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C.U.K. Mysterymanedits 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:12:53 Id:016fc7 No. 187476
Last one got bump locked. I know the name of the thread sounds dumb but that’s her acronym so bear with it. Anyways to keep anything related to her alive here’s my stash of her. https://gofile.io/d/eOKDwy Burp comp https://gofile.io/d/8dQj4b When she went under risquereds https://gofile.io/d/aOHJG5 If anyone could update her coomer it would much appreciated
>>190223 mostly to save space. also where she takes off her pants, and I'm a sucker for those thighs
Have been a supporter of hers for a while, but I get the feeling she's milking us at this point. She posts a handful of videos/pictures on her onlyfans every month, enough so that once you feel like unsubscribing she reels you back in... There's been 8 posts over the last 3 months. She's also gotten less creative with the content. Sucks, because she's legit the hottest feedee on here in terms of full package (looks, body, & genuinely making you feel like she's into it)
>>190338 This is the type of whining that absolutely nukes my interest in this overall.
>>190239 fair enough, carry on
>>190363 Not him but I just wish she did something more than sitting video #472892
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Will upload and share later today just hold on tight. holy fuck this vid was hot
>>190928 bros single handedly carrying this thread. Much love man
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Hello all sorry for the delay but here it is as promised Here’s a burp comp I made out of it Yeah her OF isn’t worth it but It’d be nice if it were updated. I mean ffs candi Kaynes and Tiana’s get updated the millisecond they post. I don’t wana rant and clog this thread with useless arguments but pretty tiring seeing my absolute fav model not get the attention she deserves. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xTDRjSzk= Comp\/ https://gofile.io/d/wf4tvk Enjoy
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Also this has to be her hottest video to date Wish she did a weigh in soon
>>191042 Thank you so much, king!
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Hi all I just noticed my comp doesn’t have audio and I apologize for that Here’s an updated one https://gofile.io/d/pxWCdK
Anyone else getting errors when trying to use file?
Temp fix Get it while it lasts aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVVoQXByZmRFUUo= Idk why gofile is acting wierd, maybe too much traffic?
>>191064 Ty for taking the time. It did start to work better on mobile after I turned my wifi off and on so idk
>>191064 appreciate the work man
>>191042 Thanks king So fellas, how the fuck is she able to drink an actual 3.9L (32oz*3.9) in one single sitting (<40 minutes)??? I am actually curious about how her capacity is so big. I've seen ssbbw's struggle with an 1.5L soda bottle (48oz), but Kayla somehow manages almost 4L... That's absolutely wild to me. What is the science behind it? Is she capacity training or something special? How does she not get nauseous from it? Is she under any drug influence? I'm super curious, I'd ask her myself but I don't want to directly contact any model. Besides, maybe one of you guys might have some good knowledge on this stuff. I do know that people with binge eating disorders can destroy their sense of fullness and weaken their gastric bands enough to the point where their body doesn't make them throw up anymore. But little research is done into the "how" that occurs and if it's possible without having that disorder.
>>191271 Maybe her burps are some kind of superpower that makes her belly a bottomless pit Jokes aside, I think the vid was recorded with hours of difference as you can see some cuts every few cans
>>191271 fr I've always been impressed with her capacity and how much she can stomach and it's rarely talked about but I wish other girls could handle half as much as her >>191273 likely answer but that's still impressive doing it within a few hours if that's the case
this thread is the best thing to ever happen to this site
>>191273 >>191277 I thought the cuts were with hours of difference too, but the cuts had the same track on the background, so it couldn't have been more than a minute or two between each cut. Then again, she could've paused or selected the same track again and skipped ahead roughly. Seems unlikely though with how much she appears to be into this all. Also calculating the amount of calories, she drank more than a regular woman's daily calorie intake in one go in just soda lol, ~2.1k
>>191042 >>191042 Coomer updated O7
For anyone that is subbed to her OnlyFans, she said that she was going to be doing a livestream yesterday and if we donated $5 we will get sent a VOD of the livestream (I donated $5) , but now I don’t see the livestream announcement so I am wondering if she has done the livestream or she didn’t do it at all?
>>192237 I got a notif that said she was live a few hours after it had ended so I'm pretty sure she did, but I still havent gotten the VOD or anything in dms yet so idk what thats about. Hoping I didn't waste $5 for nothing
>>193124 CUK takes sporadic breaks every month. She always comes back bigger tho which is really hot
>>191048 Damn she looks like a bowling ball
Whats going on with this chick posting once a month? Maybe something happened? I don't want to assume the worst but it's worrisome.
she posts more on OF that's why. I think.
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>>195709 Not even dude. Not subbed to her. she last posted almost one month ago. Something is up
>>195738 She is absolutely into this. I talked to her wayyyy early, might have even been the first to buy her content. And she has committed, but paced it pretty well compared to other models without full on milking it. She might just have life stuff going. And I mean… having this fetish, I think plenty of us know this stuff ebbs and flows to some extent.
>>195738 It's physically exhausting to force yourself to overeat. She's prob taking a break to not strain her mind or body too much.
New pics and doing a month long stuffing March 8th-April 8th. Also said a new video coming in next couple of days
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Will buy and share new vid today. Have some patience.
>>197007 My goat, new vid looks hot af as well
>>196833 that ass pic is absurd
This chick is so hot but I find her videos too repetitive, and I don't really like the angle she uses from under her belly that much. I guess some people must like it but I kinda prefer angles where you can get an actual perspective on how fat someone is.
>>195874 Your opinion is valid, but that’s what I like about her: she is consistent and she actually shows growth and wants to get fatter. I think her strong suit is her burps, and she knows how to capture our attention with that. That’s why she is for sure in the Mount Rushmore of best burpers. If you don’t like her repetitiveness, there are many other creators that do other stuff. Her repetitiveness is the reason why she is not taking crazy month breaks, unlike other creators. She keeps it simple and plain, and her videos are cheap and affordable!
>>197026 I'd love for her to train herself as a pig by getting forcefed while tied + having a vibrator in her the whole time.
>>197030 my thoughts exactly bro, her burps are always insaneee definitely her strong suit
>>197030 plus as someone who loves roleplay vids shes got some of the best in the game rn ngl
Her burps are definitely what has a hold on me.
also the prices are pretty good too. Because for some people a 28min video would be $50
Anyone get that Stream VOD yet?
>>197094 WE PRAY
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Hello all, sorry for the wait here's the vid. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9abFczYmU= AND a burp comp. https://gofile.io/d/KeRupP Enjoy! Wasn't that much of an exciting vid, if you're into roleplaying this one is for you. Other than that I'm agreeing with the anon above couple of replies ago that it's pretty much sitting vid number 4563423. Kinda getting tired of it. Wish she did like a POV type of vid, like a go pro camera strapped on her head looking down while she eats and belches away. Once again you can hear husband breathing in it (if you're listening carefully with headphones or whatever). Kinda ruins the vibes yo. I just hope she just switches it up soon. But as we are all used to it at this point, she's just gona post this vid and disappear for a month or so but come back bigger like the other anon said, which I'm fine with. (we need a weigh in vid soon though) I'm gona stop ranting here. I don't want the thread clogged up with useless arguments ya hear? >>197083 same here >>197040 they are for sure lmao >>197094 praying as well lol
>>197102 First of all I would like to thank you, you were very helpful.
Regarding the new video, I think I created a lot of expectations due to excitement, however, this expectation has a very high chance of being discouraged. That's exactly what I felt after watching it. I didn't think it was bad, but maybe it could have been a little more exciting? Maybe, or this feeling is due to anticipation. Anyway, she will do this 1 month challenge, so maybe The graph goes up even more. The video is cool.
>>197102 It was very underwhelming given how hot the preview GIF she posted was. Also it would be nice if she actually filmed in HD because these videos look and sound bad
Has she done any masturbation or even just nude videos?
>>197115 I don't think she's done masturbation but she does nude on OnlyFans.
