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Ralsei/Asriel Thread 2 Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:05:49 Id:7c1ee4 No. 54173
The sequel.
No posts eh? Well, time to open this dark world then!
Here’s your marshmallow goat! Try not to overfeed him.
Unirionically want his fluffy belly in my face and so many other parts up against me
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(1.19 MB 1200x1103 IMG_8173.png)
>>54253 Sauce on this?
>>54368 this fucker build like chowder
(104.85 KB 1697x1140 FnreDR9XoAAUGKr.jpeg)
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(368.07 KB 1000x1080 5624533.png)
>>54705 >4th image Must've made them with some "special milk" of hers, for him to develop moobs THAT big and shapely
(556.17 KB 876x1271 Tirk.png)
who is the og artist?
(148.70 KB 1280x1168 1487089238.chowderyoshi_chubsasr.png)
(78.86 KB 500x750 asriel fatty taco day.png)
Look at this
>>54886 daaaamn its been a while! been missing how you drew this fatty
>>54886 Bro doesn't realize that he could just have the TWO tacos, together
>>54908 I miss drawing this boy too, thanks for remember me mate, drawing Asriel is my pleasure.
>>54920 He is young, he make mistakes XD.
(40.62 KB 632x500 asriel before after.PNG)
i need to finish this one.
(48.36 KB 1200x1800 fat asriel part 1.png)
(42.78 KB 1200x1800 fat asriel part 2 fix.png)
(42.05 KB 1200x1800 fat asriel part 3.png)
(102.26 KB 1850x1800 fat asriel part 4.png)
Old sequence.
(105.79 KB 1200x1800 fat ralsei .png)
(180.48 KB 454x647 fatty asriel.png)
This was my first fat Asriel i did, i love it so much.
(101.09 KB 1256x1146 fat asriel.png)
But i have to say, this is my favorite one, i feel like i expressed his obesity very well, i hope to nail it again.
>>54932 very excited to see how fat and soft you can make this boy going forwards...
>>54931 Honestly, so happy that you're still here, despite it all!
>>54959 Thank you.
>>54975 Thanks for liking my art, i like to talk to you.
(135.57 KB 500x750 another fat asriel.png)
I tried shadows
>>55010 so GOOD omg
>>55009 To me? Well I like talking to you too!
>>55010 Though hey, look at just how adorable he is, just perfectly cute and round!
>>55017 >>55021 >>55022 Wow guys!, do you really like my Asriel?, i'm doing my best
>>55027 I love your art friend! I love them, they are very cute!
>>55035 Thanks mate!.
(127.00 KB 500x750 another fat asriel 2.png)
The sequel
>>55039 If I take my kids to disney then I will be just like everybody else. No clue just wingin it. Ill choose the path my father took. Fuck these brain dead women.
>>55039 Dude, you're absolutely KILLING it here with these pics!
>>55042 Thank you so much, but i feel that this thread is not getting great attention.
(126.52 KB 500x750 another fat asriel 2 fix.png)
>>55042 I made some fixes.
>>55044 Hey, you don't have to have a whole lot of people in here for it to be a "good time". Honestly, I'm happy that you're still around, posting stuff. But honestly!!! >>55045 This is really good!!! Honestly love the way you made his belly rounder and made sure to add a couple of touch ups!!! Really just shows how passionate and wonderful you are with drawing Asriel!
>>55065 Thanks my friend, that make feel good.
random assortment of stuff from the last thread that hasn't already been posted. spoiler = peen / sex
>>55178 No problem, glad to help!
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Ralsei is such a cute fluffy boy I wish I could fatten him up and cuddle him ngl
(124.48 KB 1430x1720 GGaUUaAWQAEbuIZ.jpeg)
>>55319 2nd pic reminds me of that expy of him from one of Temmie's own games.
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(12.68 KB 798x660 image_2024-03-09_011056649.png)
Blubber Ralsei.
Can someone get the pic Torj gave us in the last thread?
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I never played this game but I really like the character of Asriel...
(73.29 KB 830x725 IMG_4918.png)
(80.18 KB 676x745 IMG_4919.png)
(284.29 KB 2162x1797 F9uj864W8AASrad.jpg)
(2.25 MB 2162x1797 F9uj864W8AASradedit.png)
here, take this rather small edit I did for fun a while ago
(186.30 KB 1110x696 IMG_5769.JPG)
(5.49 KB 330x495 IMG_5712.PNG)
(722.83 KB 782x1056 IMG_5788.PNG)
(90.53 KB 3200x1778 IMG_8289.PNG)
>>57189 Daaw! He looks so chubby!
>>57369 Can I know the artist of the first image and the sorce of the first image
(155.79 KB 1280x1280 IMG_5786.JPG)
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(91.82 KB 585x720 IMG_5765.JPG)
>>57371 Rekteon on FA.
>>57403 Thanks
(120.10 KB 1920x1080 IMG_20220425_100754_063.jpg)
(92.43 KB 500x490 fat asriel face.png)
I made some random drawings.
(1.35 MB 1614x2283 IMG_5102.png)
>>58107 Its supposed to be “I can’t get up.” Right?
>>58107 Hey, honestly! It's always a godsend just to see your stuff. Seeing such a cute looking fat Asriel ALWAYS makes my day to be honest!!!
>>58155 Sorry, my bad.
(91.06 KB 1444x1249 IMG_5190.jpeg)
(114.15 KB 1444x1249 IMG_5189.jpeg)
COCK and coom.
(22.99 KB 799x535 chara and asriel.PNG)
A little sketch.
>>58912 THEY LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER, SHEESH. Great job on this dude, you did AMAZING
>>58930 Thank you so much mate!.
Chara deserves to be fat.
Can we get more of the stuff we had in the last threads?
>>58912 My good sir, do you have a discord? you have good tastes! also I agree, chara deserves to be fat!!
>>59539 I have it :).
>>59539 Thank you, i think it would be amazing to talk.
>>59539 Feel free to send it if you're up to it! you're welcome btw!
>>59583 I have a Twitter where i upload my art, you can send me a messege with your discord tag https://twitter.com/betterfluffy
>>59715 Just did that! feel free to check it out!
>>58912 Can I request a fat Ralsei and Kris? Like, really fat?
>>59797 Sure!
>>59834 Can I request something?
>>59834 Nice! Keep me posted
(2.31 MB 1665x2212 IMG_5674.png)
>>59876 Sure, just don't request something gross or extreme fat like blobs
Do you have discord or something? >>60267
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(183.37 KB 575x538 GFjog8-XYAAbKPm.png)
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>>56419 late but w/e
>>62160 You did that??
>>61312 Yes i do, but send me a messege on twitter https://twitter.com/betterfluffy
(111.82 KB 1313x1596 GKxSNuSWsAAbNt4.jpg)
I kinda wanna separate the goats after this thread reaches bump limit
>>62636 Why? It's not like this is a particularly fast thread. There's no point.
(882.29 KB 2048x1500 illust_89332699_20240423_131658.jpg)
(131.42 KB 1404x1293 GLe1RtcXgAA1OVI.jpg)
(13.49 KB 500x710 asriel big belly.png)
Sorry, i wasn't able to do something great, but here is something at least
>>61683 Do you happen to know the source of this one?
>>63766 Hey it's honestly fine! Anything from you is perfect, as is!
>>63825 Thank you!.
>>63933 No problem, keep on going! Your stuff always makes me smile! :3
>>63980 Fat boy tom. Im the fucking boss not you.
Let me find out tom putting hits out on his members. Fbi will be keeping a close eye on you and your staff now. Keep it up 500k
Anyone got a archive of the original?
>>63766 Make him a blob
(911.22 KB 1446x937 image_2024-05-27_124940843.png)
(1.13 MB 1398x936 image_2024-05-27_124956914.png)
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97234384 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95259379
>>65332 More inflation please!
This post needs to live.
(32.93 KB 750x500 image0-324.jpg)
WE'RE BACK!!!!! a giant, fluffy hole in my heart has been overfilled 🥹
also, here. spoiler for hyper and a mountain of horny goat <3
>>67375 Hot damn that's good, though. I wished it was in a higher resolution
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>>67384 i gotchu homie. found the og artist, too- @chip_at_night on twitter. so glad this thread is back
(76.86 KB 843x900 C3Nko4bWAAEvz-P.jpg)
(2.58 KB 310x420 qoal9t00rbya1.png)
Is always so good seeing threats being active.
sha-bump :3 (spoilered for gas)
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