/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fat ferals: the revenge Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 05:12:49 Id:55715f No. 53574
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Anyone know if the original thread got archived on the wayback machine
>>54103 I love love love when they pancake out like that instead of just turning into a barrel
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Some big ass birds by kerjois
Any good giraffe stuff?
Remember when a bunch of Zoomers from deviantart joined Furry life online and tried to connect Feral to Zoo.
>>55029 Not really...
Would love to get some more farting feral art…
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>>54490 Really sad that guy left again, he made some great stuff
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>>56953 Source for the cat?
>>58361 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/home-made/
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>>58464 Round
(235.38 KB 600x338 Gravy Train.gif)
Russ groggily awoke to find the absurd tightness in his stomach had once again been transformed into a more bearable tightness across his whole form as his sensitive skin struggled to accommodate his rapidly ballooning weight. Russ could only lay and pant in a vain attempt to catch his breath. He whined in frustration when he discovered his arms had become so weighed down with fat that he could scarcely even lift them. There had been a brief shining period where he was free enough to rub that mountainous gut pinning him in place. His restraints had been removed some time past, but only once it was clear he couldn't escape under his own power. The distant but terrifyingly familiar sound a hand cart squealing under its heavy burden caused Russ to renew his escape efforts. He heaved himself from side to side but could scarcely lift his heaving bulk an inch off the table. The soft swell of fat rendered his waist completely incapable folding even if he did have the strength to do it. Even before his last feeding his mass was debilitating enough to keep him tantalizingly too far from escaping. Now with yet another layer laid across his entire body he could tell he was spiraling ever father away from mobility. If he were to escape, his odds were only going to get worse from here. The uneven squeaking grew ever closer to the door and Russ' fruitless gyrations only managed to sap what little energy he had left. He sunk back on his plush shoulders in defeat and panted from exhaustion and the cement bag of fat laying on his chest. His only defense know was his sad puppy dog eyes, although they only seemed to have egged on his captor so far. The screeching sound halted just outside as the door slowly creaked open.
>>58816 Bike
>>58817 That's what happened. A bitch came in on a motorbike, her tail wagging. She put Russ in the sidecar and drove away.
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>>59157 After 40. Thats it nobody want you. Unless you age gracefully. 🥴
Is the pawg late for work. I like chocolate
>>59157 The shit one I get, but the giraffe is hot as fuck, what are you talking about?
>>59178 THe face and posing on the third just looks rank
>>59250 I can see what you mean by the face but how is the posing not sexy as hell?
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@tontaro_ / @tontarotaro started out as a 100% vanilla artist, but all of a sudden, their characters started inexplicably gaining more and more weight slowly. It was really surprising! I think they should collab with veiukket someday.
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>>61094 Jolteon not wanting Glaceon to get in shape is so awesome
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The results of using telekinesis to grab snacks instead of getting of your fat ass to do it yourself
>>61213 Yeah I take it as a serious hint that the artist is comfortable with this genre, but by the way thats actually Sylveon lol, This is Glaceon, roppu's.
And Jeni, Pillowbun's Glaceon
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>>61319 Ah, mixed up some of the most iconic eeveelutions (at least when it comes to wg art lol) you can tell my only experience with pokemon besides fetish art is playing pokemon go for 5 minutes Anyway, have a cheetah I think she had too many Cheetos
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>>61344 pokemon go huh? rings a bell with me for this artist, "fayker" , who deleted all of these of their purple-y colored Vaporeon Vinny a while back.
i guess when it says "R9K" it means this character has been seen here before too much, so if it lets me post all art of a character without ever showing "R9K" message I guess that specific art wasn't posted here before (like the Sylveon and Jolteon)
>>61380 newfag (r9k just means you can't post the same exact image when it's already on the board)
>>61396 This is a good post. Teasing them but stil giving them the knowledge they need. We need more of this shit.
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anyone know who did these? I think I found them on the last thread
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>>61557 I tried saucenao and google images, nothing came up Have another epona tho lol
>>61591 damn, thanks anyway
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Fatass penguins
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Any rabbits?
>>62198 are you? It's a nonsensical bot that posts often on this site. Stupid bitch head. Don't post anything again .
>>62174 Your wish is my command.
>>62412 Haven’t seen stuff from that bbkjkn guy in a bit lol
anyone have any Pokémon?
>>62895 The Pokémon thread is down the hall and to the left >>49774
This guy doesn't have much in his gallery but there's a few gems. I liked this sequence enough to do a basic color job on it.
Anyone have any dinosaurs or fish?
>>64220 i could draw a dino... any specific species?
>>64221 I got one: Tany! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXbTiob_qRs
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>>64221 Oh could you do Fang from Primal? That would be awesome!
A few of my favourite tubby birds I've commissioned PsychicImmortality for
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>>65069 Are krejois and bkjjkjkjkjb (whatever he was called) the same dude? Their styles and subjects are pretty similar.
https://character.ai/profile/Pikefin This is pretty epic
(109.57 KB 800x632 Ninetales by BlueCrow.jpg)
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(232.14 KB 1652x1184 fat vaporeon by Azelf.jpg)
(229.53 KB 1164x639 Glaceon Sumo by KYM3110.jpg)
I need more "makeshift bipedal" art of ferals, having their bellies & figures get so round they can't even walk on all fours.
(87.65 KB 1280x825 Ample Absol by Weighty-Kyte.png)
(105.72 KB 900x682 Espeon by BlueCrow.jpg)
(114.09 KB 784x748 ロコンとキュウコン1.jpg)
>>65117 Nah they were definitely different people, Kerjois had a different (much better) style, and didn’t seem to have a bursting fetish like the bbjk guy
>>65482 Yeah definitely agree, Kerjois’ art style is just way too different I feel like bbjk has left his mark on this community, everyone thinks he keep repeating. It’s like loss lol
>>65690 Wait I thought Kerjois quit? That seems new, is he back?
>>65725 This got uploaded to Kerjois2 under the pretence that someone close to Kerjois sent this to kerjois2 and that it’s a new drawing
Anyone have something similar to Lion study by Duo Radon
>>65762 Lion study sucks
>>65768 Agreed, it’s not wg, just stuffing I’d love to see a version with actual weight gain and more lionesses not just all males
>>65827 Completely agree, just stuffing is just really mediocre (also yeah more lionesses)
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I wish this gif went on longer, would be extra hot
>>66206 source?
>>66334 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23910747/
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Thought someone might post the sequence I commissioned, I was going to wait until it was completed, there's still another part coming. Also credit the artist at least. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/psychicimmortality/
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Something new from kerjois Wanted to draw a fat tigress for a while now lol. Went with a sort of dilapidated late 60s zoo aesthetic to really emphasise how different animals were treated in captivity back then, particularly with lack of exercise and being fed excessively. This tiger doesn't seem to mind those drawbacks of this decrepit old enclosure, as long as she has food and she can gorge herself on it without much restraint, she doesn't care. One thing she does have quite the distaste for is the enclosure's concrete floor and how gravely it is on her poor, barrel-shaped body and tender underside. Treks from even one side of the enclosure from her food dish and back leave her particularly puffed out, usually resulting in a gaping gasp that leaves her breathless until her next meal of calorically dense tiger feed.
>>66552 You mean like the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griffith_Park_Zoo
>>53574 Imagine being pinned by a raptor as she gorges herself into immobility.
>>66663 If you like that you’ll like this story https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54702449/
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There was some art with it too
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New artist https://www.furaffinity.net/user/piramidonn/
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More chunky dergs
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This mascot for a brand of horse weight loss product and the description that goes with it is just so sexy to me
>>58464 Just noticed bbw-chan got banned from the Wayback Machine sometime this past month. The old thread's GONE. There was a really cute drawing of a shiba inu from behind. I think it's the same artist as this one, but I don't know their name.
>>67490 Oh yeah that’s mistymimi on Fa, that drawings probably still there if it was from them
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>>67490 Did you mean this?
>>67498 >>67628 hey, thanks guys
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