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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:37:37 Id:ef17a7 No. 9
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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Any name for her?
>>192512 That's Jumbo_Jugz she's on OF/Curvage and Reddit her chug video is great I hope she actually wants to gain
>>192626 Maybe Lexi Cain, later Kelly Kane? But it’s old and grainy as shit so who knows. Either way most of her stuff got nuked over time if it is.
omfg does anyone know who this is? - https://thisvid.com/videos/sloppy-bbw-bj/
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>>192671 yeah but w?ho is she
>>192670 looks like Curvy_busty_goddess
>>192525 >>192653 This chick is gorgeous, hoping someone can name her but where did you find these pics ?
>>9 https://stufferdb.com/picture?/603015/category/548 trying to find her tiktok
>>191262 (re her being jessicuh) YOU'RE SHITTING ME
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_MpA1dGvqrA&pp=ygUaUHJlZ25hbnQgZ2lybCBmYXR0ZW5pbmcgdXA%3D Heard she was Lexi from s31 but couldn’t find anything
https://thisvid.com/videos/blonde-girl-chug-soda/ Who is she?
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Who, gents?
>>192807 That's Teapot https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/225006-teapot/&tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab&sortby=file_submitted&sortdirection=desc
>>192274 Bagelbellyx
Who is this
>>192869 LRM-BBW
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She was on reddit 2 years ago
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who is this
Trying to find who this is...
>>192897 spoopybelly, hylia blep, bonnibelly, doublebelly dream, plussizedream i dont know where her content was available. she been gone for some years now
>>192899 now that's how u squeeze n grip a fat girl's belly. wish i knew who she was too.
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Anyone know who this is? Thanks
Who is she?
This is one of my absolute favorite pics. Can't find anything else about her? Anyone know?
>>193117 Tinkerbelly, I believe. This picture is at least a decade old and she has not been in the scene for about as long.
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Any idea who this is?
>>193254 Penelope jade
She is stunning, anyone know who she is and I'd love to see more of her if anyone has any content of her
>>193305 CarolineQuinn, she has a thread i believe.
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OK, this is a super obscure reach But, I remember seeing this video a long time ago of these two fat girls in this video dancing, it was such a turn on as kid and I was wondering if anyone archived the original video there’s only one archive left on it on YouTube, and it has weird Spanish music over it: https://youtu.be/6Mfd7u-sfFk?si=HQwV_rl7tzGjD5LG If anyone else knows what this original video is then it is much appreciated
>>193328 Looks like juicy Jaqueline and Luna something don't remember her name
Anybody know who this is? https://gofile.io/d/KNUoho
>>193336 If you’re talking about someone in modern day. Then that might not be it. This was done quite possibly in the early or mid 2000’s. With the video still floating around the mid 2010’s before YouTube does what YouTube does So do not think that would be the case
>>193344 Lowkey it’s been so bother me I have no idea what the original video was considering how prominent was back when I was a kid😭
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Ok I did some research and I found this GIF of the video on Tenor It’s not much but it’s further showing that the video did once exist at some point. Thus explaining where they got this from
>>193346 I saved these videos a while back as a teen who was just finding out he had a major thing for bbws https://youtu.be/gCSEYJ5Aj1Y?si=knz2c5jdts9G8svh https://youtu.be/7cD0_kBazvs?si=ZmSYCJStmw9XrwcX https://youtu.be/UvYc12g-KFs?si=CEBSLYZgNiCcS-Y6 https://youtu.be/ffk2Qyzc6Nw?si=DoKNAHvXbPz8aR6M https://youtu.be/BY891umKfO0?si=XboVWyEFfY0BSmnQ https://youtu.be/kdKL1KlZMPY?si=GNRX0F5Ijn3Z3Vs0
Does anybody know her name she is incredible
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Who and how big are those milk tanks???
>>193407 Looks like "n0turfeedee" she has a c00mer idk if it's been updated tho.
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Anyone know who this is?
>>193336 >>193328 yes looks like an early luna love video when juicy jacqueline was her guest. they did 10 0r 11 sets and videos in all iirc, some was jackie solo
>>193456 Well now we have the OG video, does anyone know the source of where it came from?
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I swear she had a thread on here somewhere but it seems like they've nuked their entire online presence... any ideas?
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She's the cover for the messy fats bro does she make content of any sorts
>>193492 Cherrybomb or something like that
>>193442 Klair Vayzor. Here you go, friend: https://www.reddit.com/user/Klair_Vayzor/?rdt=37822
