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Housecow Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 00:55:46 Id:84c2f7 No. 176471
Tumblr gainer, now on Curvage. Over 300 lbs, gained a lot in the last year or so. Here's her first Curvage video, apparently she also has videos for sale in a Google drive if anyone has them gofile.io/d/Cnw064
>>191216 Whoever buys this, please do not leak it
>>191228 Is this your first day on the internet? You know it's going to be leaked.
>>191227 Not really, only 3-4. some moans but not much otherwise
It's mostly composed of short (~1 minute) clips. There are a few longer talking videos which are hot AF but not enough to justify $100
>>191313 Thanks for the heads up. Sorry if you spent the $100, but a hero for scouting. It blows my mind how so many in this space just haven't a damned clue to sell what they've got. Like, if you told me there were only 8 clips but they were all 10-15 minutes long and bangers, I'd consider it. I wouldn't pay $100 for 10,000 one minute clips.
>>191216 >>191216 I don’t see a single ass shot and if there’s no ass I can’t bruhh
JFl at the gynoid soyciety Why would you not just leak her vids as if the whale has any recourse but to sell more porn online she can’t get a job lol
>>191336 she already has a real life job you retarded fucking schizoid. she doesn't make a living making content. its the reason she doesn't make full size clips. she's just doing this for fun, and the drive exists just for anyone who wants to further support her gain (buying inordinate amounts of food is fucking expensive, you would know this if you ever went outside, faggot)
Lot of cringe wannabe edgelords in here lately.
>>191329 yes. no ass, only a single video i can find with just a little bit mostly tits and belly
>>191340 exactly this. i filmed all of these clips either for myself or whoever i was talking to, lol. pretty much all for my own enjoyment. it documents an 80lb gain over two years and i plan on updating it as often as i can well into the future, too 🤷‍♀️ it’s been slow going, yes, but ideally it won’t be abandoned for years. if it’s leaked, however, i have no problem deleting everything and everyone’s access to the drive. i make content because i enjoy feedism. its a fetish i like to indulge and share with others, i’m not in it for the money and never will be. if youre disappointed with what’s offered, dm me on tumblr. i’ll try to refund you and remove you from the drive :))
>>191336 Here’s a poor retard who can’t afford the $100 so he’s tryna provoke someone into leaking it.
>>191357 You're amazing and your body is ethereal. Please join reddit (feedism, stuffers)
>>191340 >>191357 It's obviously not just 'for fun' if she expects $100 for a link to a low-effort google drive.
>>191446 $100 is nothing of you're working...
>>191446 Get a job hippie
>>191446 $100 is one DoorDash order for her fatass in 2025
>>191472 100% this. she could be having an OF and selling you engagement, intimacy, whatever feeder experience as many do. but she's feedee and doing it for fun and so just selling access to her gdrive w/o any cheap talk. chill folks and just enjoy watching the girl balooning with her crazy proportions
>UH NO YOU'RE JUST POOR AND JOBLESS Cool projection you fucking morons Have fun trying to get that hunnid back when the drive gets leaked btw
>>191493 This is such a shitty, wrong attitude. if i had the cash id gladly pay her $100 for the drive because 1) she get s $100 to fund her undeniable gain and i may help her get fatter and 2) i get to watch some vids of her, idc if the drive gets deleted. There's also the chance you are able to continue feeding her. Fuckin troglodyte
>>191446 >>191493 I know this might be hard to understand because you are clearly very young, immature, and obviously retarded, but listen up. She doesn't "expect" anything. The drive is just for people who want to pay to support her gain and get a little something in return. The majority of her content output is FREE on tumblr. She has a life and a job outside of feedism. Noone who pays for the drive is going to care about getting that "hunnid" back if it gets leaked because they actually do have a brain and they do understand this, unlike you.
>>191357 >if it’s leaked, however, i have no problem deleting everything and everyone’s access to the drive. insane way to throw everyone under the bus actually, even the supporters. is it really a sort of donation when you are treating it as a product, least you should do is DM your payers and send them the archive
>>191584 so if the leaker leaks it then he doesnt have a penalty he just fuck her and everyone else over that dont make sense.. if she kills the drive for everyone then the incentive for nobody to leak it is there, she gonna keep gaining whether she's showing ppl or not and she shares everything on the tumblr anyway so theres no reason to ruin the train
>>191584 true—it isn’t an ideal way to handle any potential leaks (not like there is a good way), but it’s also kind of an assurance. that and the $100 price tag effectively keeps out the type of people that would leak it, imo. but fr. i will be posting free stuff on tumblr for years to come, its my fav social media platform and theres no reason for me to abandon it (and by extension, abandon posting feedism stuff) unless someone screws me over.
>>191597 You're one of the greatest and your love of feedism is top tier. You're inspiring the next wave of feedees Idk if you have time to read every post, so please join reddit!
Is anyone else here interested in Housecow’s pumping/milking content? It’s a travesty that there are so many cow-sized women out there but none of them have milking content.
>>191679 certainly. that's why our housecowie is a true gem and can easily become a top tier legend
>>191679 Is that included on her drive link? Anyone know?
>>191696 The videos are lactose free
she'll probably upload pics or vids of the new pump to tumblr at some point so keep an eye out for that
i haven’t started producing yet but y’all can 100% believe i will be posting videos of that the moment i do make milk 👀
we would like seeing you try too.
>>191731 This is why housecow is a true gem in this community. Feedism ✔️ Death Feedism ✔️ Lactation ✔️ Intelligent ✔️
All I can tell you re the drive is - if I'm horny and short on time - it's instant gratification - guaranteed to cum. Her soft soft blubbery jiggly flesh is the sexiest thing on earth. Guaranteed nut
>>192062 hard agree
>>192058 Perhaps the real project 2025 is getting this thread moved over to /ssbbw/
>>191731 Bless you
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go to her tumblr for higher res pics but her gain is just amazing
>>192380 I bet she moves really slow now and if she tried to move fast it would still be very slow. I love the way she talks on her tumblr too. Real immobility potential here. Very exciting stuff.
>>192821 There's a post on her tumblr showing a step tracker and it was only like 800 average per day for an entire week with most days being under that.
She's clearly overdoing the steps - needs someone to bring the food to her. I volunteer as tribute
>>192925 Having an army of feeders would make absolutely massive. She definitely needs less than 300 steps per day
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Here you patriQts go https://gofile.io/d/Noi7B5
She just updated her weight on Feabie to 329. Looks like “slowing down the gain” isn’t going so well. Check out her tumblr, she is looking absolutely enormous, can’t wait to see her blow past 350, what a massive, gluttonous babe, she’s really unable to stop herself it seems.
She said she was slowing down but admitted to drink heavy cream and eating 6000+ calories everyday on Tumblr. What an out of control cow.
She's simply the best
>>195982 thanks bro really awesome stuff (me praying the mods FOR ONCE remove pirated content so i can keep my access to the drive lmao)
>>196967 That’s not pirated that’s all stuff housecow has shared on here
