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Goodra Thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:17:26 Id:522295 No. 68280
Just so you know that I am DOWN BAD for Goodra. Both in general and sexually. I can go on and on about my fantasies with her, but I'll try to settle down. Post some art on this gooey, dumpy dragon pokemon.
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>>68280 Based Goodra enjoyer
>>68282 Because she’s very slimy and I would totally eat her ass, I wonder what would it taste like?
>>68284 Like the mucus of a snail. Mucus?! Yaaaaah-ck! That is why you should never shake hands with a Goodra.
>>68322 You ain't stoppin' me, bruv!!! I imagine it more like a kiwi fruit, even if my taste palette in fruit isn't too big. Her shiny variant would either be plum or grape because of the purple mucus.
>>68323 Or at least the mucus of the Shiny Goodra would taste like wine.
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>>68324 their slime definitely looked like something you can get intoxicated from. I think it can make you drunk and horny.
new favorite thread, for the ideation alone. also, it'd totally taste like like a thick lime syrup
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(5.68 MB 1920x1080 4dyzg0.webm)
Was gonna upload another video, but had problems with the size limit.
Here's what I've been trying to share: https://files.catbox.moe/luxbj1.mp4
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>>68408 One kf the finest sequences known to man. I was gonna be genuinely disappointed if it wasn't in this thread.
One of my favourites as of late.
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I always imagined my personality for a female Goodra, being friendly, air-headed and accident-prone because of her weight. As with any pokémon, She would protect me from danger when in battle. She would still be ditzy even when she’s in heat. While she doesn’t understand what they are or how they work, she’s very willing in trying whatever fetish comes to mind. The kind of silly sexy character she emulates.
