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Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 14:37:30 Id:9750aa No. 180739
One of the newer ones, please share anything else https://gofile.io/d/Lz2zqO
>>181714 Smartest gooner comment
>>181714 couldn’t have said it better
>>180761 Forget the other one's name but I miss her, she dipped the moment that breakup happened with her lil brunette hey.
the girl needs to hit 200 to demonstrate that she’s really into it.
Whomever it was, thank you.
>>181740 Her burps have the same issue as Tianastummy, they're these gross, quiet wet nothing noises. It's the one thing holding these models back, they need to get on the level imo
>>182093 Not enough clearly. Some threads on here- girl gains over 200 lbs and people still say she isn’t into it. Enchantress has gained 40 or 50 pounds so far? Long way to go. there is no amount that will prove you have this fetish so why would she even try, knowing that
i wish she made more hypnosis stuff :/
>>183663 Yes me too, I would love to watch them if someone has them. I have the newest videos on thisvid, and I'm figuring out how to download them and post it here.
From her newest curvage clip. I think she’s getting bigger. Just slowly
She looks great, not every model has to stuff themselves into a bloated diabetes infested wildebeest
>>186324 She is adorable isn’t she?
>>186324 she looks okay, but i completely disagree. heavy, soft, woman-lard is life
>>186321 This has been the case for two years now. Not saying that's a bad thing of course
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I’ve always been an enchantress naysayer but she has definitely gained some weight recently.
>>186324 Exactly, we need all sizes. Sometimes I want to watch a chubby pretty girl, and sometimes I want to watch a disgusting hog with her blood barely running through her lard filled veins
>>187145 She's so fucking hot damn, she's a master of angles and making herself look big so it's hard to really tell but she's looking good, not sure when she was at her biggest but I feel like after she started doing this content she had a noticable gain.
>>187145 >>187155 She is not my type, but there is something very alluring about this chick.
You can find some stuff from her on coomer https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/catsncake
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>>187145 Nope, she still does that stupid thing where she juts her back like the worm guys from MIB
>>186321 These are more “honest” pics, she looks the same, nowhere near big enough
I wish other models would make notes on how she does her sloshing content because holy shit her belly sloshing content is the best thing she makes and literally nobody else out there does it as perfectly as her
>>187186 I can't fucking unsee it now, thanks.
>>187145 Genuinely curious what a girl with those proportions would like like if she got to actual BBW territory. Not a huge fan of her content generally but I don't think I'm going to be able to stop keeping tabs on her bc of how unique and pretty she is
Damn! That ass shot is enough for me. With her back tattoo spilling over on her love handles.
She’s skinny fat. Call me when she gets chubby.
>>189141 True. I don't mind that ngl
Looks like she's finally getting some weight that's sticking... one can only hope
she's so fucking cute, I sorta like her the way she is already, but even the slightest gain makes me diamond
>>189577 You only say that because you know she isn’t gaining and is just maintaining. Be real here bro and imagine how hot it would be if she actually started to take weight gaining seriously and actually started putting on weight.
>>190036 work with what you've got.
>>190036 >if she actually started to take weight gaining seriously go touch grass for god's sake
>>191430 He needs to touch grass cause he's telling the truth? Lol
>>190036 nah shes perfect where shes at. I know we all like weight gain but sometimes you gotta stop and appreciate a really fucking cute chubby girl. To me theres something so hot about a girl who looks basically conventionally attractive except theyre hiding a soft paunchy gut under their shirt.
holy shit the weight gain police on this site are so fucking annoying. maybe find someone fatter to wack off to idk. anyways i bought this one a while ago, enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/w13Uxo
>>191537 no, he needs to go outside becuase he's being a little dick about it.
New clip over on curvage! She doesn’t look fatter but she’s getting more rolls.
This new clip looks honestly so hot. Just the description is such a turn on. I forget just how into this fetish she is
>>193684 It does look good ngl. Definitely one of the b3st chubby girls in the fetish
>>193814 I always ignored her but she is actually really hot
Here's the latest vid https://gofile.io/d/OSfQNb
>>194170 Much thanks oh great one!
>>194170 Thanks
>>194170 Posh face, peaches & cream complexion & getting tubby. A+ Thank you.
anyone have her full hypnosis vids?
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>>196371 Is it finally happening? Oh God yes!
>>196371 Seems she gained a lot recently
