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Black girls/ebony bbw thread Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 00:19:31 Id:2a4590 No. 188508
An appreciation thread bc I feel like their very overlooked in the community https://gofile.io/d/hw49Ks
Thatgurlmariah burp comp https://m.vkvideo.ru/video489169069_456239740?from=video
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Sleeper pic that I think has real potential https://childishhambinoo.tumblr.com/
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>>193183 definitely doesn’t get the love she deserves but here’s her old yt and current ig https://youtube.com/@streetlifecitizen2818?si=xYGfo2hERQNmADFo https://www.instagram.com/foxmcfat?igsh=eWZyMHBkZzdvbHg0
>>193190 Pretty sure she still sells content through her socials if you reach out to her as well
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She made a new page called Piggy_2.0 on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/BiggyPiggy https://kemono.su/patreon/user/22428180
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Growingbbygirl on tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/growingbbygirl
>>193203 kemono vids are broken. i'd love to see her content
>>193203 Doesn't quite look the same to me but aight
>>193278 Yes they're not functioning on mobile either. .txt files all over the place.
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Coweysworld https://www.tumblr.com/coweysworld/tagged/cowey https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57585-eating-thick-chocolate-bar-and-chugging-milk/ https://onlyfans.com/cow3y
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>>193889 that insane burp frm her instagram acc broo
>>193889 🥵🥵
>>193892 Brooo the burps got bigger the fatter she got it’s actually crazy
>>193892 how she isn’t one of the top models on curvage I have no idea
Some more bigbellyJudy https://gofile.io/d/OjCSCu
https://gofile.io/d/zz3Wbv not the newest video but the one that came out before it
>>193998 Does anyone have the non OF version of this/fat cow? Preferably where she pukes a little? Thank you if you do
>>194001 New Judy video https://gofile.io/d/NvVDFZ
Does anyone know who this is? https://thisvid.com/playlist/433955/video/chubby-ebony-overeating-3/
>>194010 ebony feedee on curvage
>>194012 Thank you
>>194020 GOATED
Yhhyii Uiiiii ihh
Somebody got this video ?
As a change i got this one https://gofile.io/d/oMNW6w
>>192540 does anyone know who this is?
The first picture bigbellyjudy and the video ssbbww brianna
>>188508 who is this she was on youtube years agp https://gofile.io/d/enMUMT
>>194696 https://gofile.io/d/AU7pOA
After this guy send this video of bigbellyjudy i got obsessed tbh
https://gofile.io/d/Vuv8YT Not black but also hot
>>193276 I made a compilation of her but foolishly deleted it bc I wanted to stop. Would anyone happen to have it?
>>194839 Thanks for the video. I nutted to it, but now I realise there’s definitely something wrong with me for liking this and getting sexual gratification from watching it :(
>>195075 bro lol , there is worse stuff out there than this like actually nothing is wrong with this at all thats just the post nut clarity. take you a break and come back later cause once you’re in you aren’t leaving
>>193903 Who is this/where can I find her? Any video links?
Found this on insta . Anyone who has the full video? https://gofile.io/d/Od6U7V
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You all Know Big Belly Judy is gone right she literally said yesterday that she was out of the community as of the afternoon. She was sick n Tired of people stealing her videos and posting them on Coomer Party she said she was aware of this as well as changing her Instagram Bio to “Stop requesting Followers” if you were there super early to see her Story you would pick up but she’s gone now the videos are still up so she said there’s really nothing she could do but she is Gone Bruh
>>196030 That been her bio. And last thing she posted was a picture with her OF link. lol Why lie ? I follow her.
>>196055 did you not see her stories? she deleted them but she pretty much said exactly what that guy did. she doesn't like her content getting stolen and feels like she doesn't get the recognition she deserves for actually being into getting fatter, unlike girls that just do it for the money. she deleted them after posting one more saying that she wasn't looking for a pity party, just airing her grievances. its a shame because she was way fatter after coming back from the most recent hiatus, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't jumping at the opportunity to see the new vids.
>>196164 If it’s true that sucks. I pay for her content and yeah it’s sad her shit gets pirated but it’s still money because people are buying it in order to post it here still money but I understand her POV also it shows the Cons and Pros of this website all the models come here and they talk about it. That’s the only way I could think she knows sadly. Shout out to Judy if she does retire thanks for the content (if she sees this) but she’s better than most of these models in my opinion.
>>196030 She's not gone but she said she's extremely close to leaving and not looking forward to making new content because all of it gets posted here and on coomer and because of backhanded compliments and subtle racist remarks and comments
>>196164 I think it’s a mix of what you said plus a feeling of not getting the same recognition and respect back.Probably spends way more time money and energy making the videos than the profit being made so when you spend hundreds arguably thousands on getting fat only for the videos to be stolen or uploaded elsewhere it gets draining Especially when you see so many other models who are like you said only in it for the money and do the bare minimum and get a large sum of money
Heres some edenn i collected https://gofile.io/d/0uFAeZ
>>196529 Probably the best belly on the site imo. Surprised she doesn’t get more love on this thread
https://gofile.io/d/mUoXVb here are some chocolatemilkduds vids that haven't been posted before, does anyone have lveevids?
>>197151 https://gofile.io/d/wnHXg1 enjoy my dude
anyone got lvee stuff. From her most recent patreon.
