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Jodie Dream tits Jodie Dream 01/05/2025 (Sun) 09:50:13 Id:0aa137 No. 187962
Here are a few vids of her biggest.if people could share anything they have of her. Just realised she took down her C4S. https://gofile.io/d/hEjIyW
https://mab.to/t/ik9xUopnk7b/us2 Would appreciate and stuffing videos and in public
Goat šŸ thanks so much !
Here's Jodie and Bonnie in public where bonnie walks in a parking lot in front of a restaurant https://gofile.io/d/gXU7mk
>>187962 Anyone have a vid of the pic?
https://gofile.io/d/Klr0K4 https://gofile.io/d/WHe26o She was the GOAT, maybe one of the greatest gains of all time. Couple of vids and Jodie + Bonnie at their fattest, if anyone has anything else from this era I'd be deeply appreciative
>>188034 that funnel video's gotta be some of the hottest shit she ever did, and she's just sitting there lmao. the angle is just perfect, she looks massive
>>188033 I think that was her post vacation weigh in
(34.87 KB 300x186 IMG_0007.jpeg)
Anyone have this one?
That one time Jodie's mom walked in on her eating a cake that was meant for her mom's friend https://mab.to/t/YvMCXVQkz5F/us2
>>188119 Ty brotha
Have some more https://gofile.io/d/Y6BhIO
>>188007 Been searching this video for years, Receive blessings upon you and your offspring for the 6 next generations
>>188183 I got your back brother :)
>>188202 Here's the link. It's the first video where she weighs in at 411lbs https://gofile.io/d/WfnA5c
i still think her biggest was her pregnancy video. but that one is hard to find.
>>188215 You're the goat My man, that vacation video it's my second favorite, if you have her video running with a pink outfit it would be great, but you're already the best
>>188226 Nah, the weights in the whole pregnancy video were all massively inflated, even though she probably was heavier? Think thatā€™s around the time that her boyfriend began fucking with her head. Like, it was always really telling to me that she after she pregnant and got really close to that guy, her mental state just seemed to fucking nosedive? She was never stable before, but thereā€™s an obvious difference between being slightly unstable and actively falling apart. Dudeā€™s got a lot to answer for imo.
>>188226 https://gofile.io/d/ySAG6T
>>188282 You're a fucking legend! Thanks for this great vid!
gofile doesn't seem to work on the 411lbs video for me. anyone else having issues?
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/bbwjodie?o=50 Donā€™t forget she used to have a only fans with old videos
cookie bbw mogs her im afraid
https://gofile.io/d/c8wAYX Lost everything from her a few months ago. Would appreciate any additional shares.
>>188115 https://gofile.io/d/w9V0Ol
Jodie is my favourite but i didnt get to buy her OF in time so if you know anyone who is selling her content reply to me please
>>189078 The fuck happened to her? She lost so much weight.
>>189237 That's an older video you idiot
>>189241 Have anything recent to prove it?
>>189458 we don't have goldfish memories, we just remember dipshit
(1.56 MB 2348x919 jodiesitescreen.png)
>>189458 is this good enough for you? >>189078 >https://gofile.io/d/w9V0Ol
Anyone know if you can wayback machine her OF or C4S
>>189535 You can't buy any of the clips but you can see the web pages.
>>189078 Mum looks like she works while her fat NEET daughter scoffs her food and drives up her bills. Sad.
>>189598 that's the part that makes my dick turn to granite
Started an Appreciation Reddit page, used 95% pictures found on Google image search. One picture from her, One picture from stufferdb. Posted A couple of pictures to get started, posted one picture per day for three or four days. Got busy for three days Came back and my Reddit Account that I have had for three or four years was permanent banned
>>190001 Donā€™t know what you expected ā€¦ take 2 minutes to make a burner.
>>189598 This is a great video. Never seen anything like it before!
anyone ever pay her for a custom vid
does anyone know any details about what happened to her? I just remember seeing a post where she said she couldn't do this anymore
>>192785 I think she like many other models went nutzo. Became some Qanon but job
>>192785 Went all in on Qanon She's also bipolar
how do you make a gofile ive got quite a few of her videos
>>193004 https://gofile.io/home, just click the "drop or add files" thing in the middle and share the link when it's done uploading
>>192916 Any details on the QAnon turn? This is the first Iā€™ve heard of this. Not doubting itā€™s true just wanna see for myself.
ive got like 10 more vids but it wont let me upload them https://gofile.io/d/qX1ivM
>>193050 Just her twitter wibbling. Some batshit q rambling
heres 2 that i found https://hotleaks.tv/bbwjodie/video/4861376 https://hotleaks.tv/bbwjodie/video/4861313
>>194444 Actual legend cheers man
