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Kayla Paolini aka kaybearcutie95 šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ šŸšŸ• Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 15:17:47 Id:262f6e No. 185869
The true and the only complete BBW on the planet, She got anything man dreams about pretty face huge tits big fat ass and delicious tummy, JUST A YUMMY šŸ˜‹ GYAL GODDES WOMAN
>>193912 >https://bunkr.cr/a/WNZLHP79 some great videos in here, thanks for the share
>>193939 how did you find this out? Did she say it on her IG story?
Does anyone have this video? https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5507140/pov-bbw-gf-satisfies-you Here is my offering: https://gofile.io/d/ZndaIB
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Iā€™m not republican nor liberal. Iā€™m not anything . I think this planet sucks . Only shit I ever posted was that I believed in two genders , but guess what if we go to the left side as well there are things I agree with too. Voting is bullshit As for my hip rolls Why r u even in this forum if u think im ugly . I atleast understand the ones who hate me but are atleast jacking off to me . The fact ur here and think im ugly to makes me think ur either someone I denied someone I actually personally know or ur a fucking model trying to tear my reputation down because ur upset everyone knows u turned into a empty balloon from weight loss. Iā€™d rather have my hip rolls any day . Which btw were caused from gaining to fast while wearing underwear I have had them forever
>>194417 The glow up from Kayla's gain is seriously incredible. Can't wait for a 500lbs+ Kayla.
>>194417 voting is bullshit? why would ANYONE think that?
>>194462 Yes! Can't wait
Hip rolls are amazing. Iā€™ll have you know Iv personally jacked to them alone šŸ‘keep up the good work gal
Kayla and Layla need to do a comeback reunion belly comparison collab!
>>196117 Fucking god damn! Fuck she is hot! šŸ„µ
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Maybe in the near future you will surprise us with an interracial B/G or G/G with black girl or latina or even threesome with 2 BBC
>>196269 She has no standards thats all this tells me.
>>196269 She hit the wall at light speed lmao
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Soon and Exclusive
>>196750 She is so basic now lol šŸ˜‚
>>185869 This bitch has to have the worst looks to content quality ratio I've ever seen. She could be legend tier if she wasn't a complete retard that makes boring ass 2hr streams that no one cares about
>>196834 Facts
>>196834 I think her main issue is she is an absolute menace to society. She needs mental help to the highest extent. She needs the worlds greatest chill pill ever made.
>>196895 Doesnā€™t help also that the dude sheā€™s always breaking up with and getting back together with that lives in his van mooching off her is basically just a nuts so sheā€™s got someone to match her šŸ˜‚
Kayla: I am a model you donā€™t like for no reasonā€¦ you met me once and blocked me on everything. I have always liked you and I care. Because I care I am going to be honest with you, you deserve more than your BF or ex idk what he is now the one that starts with T. I know you care about him, youā€™re a loyal person and this is a great trait, you are also very loving and that is a great trait, you are beautiful (like seeing you in person I donā€™t think you understand how uniquely attractive you are), you are also interesting and talented. You deserve someone who appreciates you and doesnā€™t make you feel insecure. You may not think he makes you feel insecure but trust me he does not treat you in a way that allows you to fully love yourself. He puts you in a state of mind that makes you feel like youā€™re in competition with other woman. Itā€™s not a competition, we can all be attractive and great in different ways. My apologies in advance for the unsolicited advice but I recommend you focus on things that you can be proud of, being a good mom, trying to learn some sort of new skill maybe start your own business where youā€™re a vocal coach you are a talented singer and this is something you can do virtually while traveling as well. Once you have income outside of just modeling it will open you up to some freedom and youā€™ll be less stressed. And I think it would help if you embark on this journey solo you deserve love and you deserve to give yourself this love. I know you have seen the dark side of men, I get it, but just know not all men are bad there are ones out there who just like woman want love and romance. You deserve that, you deserve to be more than just a sexual object. There is a balance you can find, you like being sexy and hot there is nothing wrong with that but there is more to you than just that and I hope you spend some time growing that because you are special and deserve happiness. Everyone else: okay yā€™all can go back to gooning now.
>>196960 You forgot to add literally all he cares about is fattening up women to be too fat to do anything and nothing else lol he lives out of his van and mooches off the girls heā€™s dated and he would prob be the type that leaves once the girl heā€™s with is too fat to do anything because he canā€™t even take care of himself heā€™s all about the fetish
It's no secret that Troy is a scumbag. She's left and got back together with him more times than she can probably count, and has repeatedly during their time apart pointed out how manipulative he is. He's creepy as all hell, everybody who knows him knows he is, and Kayla can't honestly be dumb enough to keep falling for it. Love her or hate her, she should at least give herself a little more respect.
Bruv I don't give a fuck about her life or problems I just wanna see the content aye
Why is Troy even being brought up and everyone already knows that I said shit I didnā€™t mean when we broke up itā€™s not like that ! Troy has been the one person who has helped me and been there for me more than anyone ! And thatā€™s that ! My life has only gotten better when heā€™s around ! He helps me get dressed , showered , cook for me , feeds me , helped me gain over 100 pounds ! Taken care of my son! Leave his name out of this
He doesnā€™t live in a van we have a house ? Heā€™s not mooching he doesnā€™t force me to gain we both mutually enjoy it together
Iā€™m currently going through one of the darkest times in my life ! My grandfather is dying , he has dementia , my sister had to move in because my mother beat her and I had to Call the cops on my parents ! Thereā€™s a lot of shit happening and if it wasnā€™t for Troy I wouldnā€™t be able to get through this ! I would like it if we can refrain from bringing up my life or making bullshit up about Troy when no one actually knows him n
I can also count on two hands all of the models Iā€™ve come in contact ! Ur mistake is thinking Iā€™m like all the other models to love to collab but Iā€™m more of a solo artist ! I doubt this is true ! Because I havnt just blocked a women after meeting her the first time except Adriana who claimed I stole her camera equipment and new nothing about Troy in any way ! And if ur Zoey the whole reason I blocked u was for the fact u were trying to get with my boyfriend directly in front of me and asking my best friend of 12 years for him to set u up with him ! Forgetting tht he was my friend and not my boyfriends ! Also showing him nudes of u in the car ! Verrrry appropriate
Why is her private life all over this thread? Y'all are WAY too invested in her life bringing it to this site. And fck all her haters too. If you're not bringing pics or details about her gain then stfu
As someone who has dated a girl with BPD before, I think the best way to provide Kayla with advice is privately. Often times, they shift to a "split," which is a mindset where they see social situations in black/white - love/hate - support/attack. To her, even if the message is nuanced and meant to be constructive, it appears as something against her/intended to provoke her. She's going to try to defend herself at all costs, even if she has an outburst and digs herself into a deeper hole. I genuinely think it's best for both Kayla to get off this site, and for you guys to tell any direct feedback to her privately. It's the best course of action for all of us.
>>196960 Your wasting your time saying all of that, well said though ngl
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Can we just talk about how Iā€™m gonna be 400 pounds this year ;) Iā€™m enjoying the weight gain
Iā€™m changing subject Iā€™m posting my nudes and showing my gain ! Thats why people like me ! Enjoy it while it lasts! Iā€™m fat Iā€™m getting fatter ! Who cares if Iā€™m crazy or not I GOT A HUGE RACK A HUGE ASS AND A HUGE BELLY
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Can we just get back to admiring how fucking thick of a goddess I am ;) instead of how my appetite is larger then my belly rn I have so many new stretch marks
This gotta be the best live action role play absolutely cinema post content or/gen/ soon Been gooning to Kayla for years crazy
>>197022 To be fair she's right though. It's really fucking weird to be this invested in someone else's personal life. Like when it gets to the point of critiquing their mental health, accusing their boyfriend of being abusive, and even talking about how they raise their child? Maybe just maybe yall have gone a step to far. >like an episode of maury povitch or jerry Springer. Dick in one hand keyboard in the other talking mad shit. Exactly weird ass niggas with nothing better going on in their life. Like whether its true or not it doesnt matter, talking about it here with the level of vitriol yall have is some genuinely unhinged shit. Content: gofile.io/d/84GL1H If anyone has any content from the past month or so that would be great.
>>197066 There's one on coomer in a hotel room. Post is "FREEEEBEEEEEE of the month" or someshit like that.
Hey Iā€™d be willing to post some of my content cheaper .. if u guys can just not be so hard on me. Iā€™m watching my grandpa die in front of me and itā€™s killing me . Expecially since my grandparents were my mom and dad basically . He has dementia and heā€™s also hallucinating too and forgetting who we are. On top of that Iā€™m taking my mom to court and hopefully sheā€™s getting arrested this time Iā€™m so desperate for peace in my life! I mentally need to just have some peace ! It why I havnt posted much content recently Iā€™ve been so idk
>>197038 I second this motion
>>197098 I third this notion. Everytime we start a thread it goes south. The whole point of this chan is to post content and admire a bbw. Donā€™t like her? Move on. Idk why folks are so negatively obsessed with this ONE bbw. I bought her new vid and I ainā€™t finna post it cause these gooners kill the vibe fr.
LMFAO ! This guys acting like Iā€™m forcing him to buy my content ! Guess what? If u donā€™t like me and u donā€™t want me having ur money DONT GIVE IT TO ME! where does it say ā€œmust buy Kaybearcutie content or else?ā€ Ur so pissed off about my political views THAT U THINK U KNOW WHICH CLEARLY U DONT! that ur trying to attack my career which is defamation btw ! Plus im sure not everyone here likes me but who r u to tell them they cant like me or not?! Do u think ur doing everyone a major justice here like ur the savior of their cocks or something?! ā€œ dear fellow Kaybear followers , let me help u jerk ur cock to another model for she does not equip the right mental capacity that your cocks deserve, you must jack your dicks to a proper porn start with morals, someone you can bring back to your mother , a real true creature of godā€
>>197145 I like you and you're fine by me. I'm glad you have a thick skin for all this BS. Keep on being your awesome self.
>>197098 >>197104 Yep and instead of making any effort to clear this thread and the brain rot in it, these actual retard mods chose to delete my comment asking for this shit to be cleaned up over the people actively ruining the thread. This site has always been bad but this thread in particular is a complete dumpster fire and it needs to be removed. I canā€™t fathom why they allow this to happen. One of the mods must be Kaylaā€™s dog or something. Like this thread is just pure chaos all the time we donā€™t even get content for her whatā€™s the point. Delete or Gen. it just pisses me off seeing this shit get bumped when we all know what it is before even checking.
>>197165 Deleted 35 or 40 posts of just bullshit. 21 was one idiot repeating that she's ugly and shit like that. Left the shit that Kayla was replying to. I have no idea who she is other than this thread. I deleted your reply asking for it to be cleaned up, cause I was cleaning up. It didn't contribute anything of worth to the thread other than push it closer to bump lock. If the thread keeps going the way it is, I will kick it to gen
>>197145 Good lord get off of this website and go take care of your kids ffs some people really shouldnā€™t have kids if they are just gonna be hoeing around on the internet all day lmao
>>197187 Not you trying to adhere to a moral high ground while jerking off to obese women. But sure go on buddy. kek
>>197182 I didnā€™t notice because I donā€™t spend my time going through this nonsense except for the most recent shit, so thanks but respectfully this thread should have been moved to gen permanently months ago. This has been going on for months if not years now in legit every Kayla thread. Yall perma locked boberry to gen for less and trying to act like this shit is new. Donā€™t get me wrong tho the boberry thread is also retarded, but I donā€™t know what weā€™re trying to save here. Yā€™all just playing devils advocate at this point. This shit gets bumped for nothing but arguments and rage bait.
>>197182 Is there anyway to please delete the posts on Troy n in return Iā€™ll post some new content of mine here
