/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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blueberry inflation Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 04:28:35 Id:74c0fa No. 33106
there seems to be a lack of it so lets start a thread for it
better. "OK that's a relief... I was worried about popping or something.." “Now KIM: you would never pop, not when your with a doctor like myself who knows the ins and outs of being a berry. You are in great hands sweetie. Now I want you to do for me is try and have a more positive outlook. You may be round and helpless but that shouldn’t stop you from the person that you are. No matter what, you’re appreciated by my friend Patrick. And you are appreciated by me too.” assured Razz as she started to write on her clip board. She turned to Ashia asking, “You guys doing anything today?” Ashia looked up at KIM and then back at Razz. "No not that I think of? Only so many places a big blueberry like her can go." Oh right I figured that,” she smiled innocently adding, 'Just was curious is all. I was thinking if you two wanted to have a girls night out?” "How? I mean I'm huge and helpless, who would want to serve me in public?" sighed KIM. Razz looked up to her with empathy and a serious look neither wolf expected. "KIM, you doubt yourself so quickly. I know many places that can handle your size dearie. There’s a restaurant bar I know of and the mall itself is welcoming for those on the large size like you. I’ve waddled into the mall and everyone wanted to shyly say hello to me and give me a hug.” She giggled a bit at the last end of her statement. “You have to be yourself dearie.” "I guess your right.....I have to try and make it manageable," the berried wolf said. "Now I'm offering to take you two out on the town. Three berry girls with nothing to do but having fun and enjoying each other's company. What's say you? Meet me at my house around 4pm?" smiled Razz with a happy excited look. Before KIM could say a thing, her friend Ashia said, "You bet your sweet fluffy ass we'll be there!"
Downtown Zootopia was bustling with mammals outside due to the beautiful that never seemed to be dreary. Gazelle went about walking in the central part of the city, though many eyes were staring at her and such. The good thing was that the mammals who were fans of her respected her so much to just treat her as another mammal this day. Wearing a tan sleeveless tank top, light blue jeans, and carrying an orange purse. She looked around at many of the mammals who either waved or nodded and she did so in return. "Its so lovely many mammals are kind to me. They and I know we're the same; just because I'm famous doesn't mean I should flaunt it about." Gazelle thought happily. The gazelle continued to walk as she looked and admired the beauty of the trees that were beside her. Then a little voice came about hitting Gazelle's ears. "Help someone please!" She stopped and turned to look for the voice. "Please someone!" The gazelle continued to search until she saw a little tiger that was being bullied by a bunch of bigger mammals. "You ain't going anywhere runt!" said a large wolf. There were 5 of them surrounding the little tiger. Gazelle thought "I should go up there and stop them! No wait.... I got a better idea!" She opened her purse and pulled out a stick of blue gum. "This'll surprise those bullies. They won't see a big blueberry gazelle coming towards them" the gazelle smiled. She opened the gum and popped it in her mouth. Chewing it Gazelle said, "Okay gum do your stuff!" A violet blue color started to creep down her body and changed her fur. After a few seconds, she was fully violet! Then a fullness was felt in her belly; she put her hand on it and rubbed it. *GURGLE* "Here we go." she mused happily. Soon enough her body started to grow bigger as the belly pushed out more. Gazelle's breasts started to blow up as well. Everything from her arms, butt, legs, facial cheeks, and back started swell up. "Mmmmph, so good." said the swelling gazelle. Her body kept growing out as her breasts stretched her tank top and her butt and legs strained her jeans. Bigger Gazelle grew; her body started to get wider and a little taller. The gazelle's feet and hands were starting to sink into her body. The growth continued to as it rounded her out. Finally, after so much swelling Gazelle stopped. The tank top had stretch wonderfully containing her ginormous breasts. Her very full belly stuck out greatly under her great bosom and pants. Gazelle's jeans even were stretchy enough to stay on without ripping; the little tail wiggled about behind her.Her legs were bloated with her feet sunk but enough to still have footing. Her hands were at her sides and cheeks bloated enough to still speak clearly. "Ahh feels great to be big again!" exclaimed the berry gazelle. "Now to save that little tiger." Still grasping her little purse with her left hand, she started to waddle. Gazelle was used to this having done it many times before. *SLOSH* *SLOSH* *GURGLE* Her body made all the noises it could to alert many mammals who either witnessed or just now the full berry Gazelle. But the bullies that surround the little tiger boy were too focused on him. "Now, your going to get what's coming to ya!" said the wolf. *SLOSH* "Ahem!" cleared a voice behind them. The bullies turned around and became shocked by what was standing in front of them. "G-G-Gazelle!?" one them said with their jaw dropped. Now all the bullies were wide eyed and silent looking at the huge berry gazelle standing before them. "Are you boys hurting him? Because the way I could see and hear you it seems like you were." said Gazelle as she glared at them. The bullies tried to speak words but couldn't due to still being confused and shocked at being confronted by a large berry. Even the little tiger boy was shocked and the same time relieved."Anyone care to explain?" asked the gazelle. "Well uh," said the wolf, "I think we were just leaving weren't we guys?" The others nodded their heads. "Now you boys better apologize to him and go home. Or do you want me to walk each of you to your homes to tell what you did in front of you families?" The older mammals were sweating at that proposal and decided to apologize to the little tiger. After the apologizing, Gazelle said, "Good now, you boys better remember what I might do if I see you hurt him or others like that next." "Yes mam!" they all said and walked away. Looking back at the little tiger boy, she asked, "Are you okay sweetie?" The tiger replied, "Yes thank you Gazelle! I never would expect you to come to save the day! Let alone as a blueberry!" Gazelle giggled, "Well I had to throw them off some how! Now, is your family looking for you?" "No, but I do want to go home now," said the tiger, "you think you can help me?" The blueberry gazelle nodded and said, "Of course darling!" "Thanks Gazelle!" he said and went up to hug her. *SLOSH* went her body after the contact with tiger's hug. Gazelle laughed, "Aww no problem sweetie. Here how about you ride on me?" "Okay!" said little tiger. Gazelle waved down another mammal and asked them to assist putting the little one on her. After being place on her left side, they started to waddle. "Okay sweetie, where do we go?" she asked. "Savanna Central, there is an apartment where I live at!" With the location in hand she and the little tiger moved towards the center of the city. More mammals watched in awe as the berry gazelle was walking with a little one. Many of the them were touched by what they assumed she was doing was right. Gazelle noticed this and just nodded and continued onwards. Finally, they reached their destination. "Right here Gazelle, said the tiger. Standing in front of an apartment house, the gazelle saw it was mighty modest and simple. Then a female tiger appeared coming out the front door. The grown tiger was surprised to find a berry gazelle with her son on top. "Derek!" said his mother. "Mom!" replied Derek. She rushed up to Gazelle. "GAZELLE!?" said the mother. "Hello there, smiled Gazelle. "Gazelle protected me against those bullies and helped me home too!" said her son. Hearing this the mother looked at the round gazelle and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that!" Gazelle only chuckled and replied, "Its not a problem, he was being very good as we walked to his home." Derek's mother picked him up off of Gazelle. Then the blueberry gazelle realized that she wanted to give something to Derek. "Sweetie? Could you grab my purse and open it? There's something special inside for you." Derek grabbed the purse and opened it and looked to see a 3 concert VIP tickets inside. "Wow Gazelle for me and my family!?" exclaimed Derek. "Yes, I think you and your parents need to great night to enjoy," she smiled. Derek's mother was very touched by the gift also. Derek went up to hug Gazelle again. Smiling Gazelle thought, "You've done a great thing today Gazelle."
There she stood: in her stretchy buttoned outfit made to encompass that round juicy frame now acquired. Gazelle's bloated face looked across the audience cheering. The blueberry mammal was in the spotlight once more sponsored by his friend's company Hug-A-Berry. She wanted to also dress in one of her favorite outfits to berry up in. Also, Gazelle also had a wireless head set on helping her easily waddle about without having to hold a mic with her wiggly hands. What really stood out for her outfit was the high heeled brown shoes she acquired from one the designers. Indeed, they were themed but fashionable; a great combo for her look. As she sloshed and sang, the fans cheered her on. Tonight would be a huge success for the berry Gazelle once again. Being berry for concerts since meeting Patrick was the best decision. No regrets fell in her mind. It felt good to be big and round once more. It has now become one of her many trademarks as a singer. A juicy one indeed!
Professor Sophia Berry was one happy berry this day to interview one of Patrick's friends: specifically Roxy Aspasia. The wolf told his former professor about them due to the fact of loving blueberry inflation also. Though; what the large educator didn't expect was that the vixen came strutting into her office in the same outfit they always except stretched out as massive busty blueberry the same size as her! She blushed a bit but shook off the notion happily glad to see the fox here. "I wanted to thank you for agreeing to do this interview Mrs. Aspasia! I've been eager to chat with you ever since Patrick mentioned you to me," said Sophia. Roxy replied, "Oh think nothing of it Sophia, Patrick's had nothing but kind things to say about you so I was more delighted to jump at the opportunity, er, roll as it were..haha! Oh and please dear, call me Roxy.~" The round professor blushed a bit at the sweet sultry nature of the massive vixen berry standing before her. "Oh goodness, haha, of course Roxy whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. Shall we get started with the questions?" Roxy's smiled increased excited at the prospect of answering anything this professor would throw at her. Although she did have something to ask them back. "By all means sugar~! On speaking of questions, Patrick tells me you had some inquiries about bountiful berry bosom; shall we start with those~" Poor Professor Sophia Berry's face flushed harder at the notion that one of her question was indeed about her bosom! She rebounded saying, "Oh my haha, I suppose so! Patrick you sill wolf.~" Roxy giggled back knowing that the little wolf had his hand in everything. But between the two of them, both of them felt this would become quite the interview. And then afterwards: who knows? Maybe go and see about surprising Patrick then!~
Kobe then stepped in saying, "Well if you recall that I did tell you I had another friend who could swell up at will, this was the person I was meaning." "My oh my.....Razz Berry? The Razz Berry!" Becca chirped excitedly. Although, the excitement was short lived by two eyes glaring at her. At this time, the two males were now becoming round. Becca's face started to sweat a bit at the intention. "You going to stand there or you going to help us?" sighed Kobe directly eying at them. Razz looked at duo berries between her. She raised a hand with a sweet smile showing that Becca wouldn't have a hard time rolling them to the juicing room.
So Hexxer is an alcoholic pretty much. Dude hasn't been sober since the 1600's pretty much. as such he has acquired various types of wine and beer and other alcoholic drinks from around the world. He is particularly fond of berry wines, cherry, raspberry, strawberry and of course...blueberry. Sneaking a bottle of his precious booze comes with a cost though. He's enchanted every single bottle so that if its someone other than him drinking it...they will suffer some rather...expansive side effects...I found out the Hard way on that and ended up a big ol berry for the week. I'll get better...once hexxer juices me and uses that juice to make another batch or two of wine...anyone wanna sip? owo
I remembered there was a video where a group of furries having a picnic eating blueberry pie till one exploded to death while the rest of them are still alive inflating into blueberries too. although come to think of it they didn't turn blue? Until a few years later It's gone. does anyone have a full comic of that?
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>>34146 I forgot what it's called and I can't search it anywhere?
The many green vines planted within the Garden began to shake and vibrate on their own. Soon enough, they sprang to life, trails of blueberry juice leaking from their new ends. At a teasingly slow pace, they began snaking their way toward Sly. As the vines slowly crept up Sly’s body, some of them rooted within the raccoon berry, affixing him to the soil not unlike an overgrown blueberry seed. He shuddered uncomfortably as they burrowed into his taut, delicate, furry skin. He shifted from the uncomfortable tickle from the vines as they settled inside like leeches. He felt himself being filled again, now with the natural juices of Loompaland, his growth teasing a few more tenuous inches out of his already stretched-out frame. The sloshy, juice-filled inside of his body felt almost warm and gooey as the garden’s blueberry juice entered him, but it started to cool after a few moments after his own, icy cold juices ran through the more gooey stuff in him.
>>34146 anyone? I've heard this comic a long time ago but forgot the name of that comic?
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Now blueberry poop is something we never had done!
>>38517 i hate this guys work
>>38518 Why? This artist's artwork look good
>>38523 Uhhh are you seeing the same pic as us?
>>38523 no it isnt it’s garbage
>>38553 Well at least he's trying. That's more than I can say for most of you uneducated losers
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Blueberry fetishists when they see a blue circle overlayed on a factory background
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>>41303 artist?
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>>41308 SpicyRoary
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What’s the appeal to this fetish when all the art looks the same? And you think the wonderbread guy was specific
>>41957 i've been with this thing since i am a 5 yo, and i don't know either
>>41964 As someone who happened upon this at the ripe old age of 6 years old, I have somewhat of an explanation. I had a discussion with a few of my friends a while back. At the time I was more diverse with my inflation kinks and they mainly focused on 05 expansion scenarios. One of them brought up this old forum post that explained how a lot of people who gained the fetish from the og movie seemed to use the same scenes and angles in sequences and stuff. Basically, the repetition of the expansion (the tracksuit, factory setting, angles and perspectives of the victim billowing out into a massive, immobile form) somewhat adds to the appeal for a lot of people. You know what's going to happen, but in a sense that adds to the excitement when you see it happen. It's safe, but that also lets the imagination run wild with a plethora of other things (different angles, outfits, locations, how the victim is "juiced"- not to mention different types of fruits and their effects). In more recent times I've kinda gravitated more towards blueberry stuff while my friend has been exploring more toony expansions, so to an extent I can vouch for this. There's a few things I probably left out like the helplessness and more "object" like the inflatee is, but I rather not jam up this board more than I already have, lmao
I’m sure this might not be considered “true” berry art, but some of thundra’s older berry stuff was really good, especially because it feels more like “weight gain/water inflation with more mobility and a neat shade of blue” and less “leshawna ball oc”, unless that’s not the main appeal of the fetish
Oh yeah, this is definitely good stuff. The way I described it above was moreso a generalization of the attraction towards the factory tour aspect in many artists’s drawings. It’s fun when people break away from the norm and try something new! Love the more unique shapes of these myself. Apologies if I sounded so otherwise.
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>>34146 my question still exists
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>>42416 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34108406/
>>34146 so what you guys are saying is that the blueberry inflation comic I've been looking for is deleted and gone forever.
>>42527 >>42528 >>42530 Artist and are they one DA or FA?
>>42699 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sumisune/
>>34146 you guys have no idea what comic I was talking about.
>>43015 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34108406/
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>>43724 Where did you get the other Cloudboyo pic?
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>>43725 https://www.deviantart.com/cloudboyo/art/Berry-party-978864019 https://www.deviantart.com/cloudboyo/art/Berry-Party-head-978864117
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>>43758 when is this gonna be finish cause this is so hot!
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Found this seemingly cropped berry sequence, anybody know the artist! ty in advance! ^^
>>44947 FrootieBuck/Frootz
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Do you know who made the 3rd image >>41326
>>45090 returntosender
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Azure is my favorite baseball
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>wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
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>>34146 I still can't find it!
>>46660 trans
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>>47073 really hope we can get a higher quality rip of this one, and without the dialogue
>>35925 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54190022/
>>47146 Have a clean edit of the "Surveillance version" for now: https://vimeo.com/878397607 https://pixeldrain.com/u/FShrRpeR
>>47766 god bless anon, you're a lifesaver
>>46417 future parts for the fourth one
>>46693 Retard
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>>50227 >>46693 Bless you.
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>>50468 Thank you <:3
>>50571 You're welcome! 🤗
https://images.app.goo.gl/pX4vy6AXo2ppbWmZ7 https://images.app.goo.gl/g7vWDRHQgYscJt6eA https://images.app.goo.gl/UDN592SekwQoEaWi8 https://images.app.goo.gl/WPsP9qMFfCvp8o567
Does anyone have any of TheBlueBaron’s most recent Asami stuff?
Oops wrong thread sorry
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>>52569 sauce?
>>52588 Thatoneaceguy on fa made it.
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Video: https://nitter.privacydev.net/frisk_lk/status/1751429504394834130 Original sequence: https://nitter.privacydev.net/frisk_lk/status/1635867215839764480 https://nitter.privacydev.net/frisk_lk/status/1635868308053401606 https://nitter.privacydev.net/frisk_lk/status/1636187681506881537 https://nitter.privacydev.net/frisk_lk/status/1636187815020044293
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Saving the thread
>>50469 Any more?
Keep your own thread up while I look for something new to post.
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>>59247 get the fuck outta here with that traced art from the movie you fag
>>60062 It took me until I saw the background to realize that.
(1.75 MB 600x750 h91jjcw.gif)
>half of the shit here is literally just *insert furry character here* in the wonka 71/05 outfit in the exact same setting with some of the exact same dialogue god I didnt think furries were THIS uncreative, jesus christ
>>60119 Womp womp
(2.95 KB 256x256 Wip.png)
I have a berry pussy for you to lick.
>>61072 Can I put my dick in after.
(2.95 KB 256x256 0VIsb-u5_400x400.png)
>>61073 Yeah!
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I hope you guys like this blueberry mouse mom comic I made
What's your opinion on stretchable clothes? I noticed that a good chunk of blueberry art involves clothes that grow and stretch more and more as the body grows bigger, do you think it's part of the fetish? I'm not a fan of it honestly, it's kind of off putting for me and most of the times it's just Violet's attire from the movies.
>>61704 Opioids are bad for you, you shouldn’t be doing them anyway. Oh and the art is still fucking shit.
>>61722 Dispatch send these trolls to do something
>>61723 Wait they dont have dispatch 🤣
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Anon Edits.
>>61746 Dont your dare split my position in half. Or thats it. Deals is off. Trying to overfeed on my salary dont worry I got it I will do it myself
>>61603 it fuckin sucks
Does anyone have that Duo Radon blueberry sequence of a black wolf girl in a corset?
>>33106 How popular is blueberry in the furry fandom?
>>65895 A lot.
>>66602 Hell yeah, so glad to see this oldie. roary art is always peak
>>66623 agreed
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i know its in the images but name of the artist?
