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slob pit Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 18:14:49 No. 3469
thought we could use a thread for slob bots of all sorts. burping, farting, messy eating etc. all welcome, but maybe tag the fetishes too, especially if the bot has polarizing fetishes like scat or health issues. I'll start off with my own: Xartha, a gluttonous alien queen https://c.ai/c/pfz8IVyVbAOB7fBsifTi1z4nlBgQiraeZ3j9T8DJc-Y features: gradual wg, burping, farting, corruption image is from alt btw
>>16025 First time making a bot and posting here. Hope you like it. https://spicychat.ai/chat/1ca10d67-3cd0-45db-b19d-72a609b81256
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A technical repost, but only because I like the idea of a shadowy and unethical testing facility designed for pokemon, for either enhancing them or creating more, without the necessary need of breeding (however who ever makes the bot can make the reason behind it whatever they want) I would love to see a chatbot on character AI, based on turning the person replying to the bot into various fat pokemon with a hint of coldness to the mix, because the lack of emotion or compassion due to this being a facility
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Anyone familiar with Super Fatty Office Administrator Simulator? I've had a hankering for some slob content of the girls in the game, and I hope someone could make it. Someone had already made a few of them on Character.AI, but they weren't exactly good, and were limited by NSFW filters. If anyone's interested in doing this, here's a rundown of the girls: >Chloe Red demoness, strict, no-nonsense, head of MR ("Monster Resources"). A chocoholic that constantly tries to diet, but her addiction and the stress of her job makes her binge a lot, leaving her easily fattened up. >Pearl Sea monstress receptionist, real sweetheart, a bit naive, but endlessly kind and loved by her colleagues - not that THAT has ever stopped the more unsavory sorts from pranking or exploiting her. Has something of a sweet tooth, and is often unaware of her own gluttony. Bonds with Kathy and Erika over their love of cute things. >Kathy Catgirl, works in the sales department. The office trickster, lunch-stealer and general mischief-maker. Greedy, lazy and self-centered, frequently beefing with Jesse (see below), and her demeanor makes her one of the least-liked among her colleagues, though she bonds with Pearl over their love of cute things (and seafood). Liked dairy stuff in the prototypical gamejam version of the game, but no longer does so in the main game - this might just be for gameplay reasons, but it could be that she had developed lactose intolerance, which could be interesting to play with in a slob scenario. >Jesse Werewolf girl, sporty, also in sales. Hard-working countrygirl, butch lesbian, sports fan. Generally in good relationship with the others, aside from Kathy and Viktoria (see below), likely due to their laziness and Kathy's lunch-stealing and pranks - they're like cats and dogs with each other. >Victoria Ghost, works in IT. Blunt, bitchy, lazy and gluttonous, she takes full advantage of the fact that she's dead, non-stop stuffing her face with salty snacks, glutting herself to the point where her body becomes fully corporeal and she can no longer pass through walls. Sarcastic and opinionated about her colleagues, she's generally too anti-social to have any serious beef with the others. >Erika Mummy, works in customer service. Has a regal, cool air to her, and she seems aloof and distant at first. In reality, she's just very shy and timid, and deep down, she's obsessed with cute things, and is drawn towards Japanese culture. Also wishes to be "big and soft", and loves to indulge because of that. There's two more characters that were added in the full game, but I'll need another post for their reference pics.
>>22415 Slight addendum about Erika that I forgot: While she seems like a pushover because of her timid nature, she's very different from "Sunshine and Rainbows" Pearl - the few times she speaks with her colleagues, she does so to brusquely tell them to fuck off because they're either talking their ears off or are being disgusting. Now, onto the two remaining characters: >Polly Bee girl, also works in IT. Hipster-influencer-wannabe, has a general "Queen Bee" attitude. As she fattens up during the game, her office (and most of the IT department around her) gradually becomes a honey-filled beehive with anthro bee drones feeding and pampering her. Runs the office gossip mill, and has thus found a good friend in Stacy (see below), but also shares some of Pearl's tastes in food. >Stacy Vampiress, possibly senior among the girls, also works in costumer service. Karen-like, but in a smarmy, overly kindly sort of way. Has a "liquid diet" that frequently lands her in hot water with Chloe (who actively despises her), and she seems a bit old-fashioned, holding herself to a professional standard and dignity that she cannot reach because of her gluttony (though she's in denial about it). Becomes utterly indulgent if given the chance. Amasses an army of thralls, all enamored and ready to serve her (similar to Polly's drones mentioned above) through the course of the game as she gets fatter. Is notably picky due to her vampiric diet, though she seems to share Chloe's chocoholism, ironically enough. I hope someone gets interested in making any of the girls - there's little art of them, but I can provide more reference pics and details about them if requested!
>>22412 Bumping this, if anyone should make this I think it should be Gravitysecretagent, great writer, but anyone can try
>>22415 >>22416 bro shut up
>>22412 One last bump
>>4799 Would love to see this one updated~
I think it's safe to say this thread has died
>>22942 Stfu, it’s only not active cause people aren’t posting slob bots that often
>>9306 Very very late to the party but did you ever finish porting it?
>>9306 Any way you could make the template public? This is the single best bot I've ever seen.
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>>22415 Did Chloe myself: https://spicychat.ai/chat/3159f877-8ba6-412e-af77-9c16c5613fd4
>>24273 I may consider doing all the other girls, too! It was fun making Chloe!
I case anyone else wants to try their hands at it, here's muricanpie's Spicychat guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGzdaW7iZBYaIK__itu7FOxgvmTOnL3P7g0vfuafMaI/edit
>>24276 Do you do bot requests?
>>24290 Nah, I'm just going to do the other SFOAS girls. But I also literally posted a guide on how to make a Spicychat bot: >>24278 Get creative.
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Spicychat for Pearl created: https://spicychat.ai/chat/519a2893-faf2-4e4e-9983-56f3fd56f845
>>24333 Says this is either privated or deleted
>>24341 Sorry, it's still under preview.
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>>24351 Good news: Pearl's chat is no longer under audit! You should be able to chat with her! She's a bit lighter on the slob in the intro, but you can still make her into a slob blob (considering she's already close to the "blob" part). Also: Jesse's finished: https://spicychat.ai/chat/209753e8-917a-4384-b659-d1214b676a1c Once again, not heavily slobby at the start, but you can maneuver her towards it.
>>24390 Do you have the full version of the image you used for the pfp you used for Jesse? I tried finding myself but had no luck
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>>24428 It's just the stuffed version of her eighth stage from the game. I just added the background.
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Kathy is done: https://spicychat.ai/chat/10c15ef6-d0fa-4bf2-9257-6d9222720aaa Once again, not much slob initially, but the fact that she's greedy, gluttonous and lactose intolerant should help things going if you steer the dialogue in the right direction.
Well, Spicychat had implemented its' new "Semantic Memory 2.0", which basically means they fucking kneecapped the memory of bots being used by free users, so they fucking forget details and data after a certain point. So, unless you pay them, the chatbots will basically need the conversation's entire context reiterated to them after a while. No issue if you're not a poorfag, though, and can pay them the price every month.
Did all of Chadpiss's stuff get scrubbed? Can't find it anywhere
Hi I'm gassy
>>25562 Hi gassy I´m Anon
Might be a little niche… but I made a very fat, very gassy middle aged coworker bot. You get trapped in an elevator with her after she had a very eggy breakfast. Enjoy it if it’s your thing! https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=BIrf9_iqKZH7BEM7o2emsIpZGCyT7SxsQu6nfAbw13Y (Pfp might be stolen from another bot but I don’t remember for sure.)
>>25572 the link don't work :/
>>25579 Try removing "beta." :)
>>25572 can we get a spicychat for this?
>>25587 https://spicychat.ai/chat/f31c56f6-0f64-4523-912d-be49d2b382d6
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I made a bot based on a Feeeaad Oc, Her name is Olivia she's a clingy slob neet roomate who claims for your atention, i didn't made her gassy but i liked the results. Anyway here's the link and i hope you guys like it https://character.ai/chat/tGIWTlr7dvvPCRCaZYFmqBzKXg95rxYSRjSdCDm4mTE
https://spicychat.ai/chat/42a74dcb-a577-427a-88c3-84e8bd9f51bc Sally is a thin girl that's come to the Butterfly Monastery to be fed by one of the monks there. Shy at first, but she has a slob inside her that just wants to come out.
Yo, I'm gravity. Been a minute. I'm finally going to get off my fatass and port my bots to spicychat because there is no better alternatives to C.AI except for poly.ai and that's phone only. When I'm done I'll share it with you all so you can enjoy it. I'll link my profile or something.
I kinda just want someone to make the most nastiest, fattest, female bot. Despite how gross and fat they are, she’s horny as fuck and a dommy mommy too. Well, not actually a mother but you know what I mean. I mean a 850 pound, 6’5”, slob, that farts, burps, pisses, shits, doesn’t shower, and the only thing she ever looks after is her teeth. Due to her parents being both dead (Idk, crushed by a boulder or some shit like that), she inherited billions of dollars, and doesn’t even have to work a job in her life. Thus she ate, and gained on the pounds like nothing. On top of all this she watched a Jack tone of hentai, which turned her into a horny, gentle dommy mommy of a thing. Idk man, I hope someone can make that request in spicychat.
>>27441 I agree with this. Minus the piss and shit part
Hey guys, B34ry-bl00 here, back from hiatus. To shake off the rust I decided to try something different. With this new bot, you're a criminal, and you've been sentenced to face justice under the ass of Karoga, a pig who's fat, sweaty, and extremely gassy. Let me know what y'all think. https://spicychat.ai/chat/83723904-ece6-423b-993b-bd3009ee0b2e (Also, I've switched to spicy chat since Cai doesn't seem to like face-sitting and/or gas.)
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>>27986 Whoops, forgot the pfp
Hey, guys, I'm the guy who made the spicychats for Chloe, Pearl, Jesse and Kathy. >>24261 >>24333 >>24390 >>24483 I moved them to Janitor.ai since spicychat sucks now, and I additionally made one for Vic and Polly as well, but I'm not quite satisfied with those two. Their speech still feels rather generic and inauthentic to their character. Any advice on how to make them better? I wanna nail their character before finishing it off with Erika and Stacy. Chloe: https://janitorai.com/characters/7b136a9d-4f57-4c0e-983a-b5d3e12657ae_character-chloe Pearl: https://janitorai.com/characters/78d8a3b0-db9a-44d7-b8c0-8a49f33bcb29_character-pearl Jesse: https://janitorai.com/characters/23bd8765-15f7-474d-bd0b-fd1305c3698d_character-jesse Kathy: https://janitorai.com/characters/afe5495c-a54e-4496-9ea0-090afcc0a926_character-kathy Victoria: https://janitorai.com/characters/0a7a4ce7-6710-413e-b248-a0fed6de98cf_character-victoria Polly: https://janitorai.com/characters/d664de92-c23a-467c-81f3-2c6060387818_character-polly
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Can someone make a Slob Blob Horny Muffet Ai chat bot on SpicyChat?
it's been too long since I made one of these. what's the current best site for slob AI? I've seen people recommend Janitor but it usually feels repetitive to me
>>31363 I've had pretty good luck with Janitor TBH; I think it only gets repetitive if a single conversation lasts a really long time or you don't provide a lot of info for the bot to go off of. I find SpicyChat both less user-friendly and typically worse when replying. I think the best alternative to both of those is a local LLM but that's a pretty big hassle.
>>31338 I’d love to see that
Anyone can make an AI chat of this discord mod?
>>27441 this made me laugh my ass off, but man i totally get exactly how you feel >i wish someone would make that too, but i'm also open to other personalities besides dommy mommy
>>10454 >>10455 i'm so happy i was born in time to see this content >>15780 >>16420 good taste >>31815 where's this image from?
>>31075 Finally finished Erika: https://janitorai.com/characters/d5a0dd23-7978-4b27-9f5d-86293373bf54_character-erika ...And Stacy: https://janitorai.com/characters/709daf5f-a282-4f49-81ba-4580c1bf0937_character-stacy
>>31815 https://chub.ai/characters/BillyBunz/helen-the-discord-moderator-7c99a1a562ee (I didn't make it)
