/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Lost Fatfur art Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 20:39:21 Id:2a7121 No. 42597
Because every board needs a lost art thread
Looking for a piece of art I can't remember who drew that featured two Yordles from League of Legends, one skinny and one (Poppy I think) massively fat, with the smaller one pushing themselves into the larger one's backside. I remember it being black and white.
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I remember there being a comic dub of Water Works by Kleiny and it feathered @MegTheLovableDork as Lucille in it. I thought I remember it was Ample Expansion who made it. Does anyone have it or have it arrived?
>>75360 this maybe the answer to your question fellow anon https://e621.net/pools/22390
>>75469 No, not the actual comic but a comic dub and it featured @MegTheLovableDork as Lucille (the brown fox) in it. I thought I remembered it it was by Ample Expansion.
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>>75590 >The Zamari Johnson >LordStormCaller Zauner?
>>75590 What? >>75591 Not me this time.
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>>75590 If you're requesting this to be edited so that Clover can be in her cat form, you can do so at >>54042.
>>75590 https://nitter.poast.org/ZamariJohnson4 Genuinely can't tell if this either a child or retarded, but the Gacha Life shit is enough of a red flag for me. >>75594 >Not me this time. stfu
Anyone know of a sequence in which Cala Maria lets herself get eaten by this tan, fat, blonde chick with glasses? Asking here because I remember it being both on FA and DA, but now I'm convinced that it got deleted. If the sequence can't be produced, knowing the artist's name might help.
>>71839 bumping, really liked fruitgremlin/veggiegremlins stuff, especially their veggiegremlin stuff.
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>>62542 damn! didn't expect to see my old art here! here! you can have more of my hidden art :)
Many years ago, in 2017, I remembered this image. it was my little pony like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with someone in the characters of My Little Pony who played the roles of the other characters in the movie. Pinkie Pie was Willy Wonka, rarity was purple, CMC was the Oompa Loompas, in fact I don't even think Equestria Girls existed yet, because I remember the next one, Twilight Sparkle, was black. The rest of the characters were white... Well, except for Rarity who was a blueberry. I mean, rainbow dash and Fluttershy had wings in this one with white skin, kind of like the MLH animations. I mean it looks like a coloring and pencils with only one page with 3 parts in it. the first two parts are at the top and they were small, it's mostly included of Twilight talking to pinkie Wonka, I guess I didn't understand what they were saying and the third page, the rarity was a blueberry wearing Violet's costume with the 5 girls looking at it and the CMC rolling it. I guess that's it for me, really, I mean I like to get that back one day because I really want to rediscover my whole childhood again. (and to see what Twilight was talking to Pinkie Wonka?), I hope you can help find it? The artwork looked like this Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/crimcb8dd6rd1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec3da993a9f82b57ed345d57a468744f18370d66 And this is how I remember it: Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/uzf1ylbkd6rd1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775bda9af9dbd1c1c60ebc82dfbf4256455bfc83 Let us therefore spare the word: #FPWCS or #FindPinkieWonkaComicStrip
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>>76312 Okay.
>>76313 that's the drawing of how i remembered it, that's not it.
Looking for art of a blob Mistress Splinter (Rule 63'd TMNT Splinter) that I think milk-knight drew at some point.
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Does anyone have the high quality?
I got one that I'm try to remember so far i recalled there was a Japanese artist in Fur Affinity. It had two art i recalled 1.ex HTF petunia being water inflation by flippy with a hose and the other one is a fat queen swap her weight with her bunny servant.
does anyone have an archive of orukaniumu's suspended twitter? pls
>>76451 How's this?
>>76861 Perfect! Thanks!
>>76861 Artist?
Anyone know what happened to allymoodyneko? Also anyone know where I can find the donation inflation with kallen from code geass?
looking for a pic of a fat unicorn and a fat Pegasus being bitchy to eachother. May have been Big Horse or ShottsyArts
I'm trying to find back an art of a Shortstack white Kitty with pink bow ribbon and clothes, but Il' cut short of what you may think : no, it's neither moot nor hello kitty, it's a complete OC with her own name from an artist that I've been trying to find since I've first saw it, but despite the many attempt on X, no result so far the last pictures I could describe of the art seen is, that the OC had different X-ray showing her more or less nude with different layer (no gore or anything) I would be glad if someone could find it...
>>77063 https://nitter.poast.org/Nightsome5/status/1795984174467219868 Your description fits Nightsome5's Lilly, as well as the Xitter post linked above due to you having mentioned the "X-Ray".
>>77064 many thank's Anon! you saved my day!
I'm looking for a picture where Rouge the Bat is fucked as an inflatable toy by a blue dragon and she gets bigger and bigger because of the cum and then explodes
>>76031 holy shit ty, hey do you still have the hollow knight art you drew for your old twitter account
Does anyone have fat monstercat mascot art?
Anybody know the name of a story? It was about a squirrel tricking his grandma who worked at a bakery into giving him more cake than he would normally be allowed. I think her mind was failing and he’d gaslight her into thinking she hadn’t already given him some. Ended with her feeding him until he burst, I think. Thanks in advance. :)
Does anyone by any chance have the full version of this? Artist name Is ABitToasty/Jiggledoggle/Wobbledoggle
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>>76427 Not blob but ehhh pretty close.
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This is an Uber-specific picture and I have zero idea if anyone is gonna know who made it but I’m trying to find this sketch page of Zoe Monroe from Beat Bangers. One of the drawings is her inflated and the other is her pants inflating. I have zero idea who drew it but I’ve been going through FA like a madman trying to find it so I’m assuming the artist deleted it
there was alink that show all the jelliroll past art in Mega can anyone share it on here please ?
Someone will have part 2 of this sequence, since I have looked for it in many places and I have not found it. If anyone has it please send it to me, I am missing this piece of art. The artist is Garuda_six
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dropping atlyss fatty here aswell
Any of Fawxen's old Noelle art?
some cettus stuff since i cant find his stuff anywhere anymore
Anyone have さしみ醤油(@lAi0N78LlWxmLI2) deleted Nanachi art as they deleted all there stuff out of nowhere after making a bunch a month ago.
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anyone got this? (screenshot from a yt vid)
>>77815 Pretty sure he's on Itaku now
>>77669 artist?
Looking for a transformation sequence about a woman being fattened into a cat-cow hybrid of sorts. I think SweetnessAdmirer was the artist of it.
>>78026 Found it!
