/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Eeveelution Thread 2 Vaporeon 09/15/2023 (Fri) 12:38:07 Id:6c8c59 No. 45043
Founding another Eeveelution thread so the main Pokemon one doesn't get overcrowded and die, so post your fatty Eeveelutions here!
Eevee is fine too
New fuckpillow thread? You love to see it
(268.22 KB 2000x1940 F4FIv3WaAAEF-mo.jpg)
(673.98 KB 1120x1282 vaporeons_donut_shenanigans_.png)
(1.15 MB 2000x2080 buffet_injustice.png)
(1009.64 KB 2000x1882 you_gotta_feed_your_flareon_tho.png)
(223.10 KB 2000x2096 F4FG9K3bEAEfxQw.jpg)
(248.49 KB 2000x2000 F4FG-cuagAA8xu5.jpg)
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(322.89 KB 2000x2157 F4FHB_5aYAACJBr.jpg)
(123.35 KB 1224x1132 FPR07dhXsAQWKuU.jpg)
(475.79 KB 1120x1322 SPOILER_umbreon_special.png)
(1.29 MB 2000x2672 SPOILER_umbreon_special_2.png)
(1000.16 KB 2000x2347 SPOILER_umbreon_special_3.png)
(130.14 KB 2048x1317 20230915_175751.jpg)
Someone's have dis in better quality?
(266.14 KB 1280x977 QBlZytu.jpg)
(281.63 KB 1600x1143 lSLXTCH.jpg)
(532.66 KB 1740x1200 A7AYM0z.jpg)
(233.98 KB 2037x1209 9xorgfv.jpg)
>>45073 Source on those last 3?
(62.73 KB 1083x783 5shA12K.jpg)
(59.74 KB 1118x700 gV0IcEc.jpg)
(111.53 KB 1529x1060 BbFLkCy.jpg)
(92.33 KB 2005x1105 XidhJ0O.jpg)
(70.15 KB 1087x848 KGNwiWQ.jpg)
(351.24 KB 1280x750 NNUwCys.jfif)
(62.31 KB 858x842 nr4HmFY.jpg)
(92.99 KB 630x407 kp1t3OR.jpg)
(692.89 KB 1366x1050 1514926500276.png)
This thread is a reminder that the only good Eeveelutions to make fat are Glaceon and Sylveon.
(83.47 KB 960x871 fw86l7c8uefb1.webp)
(184.52 KB 1536x2048 20220703_100323.jpg)
(352.26 KB 964x759 33180189_p0.jpg)
(70.61 KB 738x632 C2Dv8GiUsAAAtV2.jpg)
>>45628 god what i wouldn't give to pound that flareon big warm fuckpillow
(210.98 KB 2304x2112 FmX2g0yaAAA7OT6.jpg)
(163.26 KB 2176x2176 FmX2jaiaEAEq_Ut.jpg)
(215.68 KB 2304x2112 FmX2txhacAIZSSs.jpg)
(165.73 KB 2176x2176 FmX2uS0aYAASXiU.jpg)
(605.07 KB 2500x2117 december reward 3.png)
(321.52 KB 2000x1500 December_reward_7.png)
(470.74 KB 2700x2100 reward February 4.png)
(398.44 KB 2900x2200 september reward 5.png)
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(98.25 KB 872x916 IMG_4969.jpeg)
Can anyone post that Sylveon animation by ModnarYug?
(73.28 KB 1024x853 IMG_4970.jpeg)
(173.35 KB 736x799 1477275728487.png)
(78.24 KB 738x632 1495514689075.jpg)
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(512.46 KB 813x995 qr8Hbfp.jpg)
(229.50 KB 850x850 4dv3lGG.png)
(133.93 KB 900x600 Vaporeon_Hydro_Pump_by_GrineX.png)
(366.94 KB 771x755 Enlarged_Eevee_by_Warlord101.png)
(44.33 KB 751x467 Eevee_by_Gnight.png)
(171.78 KB 1914x1243 hFRD4vE.jpg)
(259.37 KB 400x300 1469984429513.gif)
(443.01 KB 1000x1000 1470166432969.png)
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>>45815 Need a boy like the first pic
(1.37 MB 1700x1200 1465259677830.png)
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(2.07 MB 1920x1459 1527047091839.png)
(706.67 KB 4000x3000 F7NmTdmaMAAtIpt.jpg)
(413.20 KB 3012x3000 F4owkEbbUAAvFWM.jpg)
>>46106 Whos the artist that made this edit?
(253.72 KB 2145x1876 F7yeEpGWgAAKNyK.jpg)
(192.42 KB 2087x1920 F7yeL6nXkAArva-.jpg)
(182.03 KB 2087x1920 F7yeMvGWEAAtBKz.jpg)
Spoilered for burping
(53.66 KB 357x380 1477613804860.png)
(100.52 KB 1280x964 1573880265.093_tpot.png)
(124.78 KB 1280x853 1582941317.093_tpot2.jpg)
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(224.69 KB 1280x614 174263.jpg)
(92.58 KB 800x800 [email protected])
(115.00 KB 1280x1017 1586018078.yina_belly_nap.jpg)
(186.33 KB 1280x1129 1641829059.yina_blobby_freezer.jpg)
(124.14 KB 1021x1280 1650176237.yina_glec_belly_rubs.jpg)
(1.47 MB 4514x3274 jeni3.png)
(484.87 KB 4096x3805 FYWkvoZXoAA1z_0.jpg)
(222.91 KB 2844x2132 FYY7fNbXwAM8cAE.png)
(186.04 KB 3245x2434 FYdcOa1WYAACBs9.png)
(286.16 KB 3110x3733 FYnQ0c7XoAgjV4s.jpg)
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(386.79 KB 4096x2097 FYyE6JaWAAU8qaK.jpg)
(169.67 KB 2048x929 F-FF7rbaQAANl6j.jpg)
>>47918 sauce?
(257.39 KB 2768x2804 FwRnB5fX0A44OEC.jpg)
(189.43 KB 2560x2203 F4D6EHvWAAEv61x.jpg)
(322.54 KB 4096x3719 F-GiFJiWsAAuIu_.jpg)
>>48191 Artists?
(86.10 KB 850x607 1700937508346568.jpg)
(163.81 KB 800x800 1700938053645777.png)
Sad and hungry
>>48886 A tragic story indeed.
(1.86 MB 1923x1916 1693769877.xnonax_brtbrttr.png)
(2.71 MB 2217x1662 1701052531.xnonax_bgerferfe.png)
veiukket's best stuff really does end up in those doujin-whatever things huh
>>49134 Veiukket can do a lot of hot art without intentionally doing it
(257.45 KB 2000x1882 F3w-LeCaYAErna2.jpeg)
(356.77 KB 2000x2080 F3w-MyuawAAG3Is.jpeg)
(308.47 KB 2000x2289 F3w-KJaawAAF5n8.jpeg)
(49.23 KB 1270x1083 berryeon.png)
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(371.64 KB 3000x2250 GB7r4P9WgAApx13.jpg)
Sylveon my beloved
>>50268 Sauce?
>>45073 Please. More of this. Goth? Round bellied. Belly button fucking? This is actually peak
>>45106 Whos the artist
(127.23 KB 1200x1050 Dancing Sylveon alt.png)
(142.04 KB 1200x800 Tub Bound Vappy.png)
(261.12 KB 1320x1200 Sparky Gets her Fill.png)
(82.22 KB 1500x1381 very nice you guys found a TM.png)
Spoilered for cock and ball
Love the idea that Vaporeon embraces the meme and is fully comfortable with being the sluttiest of all the eeveelutions.
>>50740 Vaporeon would have to compete against sylveon, who does her hardest to please her human (to the point of being strong against dark and dragon types and having ribbon feelers for comfort, bondage, emotional support, and being able to Jack you off if youre a guy), espeon is obv the fattest eeveelution because she can use psychic abilities to eat without having to physically move at all, so unfortunely vaporeon cant compete with espie
Jolteon has a fat fetish
(1.34 MB 540x540 ezgif-5-ad66fb1fb7.gif)
(55.05 KB 705x780 DyEop4pWkAAozM8.jpg)
(64.06 KB 978x799 DxqTGO-WwAAM2DE.jpg)
(54.84 KB 1280x1280 20240119_233410.jpg)
[!]: "Oh, hey, Are you a pkmn feeder too? If so, Then show me how much you fed your pokemons!" * FEEDER Fetch wants to battle! * FEEDER Fetch sends out SYLVEON!
(1.30 MB 4093x2894 GD450LcakAAVKYt.jpg)
(1.41 MB 4093x2894 GEPNoqkawAASzzN.jpg)
(1.41 MB 4093x2894 GEPNqYGb0AAaN36.jpg)
(91.21 KB 1199x848 GEXBF7caIAAu2Vu.jpg)
(123.65 KB 1200x827 GEXBF7ba0AAEDHx.jpg)
(98.04 KB 1200x827 GEXBF7fbEAAhcUN.jpg)
>>52551 Source please!
>>52558 https://twitter.com/Mikem0222
(144.25 KB 1099x746 IMG_3703.png)
(162.55 KB 1099x746 IMG_3704.png)
(156.25 KB 1099x746 IMG_3705.png)
(143.98 KB 994x746 IMG_3706.png)
(156.73 KB 936x743 IMG_3707.png)
Spoilered for slob.
>>52910 Name of the artist?
(26.55 KB 1024x1024 IMG_3694.png)
(35.03 KB 1239x932 IMG_3693.png)
(845.53 KB 1500x1500 IMG_3692.png)
(1.25 MB 1500x1800 IMG_3726.png)
(1.54 MB 2255x1970 IMG_3685.png)
>>52918 They’re on E621 apparently under “pfh.”
(804.20 KB 1200x918 95214109_p26.png)
(602.09 KB 1200x918 95214109_p27.png)
(556.02 KB 1200x918 103383051_p9.png)
(96.55 KB 1200x918 F1QWF2eaYAAa0fH.jpg)
(1.75 MB 600x600 ezgif-2-4fdfd13008.gif)
>>53372 Imagine if jolteon had like two sylveon twin-sisters, one is a lazy but kind fatass, and the other is an assertive feeder, now, jolteon wants the kind sylveon to get fatter, and the feeder sylveon wants jolteon to get fatter, however, jolteon wants to push the kind, gluttonous sylveon into obesity, but he cant do thsg if he becomes a blimp before she gets fat, so its like a dysfunctional trio trying to get the other fatter before they do
>>53378 I’m sorry anon, but this is a sfw artist
>>53399 We can still fantasize and besides i gotta cope with the fact that tantaro made sylveon lose weight so i make up a scenario where thin sylveon is different from cute sylveon
(79.01 KB 1200x900 GGtjzwOaUAAeNjW.png)
(130.94 KB 2000x1285 GHD2SnrbIAAkD9G.jpg)
>>54828 This is animal abuse.
>>54966 You are a faggot.
>>54966 There’s a dedicated thread for feral stuff, go harp over there
(161.15 KB 1227x919 F5UdJZTaEAAX043_orig (1).jpg)
>>54966 nah its hot as fuck you're just a pussy
(868.15 KB 2337x2158 GG5oF6HXAAA9XcK.png)
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(94.80 KB 1170x675 FurzEJHWcAIWRCm_orig (1).jpg)
>>55013 Miss that daily fat eevee guy. Wonder what happened to him?
>>55016 Prob took a break of drawing, mustve been pain to draw dsily
(104.57 KB 477x349 drawing.png)
(4.02 MB 5147x3207 IMG_3762.png)
(7.01 MB 450x300 1707154167.xnonax_efi2.gif)
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(240.63 KB 1900x1185 WZAG4vA.jpg)
(139.62 KB 1280x874 1509988526344.jpg)
(555.64 KB 620x636 Goodra'sBigBalloon(1).png)
>>55681 source?
(1.23 MB 3500x4250 DeshaDal.png)
(1.31 MB 2844x3090 DeshaLarge.jpg)
(418.09 KB 864x732 DeshaMarley.png)
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(693.17 KB 2000x1200 1473774794.azelf_mienshao2.png)
>>60752 Overfeed agents someone elses turn. Fuck off kindly
>>45056 Sequel to this Leafeon, made a hot fat character even fatter
>>60876 Hope we get to see a sequel to Glaceon.
>>60876 Are you the artist?
>>60881 That'd be https://www.furaffinity.net/user/theguynooneremembers/ I am the creator of this thread here though
(1.42 MB 4299x3024 100085166_p2.png)
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>>62170 artist?
>>62589 She would wear that lol got thick
(171.98 KB 975x1180 F_pIwGeXAAE7Tgp.jpg)
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(3.13 MB 4528x3464 97305484_p0.png)
I recently spotted an interesting WG Drive comic page on Twitter involving a high leafeon getting stuffed by an umbreon. It disappeared off my TL due to bullshit autorefreshing, getting lost to the aether before I could save it. Anyone know of it? If not then, conversely, I also recall there being rumour of "fake drives" using AI slop - might be one of those if no one has posted it.
>>64666 nah im pretty sure you mean this one
>>64671 Ah, it does exist. Nice find!
>>64719 espeon is the thiccest of them all
>>65016 F-, see me after class.
(298.90 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530195756.png)
(297.63 KB 1220x1220 ice_20240530111024.png)
(297.13 KB 1220x1220 help_me_20240530200735.png)
(304.57 KB 1220x1220 belly_20240530105224.png)
(294.30 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530131943.png)
(321.02 KB 1220x1220 Pokemon_20240529200218.png)
(348.51 KB 1220x1220 leaf_20240530122034.png)
(213.84 KB 1220x1220 el_20240530122919.png)
(420.05 KB 1500x1080 eevee_inflation.png)
>>65568 >>65569 Wow! This is garbage. You actually like this?
>>65584 Eh they are not they are stil eeveelutions so why do u say they are garbate and in gacha club is a good way to make your own OCs before u do it with art also this was made by ZedVoreCon
(382.59 KB 941x910 7hshpv.png)
Meh, just keep uploading decent artwork who cares
Someone have a pic of a blob eevee that was filling with cream? The eevee became a cream type evolution. I can't find it
(583.71 KB 1658x1349 veiukket_202001c (13).png)
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