/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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Post spamming, simping, racism, opinions and discussions here Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:29:54 Id:38d87e No. 168289
The threads are getting out control. Keep ‘em clean.
Why coomer party have so many pop ads now?
>>263334 uBlock Origin, and it's gone!
>>263960 fuck you with your slideshow
STFU weres the pics
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>>264956 What pics?
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>>254078 >>257546 >>257548 Hitomi is always so perfect. Does anybody know if this is SierraUzaki (aka Sierra Lisabeth on Onlyfans) 's real Facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/Sierrauzaki988/ She goes by SierraUzaki on IG, Twitter and OF.
>>265121 she's got to be one of the hottest women on the planet... and I've never even seen her face!
>>265148 I agree. And I hope that's her real FB. Because if so, I subscribed to her, she accepted my friend request and I'm in her DM's on FB now. So wish me luck. I want to be with her so badly. It's like her body is screaming out to me "Touch me, anon!"
>>265159 *screaming out to me "Give me a baby" too. I want her so bad with no rubber
>>265148 I want her so badly
Btw all those social media accounts are ran by 'managers' (pimps) or content editors from upwork. You're cybering with a dude.
>>245238 I wonder who let the chimps out...
Asian Boobs https://gofile.io/d/Q4Fb3k
yall want 🔥 content from a big titty white teen hit up @sarah_snook24 on sc
Why all the Xenia Queen Wood threads are deleted ?
>>267381 She asked nicely for a few months without a thread. I ain't gonna keep deleting it for that long. Give it a rest for a week
sdfgsf sdfgh sfgh gfh ghsdfgh dfgh dfghj
any hero to update rosiebigboobs' coomer please?
These be dire times for gooners
I wish that there was a board for bg vids. I'm so fucking tired of digging through threads for content only to see simping for nn/pinup model content ...lame ass PG-13 shit!
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JFC who is this??
>>269375 >>269352 Who is this please?
>>269433 There have been worse breast reductions. It's still a shame she did it, but it's a bigger shame that people thought they could give her enough money to not get a reduction.
Does anyone else dream of sucking her big boobs and breastfeeding from her? Like imagine if she had hyper-lactation where she couldn’t stop lactating and needed your help EVERYDAY. She would constantly breastfeed you like it was your breakfast, lunch and dinner. If she didn’t breastfeed she would have to use a pump and would make about 5 gallons of breast milk a day. She would have to donate milk because there would be no room to put it in the house. Pumping didn’t really matter cuz her tits are constantly engorged. She would need you to gulp down as much milk as possible to balance her efforts of expressing milk. Would you get too full? Could you handle all that cream? Can you swallow fast enough? Like what if that was your only food source for the day. Imagine just sucking and gulping her rich creamy milk down your throat…hour after hour…day after day…week after week…month after month…year after year. Your only breaks were to use the restroom, shower and sleep. Your friends and family will notice that you gain weight and you will have to lie and say it’s just bad eating habits. She eventually will have to sell some of it to hungry lactating fetish pervs just to clear space in the fridge and freezer. Luckily she makes millions from selling her milk so she moves to a mega mansion and ask you to stay with her forever. Time goes past and you gained 200 lbs in 5 years. Y’all are both married and living in a large mansion in Colorado. Her breast have grown bigger to the point where you need two hands to grab them. Sometimes the breastfeeding sessions can be brutal because you can’t breathe and the taste of breast milk wears you down. Eventually you try to stop because it’s just too much milk for one person to drink at once and you tell her you’re getting sick. She than shoves her big fat tit in your mouth and chokes you while milk is spraying rapidly down your throat. You start crying and begging her to stop.
>>269672 take your pills weirdo
>>269686 Stop acting like u didn’t just nut rn.
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