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CocoCraves Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 05:05:45 Id:757b7b No. 174371
Hoping anyone has any of her new Curvage (https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/263411-cococraves/) stuff? She's looking bigger than ever. Here's What I've got https://gofile.io/d/7a351bb7-50c8-48d6-a440-e462266c5d03
>>175360 Thank you partner!
>>177402 Thanks fam
>>177402 Thanks partner!
>>177754 oh my god how sexy
Does anyone know his current weight? it looks fucking incredible
question, do you know anything about her?
>>178886 no idea brother
>>178886 I know the the Ozempic hasn't done anything.
crazy she must be overeating and being extra lazy to make ozempic useless
I think he's still uploading videos
Can someone download this video for me? My browser won't play it for some reason. https://thisvid.com/videos/bingeing-burping-in-bed/
>>181082 The original upload has fumbled i think; there is an immobilesoon video just before and i can dl it as usual. Same profile, alos public vid, etc. Anyway i think this vid is still available in this thread
https://gofile.io/d/aaRqqC here follows the video
>>181096 Thanks bro
>>181126 damn brother
>>181096 ty for the drop 🙏
>>185130 >https://gofile.io/d/ljZo00 huge thanks!
>>185130 King!!!
This chick has some of the most lifeless eyes I’ve ever seen; she’s gotta be a BPD ho fo sho!
>>185260 SSR Eyes
>>185260 But she's a pretty good eater.
I was shocked she wasn't closer to 400
>>185339 Think her scale is busted honestly… in one of her summer vids there is a 15 pound difference in before/after stuffing weights.
>>190590 But what a glorious belly my god
Bad news, her snap, X account and Tumblr are deactivated...her OF is up alongside her other normal socials but she might be leaving I think
>>191744 it would be a complete shame
>>191744 shes active on curvage though and still uploading videos
She’s probably trying to further separate her normie influencer life and still maintain her feedee life
>>191820 yes, the truth is that it promises a lot because of how big it is
She is starting her weightloss journey
>>193218 I have no doubt that she will fail (again) to lose any meaningful amount of weight past maybe the first 20 pounds. But anyways people should stop buying her content now
>>193218 I'm wondering if there is a clique of models all hopping on this weight loss thing now. Like never seen this many jump off the curb of obesity at once.
do you have content from it?
>>193218 isn't this like her second time doing ozempic and that did nothing for her
Weight loss drug/injection companies are paying fat influencers to advertise their products. She’s had a link for one in her insta bio for a while. I think it’d be amazing if she’s just using money from weight loss companies to fund her stuffings 😂 also I love the that her brand is called mochi. Would love to see mochii baby get sponsored as well
Do you know if she made it to 400 lbs?
>>193218 Meanwhile, on Curvage, she is still selling videos pretending to be a gainer. Part of me wants to post the link to this TikTok in her thread there.
>>193440 Reminds me when Nickacado Avocado did and doubled his money easily while losing weight
https://gofile.io/d/MpFNKn Anyone got da vid of her working out if so pls post pls n thank you
>>196645 Who is the girl in the first video
>>196661 Chubbycat666
>>196645 Yes who is that I’m dying to know.
