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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Eeveelution Thread 2 Vaporeon 09/15/2023 (Fri) 12:38:07 Id:6c8c59 No. 45043
Founding another Eeveelution thread so the main Pokemon one doesn't get overcrowded and die, so post your fatty Eeveelutions here!
(110.59 KB 976x814 GLoSGGnXoAAi82a.jpg)
(124.61 KB 988x823 GLofW2jXUAAWPu-.jpg)
(63.81 KB 915x780 GLk5TtOWYAAIki1.jpg)
(101.73 KB 1000x903 GLkyn6RXIAALiUr.jpg)
(9.84 MB 1280x720 QSsT0CEv-ThcNiAx.webm)
(142.53 KB 476x683 GLKmH2-XQAIEiTg.png)
(192.68 KB 513x816 GLKr4gyWEAACm23.png)
(733.09 KB 2160x2160 GLlqOLjbsAAPheh.jpg)
(272.83 KB 720x792 GLKmB4zWEAAQVAD.png)
(216.12 KB 769x704 GLJQsJGX0AA0eZx.png)
(312.80 KB 1070x1280 1577413744.carmessi_page1.jpg)
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(237.88 KB 1070x1280 1577414011.carmessi_page3.jpg)
(274.40 KB 1070x1280 1577414086.carmessi_page4.jpg)
(133.47 KB 1195x1071 F-Xga39WYAAEaSV.jpg)
(450.06 KB 891x821 F-XqtxTWcAA1Kmh.png)
(2.18 MB 2310x2099 Edy7XQYXoAIOpua.jpg)
(2.71 MB 1879x2562 2379252_eigaka_mean-look.png)
(817.25 KB 1350x1200 1682356114.chowdie_umbracomm.png)
(117.69 KB 1195x1071 F-Xga38XgAAgtnq.jpg)
(149.29 KB 911x879 GLpJ4ZlW8AAWFc3.jpg)
(854.90 KB 720x756 RGmtrHjzwR4t3oUQ.webm)
(374.37 KB 882x732 GLu-9pDXsAA6Tqj.png)
(100.58 KB 941x850 GLvqnpxW4AABtuv.jpg)
(95.26 KB 911x767 GLvsVWiXMAAY2iC.jpg)
(117.74 KB 973x780 GLwAywfWMAAFUxD.jpg)
>>62170 artist?
>>62589 She would wear that lol got thick
(171.98 KB 975x1180 F_pIwGeXAAE7Tgp.jpg)
(147.10 KB 946x896 F_pI0t1X0AAAfwc.jpg)
(205.54 KB 1122x860 F_pI3ROW4AAla0t.jpg)
(416.90 KB 1621x1255 F_pJXHDXkAAD9Bw.jpg)
(5.02 MB 800x600 IMG_6385.gif)
(118.69 KB 2048x1509 GMIsh-YWEAAptBL.jpg)
(3.13 MB 4528x3464 97305484_p0.png)
I recently spotted an interesting WG Drive comic page on Twitter involving a high leafeon getting stuffed by an umbreon. It disappeared off my TL due to bullshit autorefreshing, getting lost to the aether before I could save it. Anyone know of it? If not then, conversely, I also recall there being rumour of "fake drives" using AI slop - might be one of those if no one has posted it.
>>64666 nah im pretty sure you mean this one
>>64671 Ah, it does exist. Nice find!
>>64719 espeon is the thiccest of them all
>>65016 F-, see me after class.
(298.90 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530195756.png)
(297.63 KB 1220x1220 ice_20240530111024.png)
(297.13 KB 1220x1220 help_me_20240530200735.png)
(304.57 KB 1220x1220 belly_20240530105224.png)
(294.30 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530131943.png)
(321.02 KB 1220x1220 Pokemon_20240529200218.png)
(348.51 KB 1220x1220 leaf_20240530122034.png)
(213.84 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530122919.png)
(420.05 KB 1500x1080 eevee_inflation.png)
>>65568 >>65569 Wow! This is garbage. You actually like this?
>>65584 Eh they are not they are stil eeveelutions so why do u say they are garbate and in gacha club is a good way to make your own OCs before u do it with art also this was made by ZedVoreCon
(382.59 KB 941x910 7hshpv.png)
Meh, just keep uploading decent artwork who cares
Someone have a pic of a blob eevee that was filling with cream? The eevee became a cream type evolution. I can't find it
(583.71 KB 1658x1349 veiukket_202001c (13).png)
(1.10 MB 2296x1488 veiukket_202304c.png)
(4.63 MB 2591x3624 veiukket_201903f (7).png)
(3.88 MB 2680x1691 sylvohonotext.png)
(357.06 KB 1605x2296 1701995832.roundrenee_renee_p.jpg)
(2.75 MB 1719x1310 1719809846.dasquished_12313.jpg)
