/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fat ferals: the revenge Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 05:12:49 Id:55715f No. 53574
>>66552 You mean like the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griffith_Park_Zoo
>>53574 Imagine being pinned by a raptor as she gorges herself into immobility.
>>66663 If you like that you’ll like this story https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54702449/
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There was some art with it too
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New artist https://www.furaffinity.net/user/piramidonn/
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More chunky dergs
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This mascot for a brand of horse weight loss product and the description that goes with it is just so sexy to me
>>58464 Just noticed bbw-chan got banned from the Wayback Machine sometime this past month. The old thread's GONE. There was a really cute drawing of a shiba inu from behind. I think it's the same artist as this one, but I don't know their name.
>>67490 Oh yeah that’s mistymimi on Fa, that drawings probably still there if it was from them
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>>67490 Did you mean this?
>>67498 >>67628 hey, thanks guys
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>>68065 Really distracted by the weird wrinkly butthole he develops in his back.
>>68410 Yeah that is such a weird detail, otherwise a sexy little sequence
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https://www.deviantart.com/scrangledangle/gallery Here is some bbkjk art
>>69330 It’s all archived here https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Search
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Fat Pokémon are so sexy
>>70780 Wrong thread
>>70844 They’re feral tho?
Fat sexy t rex
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Fatty lioness
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>>73034 More from that artist
>>73075 >>73034 jesus christ are we really that desperate that you posted this slop unironically
>>73034 >>73075 The absolute state of feralfags.
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>>73084 50/50 It was the first thing I found and remembered the existence of this thread, the concept is good but the execution sucks
>>73101 accept this as a sign of apology
>>67168 Did Fayker really just fall off the face of the Earth?
>>73087 >>73084 >>73101 Their stories that go with the scribbles are way hotter than the actual drawings https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54702449/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56012752/
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Mono-reared dawg from that one show. (From @pelnsfw on Twitter)
