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Tianna's Tummy Dan The Man 01/27/2025 (Mon) 05:55:31 Id:98a0e7 No. 190762
Here's her last three OF vids since someone bump-locked her last page. Enjoy fellas https://gofile.io/d/R5BDKF https://gofile.io/d/JPFXvE
Dayum she's getting huge
>>195533 Except that it absolutely killed her upload consistency...
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>>195712 I'll happily take more posts like these though; that side profile is insane
>>195727 Her arms are huge now Underrated part of her gain
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<0> <0> She's getting massive
sweet baby jesus
She is the fucking best.
she is so damn hot but I wish she did more explicit content, her last sex vid was so hot I just want more
Latest car stuffing looking FAT https://gofile.io/d/QCCVf0
>>196291 god damn, put this in the library of congress of fat fetish clips
When did she get the cow ring, really adds to the overall aesthetics
>>196291 Great clip. 300lbs by summer guarantee. Hate the ring though. She is looking huge.
>>196291 Jeez Shes gigantic, hopefully she keeps getting fatter and doesnt hit a plateau like last time
So many women slow down when they near the border of “conventionally attractive”, unable to let it go. Glad to see Tiana say fuck it and embrace the blob. Looking fatter than ever, hope she sails past the big 300
>>195860 God I love her! She is so sexy!
>>195727 More of this please!!!! Yum!
I think she should do fewer weight videos. She does them so often and she's always sad because she's not gaining enough weight. A few new videos with her boyfriend would be great. There are so few of them. All just at the beginning of her journey and then a little one in the middle.
>>196799 If you read this chan, Tiana, don't do this. Just have yourself in the videos. If she started adding her bf into every video, I'd unsub.
>>196803 ‘Noooo pllzzzzz do what I wanttttt!!?!!!!!!’
>>196799 if you're reading this chan, Tiana, do thi, ill sub. feeder feedee stuff is so hot
>>196803 This, dont want to see any dudes in there. Fuck is wrong with yall. Some fat roleplay would be hot though, ala foxy roxxie/kellijellibelly.
All of you will be happy to know that she never comes here Maybe you should subscribe and then start making annoying demands in her DMs 🤔
if her bf's hot or really skinny i'd fuck with it
>>196890 He seemed cute to me, a bit gentler than other feeders I saw
>>196893 Except putting lotion on his dick before fucking her. Fucking gross. Use lube dude.
>>196851 how do u know that dude
>>196938 It was in their sex video. Just slathered some white lotion on his dick before ramming it in. Even called it "lotion" in the video.
>>196955 No I mean how do u know she never comes on here
Because she's not a low life incel like us
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New pics
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More new pics
>>196963 I spoke to her. Just taking her at her word. 🤷‍♂️
>>196974 Past the plateau for sure
>>196851 Uhh except she literally does lmao. Hence the “you’re giving BBW Chan vibes” in response to anons calling out her neck fat
>>196986 His source: "Trust me bro"
>>196974 Jfc Plateau gone
>>197004 Not going to get deep into specifics of a private conversation but she was exaggerating. She said she doesn’t actually know what this place is like firsthand, just rumors >>197014 Yeah I’m really dropping bombshells over here Keep using this thread as a way to communicate with her she definitely comes here for feedback, trust me bro!
>>196843 I wish she did more of those horny turned on by her fat masturbation clips. The last one I can recall is from a good while ago at a much smaller size
>>197074 Also really hate that car stuffings are he main thing tbh. She is a boring stuffer imo, but I ain’t one for stuffing vids to begin with. When done in a sexy way turned in horny way [Cakedupkayyla for example] it’s great, otherwise I really just wanna hear and see a girl turned on by her fat. Tiana yaps and complains too much. I’m not interested in the personal lives of these girls.
A feedees content is only as good as her feeder. He's a clown dude can't even tie her up snd force feed her once a month in the same side angle to make a progression comp. Lol
>>197075 Yeah, Those car videos are way too long and boring. I like eating videos if the girl is a pig but she isn't and listening to her ramble for 40 minutes about random things isn't good content. Also she never plays with her fat. For as much as she's ballooned over the last year she never just plays with her fat to get turned on.
>>197085 Completely agree
Her bf is just using her as a resume anyways. You can tell when a feeder takes pride in his work this dude doesn't.
Y’all crazy. The car stuffings are the best thing she does. And I don’t want to see her rat bf in videos.
Ya guys are all morons for not liking the exact same thing as me!
>>197135 Second best imo. The walking vids are yop tier cause it's weirdly but funny how walking around, up and down stairs is becoming a chore
>>197199 The cope is strong with this post. Fucking incel.
You guys have some very very weird parasocial thing going on with two people you have no idea about. Holy shit you guys are losers. I’m one too but at least I just shut up and jack off. The jealousy is actually insane. I’m so scared to make feeder content with my girlfriend due to these weirdos but hey the moneys been great.
Did anyone get the wg compilation on YouTube before it was taken down?
>>197207 >at least I just shut up and jack off clearly
