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Goodra Thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:17:26 Id:522295 No. 68280
Just so you know that I am DOWN BAD for Goodra. Both in general and sexually. I can go on and on about my fantasies with her, but I'll try to settle down. Post some art on this gooey, dumpy dragon pokemon.
(8.48 KB 163x309 images.jpg)
So a twitter artist nostrems posted this silly Goodra comic but has since deleted it. Did anyone here happen to save it? All I have is the google thumbnail
(149.20 KB 1280x1052 1608160482.~lyla~_draco_heal.jpg)
(198.23 KB 2316x1960 20240715_024124.jpg)
(276.18 KB 3000x2192 20240715_024133.jpg)
(399.23 KB 4000x2500 20240715_024145.jpg)
(1.59 MB 1928x2048 IMG_8703.png)
(94.98 KB 1387x1723 GLKyBr2awAAiG-f.jpeg)
(671.98 KB 1600x1100 Goodra ShoweFullr.png)
(191.72 KB 1527x2136 GUkka0yXgAAE3x1.jpeg)
(593.11 KB 2550x3800 GU_n0NSXkAA_gh9.jpeg)
(2.81 MB 1697x2171 1724100827.ikiki_goodra.png)
100% SEX
(4.56 MB 4608x3456 Goodra_OC.jpg)
A few years ago, I used to hand draw art of fat female characters. Among the pokemon I drew was a fat Goodra OC. I recently decided to redraw this OC, and name it. I'm not an artist, and I have no real experience with digital art, so I'm only posting a screenshot of it here. Enjoy it for what it is worth.
>>72472 That is really cute. Excellent work.
I can understand the rather wide appeal of this pokemon over here. Goodra has a rather pretty and feminine design, putting it in a group with Gardevoir, Loppuny, Frosslass (sort of), weavile (sort of), Leavany, Lilligant, Gothitelle, Delphox, and Florges. Goodra also has a rather heavy design, similar to, most notably, Snorlax, as well as Lickilicky, Miltank, Purugly, Hariyama, Mamoswine, Grumpig, Walrein, Emboar, Blissey (sort of), garbodor (although kind of gross), and even Dragonite. Goodra also came out before generation 7, before gamefreak decided to make so many, somewhat over-sexualized designs, on purpose. With an intersection of all these categories, I'm surprised this thread was not made sooner.
(314.71 KB 1952x2225 GVSHzPCWoAAypBq.jpg)
(346.39 KB 1952x2225 GVSHzPDWsAApMmK.jpg)
>>72514 Can someone post the rest of the sequence of pic 2?
(4.91 MB 2064x2240 IMG_0508.jpeg)
Found this awesome animation! https://x.com/Zenith741NSFW/status/1835097284767629401
Is there more art of Hisuian Goodra?
>>74561 While I’m not into this variant, I’m sure that there are more art of this Goodra.
(254.63 KB 2048x1535 GO1m-qYXcAAl-MZ.jpeg)
(254.89 KB 2048x1535 GSZQ_w5XkAA8BS6.jpeg)
Keeping the Goodra love alive!
(267.23 KB 2048x1938 b739ff867b656ef9334499291c8dc699.jpg)
(162.85 KB 2062x2021 c1871ad88ee368384fa6735593531cb5.jpg)
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(2.01 MB 1400x1200 96573914_p0.png)
(252.61 KB 2409x2142 96597430_p0.jpg)
I'd say it's time for me to nail the thread's coffin with some leftover Goodra pics I saved. It has been a good run. I'm sure that some of the sexy smile dragon can be found in the general Pokemon thread. GG, guys.
(1.25 MB 1400x1369 102065820_p0.png)
(1.13 MB 1704x1911 100549417_p0.png)
(2.79 MB 2800x3500 106302640_p0.jpg)
(2.57 MB 4000x5000 111076551_p0.jpg)
(3.43 MB 3572x4096 112241151_p0.png)
(2.18 MB 2232x3069 115952072_p0.png)
(1.04 MB 1797x1000 117855434_p0.jpg)
(692.42 KB 1000x1400 108725616_p0.jpg)
And with that, it's time we say goodbye.
NOOO, we must not let this thread die! How else am I going to get more lewd images of this massive, half-ton, slimy, bipedal, snail-dragon pokemon! Moving on from the silly melodramatics, I feel that the following images should be included in this thread before it is terminated. The sources for these images are given below. This artist has been inactive for over a decade, but the artist's Fur Affinity gallery is full of this kind of content. Also, I liked the neat short story that was included with the descriptions of the first two images. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11916999/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11919439/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13698774/ There is plenty of other good images of Goodra from other artists that could easily be searched for on both Fur Affinity and Deviantart, that were not included here. Although, for anyone searching for more NSFW content, I doubt this is where you want to look.
(215.10 KB 1752x1211 1734201155.fanofblimp_img_1586.png)
Goo Butt
(349.20 KB 1280x906 trinityfate62_goolicks.png)
(71.35 KB 1280x779 goodra.png)
(97.09 KB 1280x1339 gooey2.png)
(86.46 KB 1280x1280 gooey1.png)
Trinity Fate has made plenty of artwork of Goodra of the years, where one is shown in the first image of >>72513 Being one of the best artists in this niche industry, Trinity Fate's stuff was just too good not share on this thread as well. Here is everything that I know of.
(111.47 KB 1280x1164 Goodra_Libre.png)
(110.35 KB 1280x1280 Goodra_Libre2.png)
(104.85 KB 1280x1280 Goodra_Libre3.png)
(146.70 KB 1280x1280 geckonori_trade.png)
(283.97 KB 1280x1811 Cover.jpg)
(213.16 KB 1280x1810 CoverNoText.jpg)
(148.60 KB 1280x1280 GoodraGoomy.jpg)
(153.10 KB 1280x1024 PP_Cover.jpg)
(120.27 KB 1280x1024 PP_CoverNoText.jpg)
(85.98 KB 1280x1280 GoodraBikini.jpg)
(76.42 KB 1280x1280 GoodraNude.jpg)
(131.85 KB 1280x1280 goodraFaceSit.jpg)
(100.29 KB 1280x622 goodraOutfits.jpg)
(85.24 KB 1280x1280 Alternate_Goodra.jpg)
(91.72 KB 1280x1354 Goodra_Librarian.png)
>>80842 I believe it was recently that Trinity Fate released such an animation too. Like a lot of his content, it can be found a many different sites. Below is a link to one of them. https://rule34video.com/video/3647414/teacher-goodra/
