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Katie Cummings Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 20:39:03 Id:b9f304 No. 177356
If anyone has High School Reunion or Chubby Relaxing And Ice Cream Eatingit would be appreciated. https://gofile.io/d/lSmkne
>>184109 There's no shortage of boobs to look at on the internet. Let people take care of themselves without being weird about it.
>>184119 There's nothing wrong with not liking her cause of the reduction
>>184109 Tell me you're from a 3rd world country without telling me.
>>184147 not the guy whose comment you quoted, and am from a 1st world country: uhhhh, I don't get it
>>184109 >>184119 You two get it. Seriously like, this has been litigated to hell and back. She made porn for a fuckin' decade with huge tits, there's more porn of her fat with massive knockers than some people ever make in their entire career. AND since she got the reduction her content has only gotten better. She's physically able to do more without knocking herself or her husband unconscious if she bounces too hard or sits a weird way. The laundry video she just put out would've been almost physically impossible if she had her original boobs. She's fucking so hard in modern videos she's injuring herself (we're up to a bruised rib and carpet burn on a knee). There's zero reason to whinge about the reduction. Those who are adults and can accept a non-issue like reduction scars get great new porn, and those whose entire personalities are based around "big boob make me feel good" are simple enough that they can continue re-watching her old stuff and feel the same way. Nobody's worse off because of her reduction, it's just an excuse to bitch about not being part of the in-group. Big tit boys have just realized they're picky eaters in a room full of people who are eager to order what's on the menu with no substitutions.
>>184182 Dude you are in a fetish image board posting like an incel Sephiroth. "The cruel reminder is on her flesh" my dude, chill. Look at some ass. Calm down and jerk off like the rest of us who're having fun. Go work out whatever the hell repressed sexuality weirdness with your therapist, not us.
>>184178 your obsession with katie concerns me
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Posted today! Damn what an ass! Can’t wait for new vids
Dam, she got that pancake ass these days
>>184829 Her "stepmom is stuck too" video has a healthy amount of ass in it! Link's live up at this reply >>179615 >aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC96TFlvTUc=
>>184178 Yeah but she hates chubby chasers too. I personally don’t care about the boobs either because I’m busy looking at her obese waistline the whole time. But while she will pretend to be your sister or mom or pretty much any fetish, she gets really touchy over anything alluding to her being fat. Clearly it crosses a line because her weight problem is a sore spot for her, which is fine, but she’s got to realize 99.9% of her followers are chubby chasers. And if there was .1% that somehow didn’t notice and followed her for her boobs, wellp she lopped them off too. What is her market in her mind? People who want to watch someone who lives in an RV and larp over having a fat girlfriend that requires you tiptoe around the fact?
>>185026 >What is her market in her mind? I also wonder about this. Like surely someone who's been in the industry as long as she has would be savvy enough to realize that if she's gotten fat as fuck and her viewership hasn't declined or has even gone up, odds are the people watching are into the fact that you're fat? she must enjoy making the incest content for her own sake. not to potentially derail the conversation, but i can't imagine incest is as common a fetish as obesity is. i know i've put a ton of her videos on mute instantly because i'm there for her body, not the idea of fucking a relative. fuck, what i'd give to see her just demolish a plate of donuts at her current size. that'd be peak content, and her followers would eat that shit up. a damn shame she stopped doing stuff like that well before her gain skyrocketed.
>>185029 I treat her as another model who just dipped off the face of the earth, no reason to salivate over somebody who hates us
>>185029 Or there’s the fact that she may be totally ignorant about how to market herself. Like she’s been in the industry, but she was a model who relied on the old hardcore style of content making where she’s filming with companies. Tbh I think the taboo stuff has just as much a market as fat fetish. Or if fat fetish has gotten more popular than taboo incest stuff, then perhaps she is just thinking of the days when incest taboo seemed to be pretty popular [2010’s seemed to be big for taboo fetish stuff]
Damn is this the candii thread?
>>185143 No, this is Patrick!
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>>185029 Here's what I believe is a key fact that a lot of the weight fetish conversation about Katie Cummings tends to ignore/forget (not you specifically, more the wider conversation): Katie Cummings only did weight gain content from 2015 to 2017. She didn't actually gain that much weight during that time period, if you do before/afters of one of her earliest stuffing videos. The "after" of these two images is from her last video filming session with Fetish Cartel, and even then she'd stopped filming weight gain content a bit before this. None of her last four videos have anything to do with weight. Lotion, a bath scene, a footjob, and the fuck doll roleplay scene that's posted on tube sites a lot. It's also worth noting she filmed with them for FOUR YEARS before dipping her toes into weight gain. According to someone who worked with her during this time (I emailed and surprisingly they responded), she started doing stuffing content because another Fetish Cartel actor she was friends with invited her along to film a stuffing scene. That same source also told me the reason KC stopped doing weight gain was other porn stars were emailing her saying they got into weight gain fetish content because of her. Reportedly that made her feel weird, being the reason other people put on weight voluntarily, and she stopped. I think people forget KC was doing a ton of random one-off videos with Fetish Cartel for various easy-to-fake-interest kinks. In the 2010s she was doing stuff like pissing on public sidewalks, pretending to be excited about weighing yourself pales in comparison. idk, when I look back at early-career KC I see someone who's destined to hit a "thick milf" body in her thirties and then EXACTLY that happened. There's just a satisfying narrative in drawing a line between her coincidentally making weight gain fetish content briefly, and the fact her metabolism slowed down in her late 20s like it does for a lot of people. It gave the false impression her gain was because of the content, when in actuality she didn't gain *much* during that phase and most of it happened after because that's just what her body was going to do during that period. I feel like if she genuinely was ashamed of being fat or whatever weird negative attributes people like to ascribe to her, she wouldn't have put her weight on screen as an attribute in the "virtual GF" video where they did a video game overlay to show Nito customizing his virtual GF. She was 230ish pounds, and said so in a video without making a big deal about it. And, as has been rehashed many a time: she's been the same weight or even declining since the beginning of the pandemic. All evidence to the contrary ends up being convenient unflattering angles, clothes that accentuate her body a certain way, or camera lens distortion combined with pausing on very specific frames of very specific videos. She did a thing she wasn't sexually into for a few years as part of a regular gig at a porn studio, while also filming a TON of other videos. It was never her main gig, it just seems like it to weight gain fetish people because that's the content that appealed to them specifically. It's easy to ignore all of the other side-stuff like the weird videos of her and Nito with the Italian mother, or the fact one of her fifth highest-selling Fetish Cartel video of all time is a 2014 video of her raping Nito to collect his sperm. It was never her main source of income or even her most popular content. It was good content, I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing it. But I think the hyperfocus of places like this thread conveniently ignores the bulk of her work because it makes it more difficult to create a narrative where weight gain was important to her financially or emotionally when, in the end, it was just a gig and she CLEARLY does just fine without it, as her going independent and living off ManyVids shows.>>185029
Anyone know when she’s dropping new content? OF isn’t really even worth it anymore with how little she’s posting
>>185768 She's not said anything about content since she made the video of her stuck in the clothes dryer. I think it's gonna be a lean Christmas this year where she's just gonna make her existing Xmas material on sale on ManyVids and that's about it.
>>185648 Another left field thing not mentioned here, her last weight gain video is her celebrating hitting 200 lbs. Before this happened, I remember someone claiming that they offered either 10k or 100k to hit 200 lbs specifically before she reached this mark on curvage. Then she hit it probably cashed out and never did weight gain shit again. If you watch that video, her attitude is like "I'm done with this shit."
>>185895 that actually makes so much sense. But it's unintentionally a case study in why NOT to do that. Model will just lose the weight after if they're going to do it for money.And with ozempic there's no number you can ask them to get to where they'll struggle to lose the weight
>>186033 lol it's a case study of the opposite. When she started the weight watcher videos she was like 165 I believe. She gained to 200. She has never lost the weight and has in fact continued to gain despite not wanting to and has basically doubled her original gain despite no one paying her to do so. She could have lost the weight after being paid to get to 200 but instead she became of a fatty for life. Just another reminder that for the vast majority of the population it is a lot easier to gain 35 pounds than to lose it and keep it off.
>>186046 She hates this community and if you scroll up it clearly urks 90% of people here. And the only reason she's still on this board is because the dude lucked out and she couldn't lose the weight. It's easer than it's ever been to lose as we speak
>>186033 What kind of idiot sucker would pay 10k or 100k for her to gain weight lmao these simps are stupid I don't blame KC. I'd take the bag and dip too haha what a lame
>>186046 Which is pretty funny. Maybe it's just laziness cause she posted pics doing workouts but nothing changed tbf
>>186103 I really wish those 90% would just fuck off then. She doesn't like this "community." Who fucking cares. This isn't a community, we're just a bunch of people who like jacking it to fat chicks. I feel no special kinship to the other people on this board. If you can't get over the fact that she doesn't share your kink, then just move on. She's clearly not gonna change after all of this time. Because the other 10% of us are just here to see photos and videos of the really hot porn star that put on like 100lbs over the course of her career and has never had any issue putting her whole body on display enormous ass and big fat gut included.
>>186222 >This isn't a community, we're just a bunch of people who like jacking it to fat chicks. Anon I hate to break it to you but the contemporary FA/Feedist community dates back to NAAFA in the 1980s. Ever heard of the Fat Admirer Special Interest Group? Dimensions Magazine? Bigcuties? Of course you have. Multiple generations of people have come in and out of this community. Just because you don't want to think about it (for one idiotic reason or another) doesn't it doesn't exist.
>>186222 Yeah people act like it’s so offensive that somebody doesn’t want to be fat, when that’s literally 99% of the population lol. Even a lot of the women in the “community” I bet if you gave them the option to push a button and be thin and hot, they’d take it immediately. Most are just into it because they are just lazy and if they’re going to be/get fat, might as well capitalize off of it.
>>186227 The funniest part is she's way better than 99% of the population. Because if most of the population gained the kind of weight she has and had a gut as big as Katie's they wouldn't even wear a two piece to lay out in their own back yard much yet star in a porno for everyone to inspect your body in 4k. So many porn stars over the years have put on weight and then all of the sudden there's always something to cover up and obstruct their belly. Does she want to gain weight? No. Would she prefer to weigh less than she does now? Almost certainly. But even if she doesn't love her body as is it's also clear that she doesn't hate it. She fat as fuck and she has no problem it all baring everything in a porno or wearing a skimpy outfit showing off her body to a gathering of friends. She's about as proud of her fat body as anyone not in this fetish could be. And yet still not enough. Can't just enjoy her porn. People have to act like the people who jerk off on the same website as them are some sacred brotherhood and have to bitch about her endlessly...
>>186271 I mean she was already a porn star, and hardcore at that
What is up with her lack of posting lately??
>>189297 Yeah it sucks, full radio silence. Every social media post has been automated and she hasn't posted on OF in a long while (but that's honestly expected, she barely uses it anymore). She had that little burst of energy in December and put out like three videos in a short amount of time. idk, maybe sales are solid enough she just decided to take an extended vacation.
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Looking for these in hd from 2015-2017: contribution: https://gofile.io/d/dQyrec
Didn’t she say somewhere a new Star Wars video was coming out? Still haven’t seen that
What would some of the videos be of her at her largest ?
>>190720 Her largest absolutely falls within the window from 2019 to 2021. Her best-selling video ever is Dr Kate & Dr Nito from May of 2021 and she's still got the pronounced belly that then fades over 2022 to now as she starts slimming down for the surgery/keeping it off after. Your best bet for BBW Katie content is the Plumber video, Cardio, and the Easter stepmom roleplay video. TONS of good belly angles.
She’s active again. Sellling a thong on her OF! Would love to see someone buy it
Her new many vids video looks super hot, ass is busting out of yoga pants, they are cut like that but still hot. Ass dimples are beautiful
>>196266 That's hot. Almost as good as that video with the tennis table. Has that video been wiped off the Internet? I can never find it.
>>196270 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWTloa0FTcFMjaHBJR3hpMUdhTUFLOVZzQnQzRmpoY2VfX2NMUnJzYXdKYzJrVVZMd1VlTQ== This one?
>>196276 Yeah OMG man, didn't think I'd ever see it.
>>196266 I would die a happy man under that!!
>>196395 For anyone looking for that video in future, the title is "A Game of Ping Pong." Fair warning, while one of her hottest videos, she does get a little lost in the improv sauce and suddenly pivots to "Oh my god did you just cum inside me" freakout at the end despite them clearly not having planned for it to be a negative ending beforehand.
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Newest set
there's a great megapack torrent on pornolab that has all hear videos during her peak 2018-2020
>>197078 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9OMDVsaENDQyNNdnIzaWJSMzBqQ2VRVUxUTHFtcTRR This one has a lot of her stuff
she is looking pretty big now
What do you guys think, which vid was at her biggest pre-op?
