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(383.83 KB 1920x1440 Nina2.jpg)
(762.21 KB 2230x1988 Nina1.jpg)
Queen Nina Queen Nina 02/09/2025 (Sun) 14:04:59 Id:2b24ef No. 268258
Holy Cow! I can't believe how enormous she became! They are way past her belly button and could be down to her pussy in a very short time. Macromastia at its finest! GOAT!
Any videos with the new size?
Quite remarkable 2nd photo Heavy and saggy Haven’t seen this before
>>26843 This would be great
Enhanced by Photoshop.
Nina should post a video on Fansly.com The post is, of course, mother's milk.
>>268590 Oh cmon. We've been through this so many times. No photoshop here my boy. These videos are old, so they are much bigger now. But still, you get the point. https://titsintops.com/phpBB2/index.php?threads/biggest-wife-tits-on-the-site.13555351/post-2622178
>>268607 I’m only talking about the first and second photo in the original post.
>>268639 Blah, blah. Who gives an f about your or mine opinion. You obviously don't know a shit. She's genuine, period
>>268639 second pic, left shoulder. it's shopped, just not the part you want
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>>268689 ignorant fucks should be glad we get to see such amazing titties and beauty. tamara is unmatched in both departments. Emdi has delivered one of the greatest busty women ever and some of us dont learn to be grateful for it. I remember when she was just a regular instagram model we waited years to see her topless. theres nothing to complain about
Struck me that they were blurring out her tattoo so that it wasn't identifiable.
Looking forward to seeing how massive and saggy those tits get in 2 years time. She's absolutely fucking gigantic
>>268821 Awesome stuff. Those titsucking vids must be gold
>>268821 What's that link ? Doesn't work for me
psssssssssssssss you hear that? psssssssssssssssssssssssssss..................
>>268846 Wish the link was titsucking
>>268871 She briefly does it at the end of the Happy New Year video...
>>268300 lmao gay af, gtfo, you're sad
I'm starting to doubt milk videos exist
>>268966 They exist, but they are not for poor peasants like you. I bought all of her PPV videos.
>>268979 Please share it.
>>268979 I doubt their existence as well. Untill I see some actual proof of them existing, I'll never join her patreon or pay for her special videos/photoshoots
Don't let this die losers
>>268966 >>269058 I bought the $100 ones. You have to do it through paypal because milk, but she watermarks it with your name. This is why there are no reposts
It's time for her to do hardcore. Everybody has seen her tits. Level up now !
>>269360 Nothing a AI watermark remover can't fix.
>>268979 This is why no one shares.
>>269387 What the actual fuck.
>>269387 So $350. I've seen more absurd prices on Patreon in the thousands compared to this. Not saying it's not expensive for the length though lol
These prices are to die for. ))) she really considers herself a goddess who gets her tits licked by her boyfriend who has no balls. their children will be happy for sure...
>>269393 Come at me when you dropped $3000 for something on there. I know a few wealthy people that have done that easily too. Don't take these posts seriously, I myself could afford those prices.
>>269398 Good for you. Now drop it on 3 pics for a model and don't blink.
>>269402 Or a very rich oligarch that wipes his ass with that amount of cash. Anyway, things eventually leak. Even the pricey the stuff.
(2.29 MB 1440x3120 Screenshot_20250224-173455.png)
>>269404 Congrats and cheers.
*that had a huge watermark on it in every frame. Something like this.
the mods are really twitterpated with this rancid slavic sow
>>269741 Love that picture, even though her tits bend light.
>>269746 how dare you. she never morphs and that is a fact! F A C T - fact. :p
>>269746 I’m never that mad about the morphs because In many videos, depending on the angle, she’s just about as big. The morphs are a nice touch to enhance the imagination
>>269747 >>269754 Where the fuck do you guys see a morph?!! I was pixel peeping for half an hour and couldn't find a morphed pixel. Do you even know what morp looks like?! I'm a professional, and I guarantee there's no morph on this photo. Some people are so dumb that they call out every other busty girl for morphing. Everything is AI and morphed nowadays. Give me a break!
>>269791 See? It's a fact. I told you non believers. The professional has spoken and it's proven.
>>269791 I can’t tell if you are serious or joking.
>>269791 > morphed pixel wtf
>>269861 he's a professional bro
>>269791 A professional what? Plumber?
>>269741 Dude emdi luckiest mf on earth he gets to stick his cock in the hottest prettiest busty babe of all time. She looks incredible in this picture
>>269888 yes emdi. we get it.
