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Maggie Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 19:12:22 Id:8bc812 No. 179870
A hot, plump, body positive tik tok influencer who has been growing bigger over the years. She recently joined curvage and is fattening up into a proper pig. I think there was briefly a thread here but thought I would create another for sharing. I unfortunately don't have anything from her, so here is a random assortment of content from others https://gofile.io/d/3R1Z2q
>>192048 Genuinely almost threw up, Jesus Christ man killed my boner so fast
New content just dropped!!
>>192205 maybe its me but she doesnt look like she has gained that much in the new video
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I reckon she looks bigger. Imagine seeing her at the beach lol she’s brave to still wear such a tiny bikini
>>192367 it's been a month how much different do you think she would look realistically. give it another 6 months
most recent vid here. kinda boring tbh but she's still hot as hell https://gofile.io/d/zzPdbc
>>192619 Thanks for the drop! Yeah the vid on curvage looked like it would be dull especially with her being in public. But always love seeing her.
Looks like she has posted again!
>>194174 She looks hot and fat as hell but sadly the vid is only 2 minutes long and she doesn´t jiggle her body but I think that´s her first video where someone else is filming her. https://gofile.io/d/DI8wsU
>>194329 I was going to mention this in the eating video. It was boring but two things made it infinitely hotter: 1. She has no problem being a greedy butterball in public and 2. Her thin friend was off camera (and behind the camera in this one) so her friends are probably aware of what she does. We may not be far from contrasts and feedings
>>194329 Thanks for sharing mate. To be honest I think the vid is not only short but also lame af. She’s been active on curvage since last summer yet she still claims that she’s new to all this. I mean common… I think that’s just an excuse to not make longer and better vids. I guess she just doesn’t want to because she’s not into the whole thing which is also why she’s not ‘willingly’ gaining anymore.
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She finally did it
>>194758 Her friend looks like a nice sane person. Lol
https://gofile.io/d/ZIEhh1 💛 customs she made me
>>194759 She looks pretty normal Maggie looks nice and thick
Already down :( please reup
>>194758 Those weren’t arm sleeves O.O
>>194776 Way better than her curvage videos. Thanks for sharing
Dude you rock!!!
>>194776 What does she charge for customs and how do you contact her?
>>194776 Wow thanks for the upload. How much does she ask for customs like these?
Well i’m gonna join the party and give back to the community. https://gofile.io/d/6bzSWF I’ve known her for a long time and I wanna clarify some things that some people in the community still don’t get. First, she isn’t new to this at all. As someone mentioned in this thread, she already sold content before her curvage days and she’s willing to do basically everything for money. Yes she does hardcore stuff and chuggs weigh gain shakes if you just can afford to pay her enough. How do I know? Because I bought such videos from her and might one day share them. She was never into weight gain and feederism but did it only for the money and to be admired. She makes almost all of her money (and she’s made a fortune with it!) by selling custom content for very high prices to a selected group of people. This has allowed her to have a lifestyle most people can only dream of. Sleeping until 1pm, paying her friends to do her household (apparently because of her disease lol), shopping and partying all the time, travelling and she’s also gonna move into a new appartment very soon. My guess is that she’ll leave the community once she has moved to her new place because she got all she wanted. She has already begun telling people that she doesn’t gain weight anymore and afaik the even wants to even lose weight.
>>194886 Thank you so much I appreciate the video and insight! Feel free to share more! How much do you think it will take to convince her to keep gaining?
>>194886 I can back this guy up. I had a few custom pics off her. And for full proper nudes wanted 1000euro lol. There’s prob loads of guys out there spending stupid amounts of money on her. I gave her 200euro to spend in Oslo for not much in return. Stopped speaking to her cos I needed to control my money. And he’s also right she’s in it for the money. But at least she’s not against it. Shes slightly into it but as you can imagine she’s a girl and is always changing her opinion on her body. Imagine if she had a feeder bf who spoiled her and paid for everything. Shed never stop lol. I can’t remember the exact term she told me that she had but I’ll sure it was chronic Myalgic encephalomyelitis or something similar where she’s just tired all the time and generally ill. Which also makes sense as to why she’s never worked. I bet my money she’s on full benefits for her chronic illness. I’m from the uk and everyone here claims pip for stuff like that. I believe Norway has a similar system for its citizens. Hopefully if she does ever stop she will miss the money and return. She’s used to this lifestyle so hopefully without us she would notice a difference and return.
>194866 Fuck. thank u man. I replied before watching that. How much was it? Must of been hundreds surely. Or maybe she just didn’t like me lol
>>194911 I paid around 1000 euros on this one and even more on the other ones... I can afford it but tbh I'm pretty ashamed rn that I spent that much on her. She's perfect at figuring out how much u can afford to pay and adapts her prices quickly. Yeah she once told me that she gets 2500 euros of benefits/month. And believe me a lot of guys like me paid more than 1000 euros to her to get stuff from her. So I think its safe to say that she's made more money in the last 6 months than most people earn in a year.
Oh and I also sent her money to spend in Oslo, didnt get anything back lol She's one greedy b..ch.
Just to clarify some numbers. 2500 euro in benefits monthly is probably correct, but, that is before taxes and only about 40-50% of a "normal" salary of a regular worker with no special education here in norway. Also thinking house/apartment prices here, she will need at least 2000 euros monthly only to cover a loan, and thats for a small apartment if she continues to live in the city. Electricity, water, renovation, etc comes on top of that. So, my guess (and hope) is that she will continue needing the money and keep eating, growing and filming.
Just thinking about how easy women can make money with making some videos and pictures is insane. Most average worker could never afford this lifestyle.
>>194935 Maybe I'm tripping, but 2500 euro benefits per month for the last 6 months or even years can't afford a new apartment, at least in the luxury sense that I'm thinking of. So something doesn't add up, or there's more math to do.
>>194965 Also, regardless of apartments, 2500 euro benefits per month based on custom videos is insane though.
>>194965 >>194935 https://gofile.io/d/dCtFkh Nah what I meant is that she gets 2500/months in benefits regardless, basically for her entire life. On top of that she makes 1000s a months by selling customs. I think that even in Norway this can be considered a good 'income'. That being said, she had since last year the plan to leave the community sometime in the first half of 2025 and lose 15 kgs or so. But yeah I agree that her greed for money and her desperate need for admiration might make her stick around for longer...we'll see.
If you dont believe me that shes moving to a new place just watch her socials over the next weeks.
For someone who's made a ton of money off her content, she's actually super nice and not a bitch like most of the models are. She had posted a sub-par vid to curvage and I rated it a one star and gave my feedback in the review. She personally messaged me thanking me for the feedback and offered to send me any of her other curvage vids for free. Class act if you ask me.
>>195010 Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world. I was there this summer and a coffee is like 7Euros
>>195084 Yeah I remember that. I was pretty close to her when that happened and knew bout almost all of what she did on curvage at that time… hence I know bout the money she makes. It was indeed her idea to send you a free video as ‘compensation’. She’s mostly a nice girl if u write her to have conversations with her or buy her stuff. I met her a few times irl and I just can say that she’s not a nice person at all in reality. Pretty toxic, selfish and very greedy. If I could go back in time I would definitely choose to just write her and watch her pics/vids over meeting her lol
Anyone have her latest measurements video? Is it good
Hi! Ok that u talk shit about me not ok that you share my nude video and photo!!!! Please stop and take it down here and other places thay you have posted it! Not ok! How would you feel if I did that to you? So please stop.
>>196301 You obviously don't know where you are
It's almost funny how you guys never learn. You're ruining it for yourselves and you're too dumb to see it. You do want her to keep making content right? Because posting her private videos to an actual porn site is basically a "how to make someone quit speedrun"
eat a dick
>>196316 One goes away and 10 more take their place. The chan has been around a hell of a long time. People see it here and if they like it. Buy in. We used to have models posting here because of it. There are still some around
>>196316 That’s what this board is about. sharing content of models and sexworkers. If you can’t deal with it then bye bye. There are tons of other models out there.
She gets pissed that someone posted her custom vids she made. However, I didn't even have a clue she made custom stuff. I'm guessing other dudes on here didn't know either. She'll probably get a bunch more requests now for custom stuff given that we now know she sells that type of content. Still don't understand how these models can't figure it out that this site is awesome for advertising their content. If you want to grow, you have to be willing to pay for advertising. Some of your vids on a forum is the easiest way to do that
I wasn’t talking about stealing her curvage content and posting it here, that’s fine I guess. But taking her private fully nude stuff that she sent to you in confidence, and posting it not only here, but on vanilla porn sites, is next level douchebaggery. I don’t hate this community, just the few that ruin it for everyone else.
>>196389 Theres nothing about confidence there. If you buy for a lot of money nudes or hardcore stuff you can do whatever you want with it. Thats my take on it. I have shared nude content that i 'privately' purchased from models and also shared it on this board.
>>196460 Well it's your take but it's still shit. Some men here are just braindead people who probably have almost never sex in real life and behave like toxic idiots
>>196483 then why are you here if its all toxic, braindead men?
>>196510 not the guy you're replying to but.... THERES ALSO FREE PAYSITE CONTENT HERE FOO
Too much blabla/mimimi, too litlle posting…
>>196712 German detected
