>Not everyone jerks off to pregnant women
>finds them gross
I feel bad for them. I can't imagine not liking a round belly just because the woman is pregnant.
>little to no effort of actually stuffing themselves
A nonissue honestly. Most feedees don't actually eat a lot in one sitting. The only ones I know of are mochiibabii and thicksadworld. It is safe to assume that most models lie about how much they ate unless they can provide a fully unedited video.
>Which means easy cash from unsuspecting morons
I am coming to terms on how idiotic most people are. No critical thinking, they take anything a model says at face value.
>not just third world latinas who do this
That's why I said "models" as in models in general and didn't single out any group of people. I have seen several models pretend to be gaining weight when in actuality they were pregnant. The only time I was fooled was when I asked Big Belly of Sweden if she was pregnant. I don't remember what she said but it was very defensive - like I insulted her by questioning her.
>Kristy_Kreme_89's White and she lied about her pregnant belly being from binge eating
I thought she was leveraging her pregnant belly as a tool to role play. I do not feel bad for anyone that believed she was serious. Like I said. It's obvious that these women are pregnant.