it I'll send the gofile version too. Post any new stuff that ya got. https://thisvid.com/videos/force-feeding-4/
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>>190699 >https://thisvid.com/videos/force-feeding-4/ To get files off ThisVid and CamBro (and a number of other sites that haven't use javascript/other means to prevent it) you just - Open Developer Tools in the browser - Go to the "Elements" tab at the top - ctrl-F to search for ".mp4" - Might be 1 to 4 or more results but one should usually list the URL you need after "video src=" lik in my screenshot - Just double click on that URL to highlight it, then right click and choose "Go to [video source URL]" That should open the video in a new tab on it's own, where you can right click on the video to save it. All of this on Chrome on my laptop, so YMMV but it works for a surprising number of sites -------- Here's the Download: https://gofile.io/d/ntvmhE
>>191438 Thanks for the explanation
you might not like this stuff as much, its from early on her first ManyVids stuff: https://pixeldrain.com/l/qyF7xa8m
>>191438 Thxs for this tip. Here's some vids i downloaded because of it. https://gofile.io/d/ccuBE5
>>191819 Also anyone upload whatever you have even if its old stuff that people haven't seen before.
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How are my great patriQts of BBW-Chan doing? Your content president comes bearing a content drop on this fine American night! Here is my 99 video Olivia Jaide folder: https://gofile.io/d/3xBSSp DOWNLOAD! DOWNLOAD! DOWNLOAD!
