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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Tianastummy Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 09:51:55 Id:f42b73 No. 172305
New Thread since the last one is gone
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Money shot
>>188375 you fuckers think everything's a morph
>>188478 Feels like we're witnessing something generational
>>188497 Helps her face is still 1 from 1 and hasn't completely lost any of her charm from her fat.
>>188497 Not trying to start shit, but yall remember years ago when she was just a tumblr girl and got called out for morphs and apologized? Glad she’s actually a proper fatass now, lol.
The link won't work for me for some reason 😕
Same, not sure why coz other gofiles work fine. Anyone got any ideas how it can work on iPhone? Tried my Mac as well still didn’t work
>>188497 This is 100% generational, she's ridiculously sexy
Her face shows her complete dedication to hog lifestyle
Any updates on the absence.?
Enjoy gents, she's back. https://gofile.io/d/JJjlGf
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>>189628 Yup, bbwchan vibes are a thing and that message gives them. No way to deny that.
I hope Tiana doesn't pay any attention to the haters, and doesn't have a double chin liposuction and her boyfriend supports her and helps her love her like the rest of her body, she has a very nice double chin. I hope he doesn't get double chin liposuction because of a few rat children and human garbage.
>>189627 Tidings Dan! What an ironically timed comment. Love her stretchmarks!. Thank you
Did she get lip filler? I might be tweaking but I swear her lips look so plump in her newest tumblr photo- if so that would be so hot, I love that look
Her fat face and double chin are epic. Legit S tier and it's been one of the hottest things I've ever seen in this community. Sucks that she hates it, but goddamn face gains are sexy as fuck
No surgeon on earth will administer anesthesia if your BMI is over 45 joke is on her. She is past the point if no return and any weight loss will ruin her perfect fat. Only onward and upward from here and she knows it. Plus the double chin just comes back if you suck it out anyways. Don't worth her losing her nice taut fat. We all know how nasty Nadya looks now after she deflated.
I really hope she doesn't, I love her face the way it is.
>>189628 OP clearly wasn't trying to be mean with the message, I see shit like that being said constantly on ChubbyChiquita's tumblr and she loves it lol. Tiana just has low self esteem it seems
>>189727 Well, Dr. Now of "My 600 lb Life" puts his morbidly obese patients under anesthesia all the time. But then he does demand they lose some weight and they are about to die anyway. Agree too on Nadya, she'll need to put weight back on if nothing more for her own appearance sake
>>189628 Isn’t her boyfriend rlly into it? Strange.
>>189742 Not every gainer is into degradation and humiliation. This should be common sense to everyone who isn’t a level 3 spergtard and it doesn’t mean the problem is her, it’s you.
>>189756 Expand upon this?
>>189628 Ew chin lipo? Fucking gross! 🤮
>>189628 You have to wonder why models bother talking to anon asks. It's always gonna be someone scared to say this without a wall protecting them lol
>>189628 If she got rid of the chin i'd stop watching it's the best part. Belly is great and all but you can have a fat belly and still not look like a fat pig. I like it when they do, and you can really see the change
>>189755 sauce on this? last i checked the bf hasn't said anything ever
If she get rid of her double chin, i probably stop watching, one of her best features. Super hot.
god i would kill myself if she got rid of her chin
>>189628 Fattens themselves up into an absolute elephant but draws the line at a double chin Why do they do this?
>>189840 Low esteem and liking being fat till it effects facial features
>>189628 chin lipo'd fatties are hot bimbo bbws are hot and I'm tired of pretending they're not
>>190000 They're hot if that's their natural state, which is rare.
if bimbos could stop fucking up their lips, i can get behind them
>>189717 From her tumblr- she used plumping lip gloss. I wouldn’t mind if she did decide to get pillow lips though, I think the fat bimbo look looks good on her.
If she ever ruins her face gains I am so out, that is how you prove your dedication is sacrificing your hot skinny face for the whole package deal. If she didn't have that hot face to sacrifice to begin with she never would have built up a following like this. She is being swallowed up by feederism body and mind, another 100 lbs and she wont even be able to stop gaining even if her Feeder left her she would just upgrade for a new one instantly.
>>190119 Why does everyone always have to make stuff so serious?Touch grass. She doesn't owe you anything. Reevaluate that shit you wrote down and find something else to do with your time
Here's her latest funnel chug. Said her face is red from "micro-needling". Probably a euphemism to what trolls here would do to her face with their micropeens :D https://gofile.io/d/1YpZmy
Not sure why it's not boosting her page to the top.
>>190177 Bumplocked
>>190173 >Probably a euphemism to what trolls here would do to her face with their micropeens :D lol
>>190159 Nah man, didny you hear him? She has to “prove her dedication” to him, or else he’s OUT! How will she ever recover if he’s out, if people who aren’t even subbed start watching the content they get for free??? Lmao she really was right with BBWChan vibe being a thing
https://gofile.io/d/tQcQmr Most recent vid, she said she had some microneedling done which is why her face looks reddish and shiny
https://gofile.io/d/1RjoDd These are all just pictures but I thought she looked massive and would share them
>>187689 Baby face doble chin, i love this. Tenderness
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(It's actually quite impressive that she's reached this point)
>>192337 For a moment I really thought she was back
>>192341 I know i just made the comment in reference that although she isn't there yet, she is reaching Kitty Piggy's proportions
I really hope she gets on a consistent posting schedule. Like picset and 1 vid a week is all I ask
