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Girls Feeding Each Other 09/23/2024 (Mon) 02:23:25 Id:d10e65 No. 174801
This has got to be my favorite thing. Bbws feeding each other. Especially when they get messy, and when they lick or eat any kind of food off of each other. So I decided it's time to start a sharing thread for just this. Please share whatever videos you have of bbws feeding each other food. One can be a skinny girl. Can be forced feeding that's hot. Not necessarily looking for funnel feeding, but that's welcome too. Ssbbws welcome too. I just thought it more appropriate to post this in the real board. I'll start with a few of my own. A good deal of ones I own have been shared on this board. The more others share, the more out of my collection I'll share too. These pictures are of the videos I am sharing. https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/:~:text=https%3A//mab.to/t/AqERXudlaHa/us2
>>175684 Not trying to be an ass but any chance of a gofile site looks too sketchy and I dont want a Virus or malware, hell a mega will be fine as well.
>>175750 Gofile is not safe enough. And I don't think Curvage plays around. Same with Mega. Bunkr is fine. I've never had problems with it. Just a lot of pop ups. I asked you guys for suggestions for other secure hosts but nothing was suggested.
>>175754 Bunkr is so dodgy my anti virus won't even let me open the page.
>>175076 Are you know why Ero-Hime weight lose
>>175756 It works better on desktop. Again, suggestions would be better than just constant complaining. I don't have to upload shit if people just complain.
>>175754 >>175765 >suggestions mab.to mab.to mab.to personally bunkr is fine for me since I use adblock, but for these idiots who apparently don't know what that is, mab.to is a viable alternative.
>>175756 >>175767 Thank you someone reasonable lol. I don't even use adblocker and bunkr is fine for me. I just don't want to have to reup all the temporary links all the time with mab.
>>175771 understandable, but they are the only other legit hoster that ignores dmca. I say keep doing what you're doing. the intelligent ones will figure it out and the idiots will live without. thanks for the uploads.
>>174801 could you please reup
>>176188 Which ones exactly? My lazy ass hasn't put all my old ones up on my bunkr yet lol. Here's another one: Jae feeding some other. Does anyone know who this one in red is? https://gofile.io/d/3qV88d
https://gofile.io/d/QQTkJP Some more I know some have been shared around here. Just trying to keep this alive for now.
https://gofile.io/d/SEBhTe Some of Aliss and KittyPiggy that are like this.
>>176661 Hey how are u? First of all ty for sharing the videos. Can I ask if u could re-upload the video in which kitty feed Aliss as a revenge? Because it's only works until minute 3. Ty
>>176851 I'm great. Would be better if this thread was more active but whatever. https://gofile.io/d/mEMUYi There's KittyPiggy makes Aliss fat, and workout fail. Didn't realize they were screwed up, my apologies.
>>174801 Reup reina and chubbychiquita one?
I'm re upping all my earlier videos so bear with me: https://gofile.io/d/Kqc1HD https://gofile.io/d/09coay https://gofile.io/d/hwzPd0
https://gofile.io/d/knXclB Some good ones with Lauren
https://gofile.io/d/trgiqv Here's a few of Feederfeedee being force fed.
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>>181542 Thanks a lot for keeping this thread alive man! But if we could just focus on the girls feeding each other in sexy ways, that'd be great. Here's a couple more. Foxxy Roxxie and Marilyn feeding each other strawberries, and Feederfeedee feeding Lisa Lou donuts. https://gofile.io/d/gniBsz
>>181634 That upload wasn’t specifically for this thread. It just happened to have one of those types of videos in it, so I also posted the link here for anyone that wanted the pictured video.
>>181667 Gotcha. In fact I'm gonna do the same for the force feeding thread to keep it alive lol.
Anyone have this one
>>175517 Definitely hot seeing those two in that video and no I don’t have it to upload on here anymore sorry… but anyways I would say it would be hot to see those two make another collab but then it turns out that kaybearcutie was the only real true feedee out of the two.
>>181843 I believe I re uploaded it. The one with the donuts in the kitchen, right? Go just a few posts up. I don't want to post link again in case anyone thinks its new.
>>181671 https://gofile.io/d/AUPaKZ
tnx king!
>>181871 can you reup?
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>>186724 Please I am begging you tell me who these two are and/or where you found this? It looks so fucking hot! Lol
>>186886 Goddess Shar and Amy Paige, they've made a few videos together
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>>186347 >https://gofile.io/d/9uR5I4
Kittypiggy was the absolute best
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>>194315 Haha please stop dude we know ur horny for thst vid
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>>196612 Easy you ask if someone has it while also offering something in return. What your offering should be in the same post of the video your asking for. If no one gets back to you accept the fact that someone probably doesn't have the video or does not feel like uploading it.
>>196612 You posted this shit in 2 threads. Not off to a strong start
>>196612 You keep hitting up the begging thread on and off hoping someone answers your call one time or you acknowledge that you’re probably not going to get it and move on, which is the healthy thing to do.
