/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fortnite Furry Chicks Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 07:51:58 Id:12ef04 No. 21945
Females only
(34.17 KB 893x809 FMAcQmQVkAEU9Ih.jpeg)
(42.46 KB 853x831 FMAcQwRVIAAf-_4.jpeg)
(47.21 KB 800x730 FMAcQ5eVIAQPo3V.jpeg)
(44.76 KB 800x814 FMAcRC1UUAQDmuV.jpeg)
(243.67 KB 1511x1152 FMIFRr8VkAIRorh.jpeg)
(147.09 KB 1196x856 FMIFR8yVkAM4-5v.jpeg)
(73.77 KB 1141x684 FMIFSH3UcAw9RgZ.jpeg)
(109.20 KB 850x1211 FMIFSSyUUAA1dCF.jpeg)
(227.31 KB 1393x2048 FdZjD06WQAIDPoB.jpeg)
(244.85 KB 1597x2048 FdZjEhvX0AQAybe.jpeg)
(179.43 KB 2048x1536 FdZjFKHWYAExK9f.jpeg)
(192.84 KB 1638x2048 FdZjFyZWAAAg-WZ.jpeg)
(181.89 KB 1536x2048 E5Y5k4PVkAEFS_U.jpeg)
(201.08 KB 1536x2048 E5Y5lphVkAA9lPg.jpeg)
(209.62 KB 1536x2048 E5Y5mpkVEAALtVO.jpeg)
(226.25 KB 1536x2048 E5Y55waVoAUCcMI.jpeg)
(238.64 KB 1536x2048 E5Y569JUcAU4otD.jpeg)
>>21945 First pic source?
We're still alive!!!
Need more meowskulls NOW!!!!!
>>22794 Got you fam
it's surprising the inflate-a-bull suit didn't get more attention from artists
(31.61 KB 820x850 CTL.png)
(157.48 KB 1537x880 E88QJZKWUAAI5bU_orig (1).png)
(98.08 KB 1021x880 E8_8GlDWEA0dBu0_orig.png)
(108.75 KB 803x880 IMG_20190417_1416322.jpg)
(143.69 KB 880x880 Dzsjxp5WsAA9F65_orig.jpg)
reposting cuz one of the pics was low quality
(1.42 MB 3840x2160 CuddleBlobLeader.png)
(1.64 MB 3840x2160 CuddleBlobLeaderSide.png)
I love meow skull, I think she very cute. Also if anyone wanna do a meow skull rp I have a discord account DeepLurkers#3868
I got another meow skull from Joey-Toons also its me the guy with discord ad
(4.15 MB 3362x1748 big_rat_and_meow_skulls.png)
(4.56 MB 3362x1748 big_meow_skulls_and_rat.png)
(156.39 KB 2048x1152 FlYqpGKagAImJw6.jpeg)
(153.44 KB 2048x1152 FlYqpkqaUAAAt-Y.jpeg)
(170.07 KB 2048x1152 FlYqp8PaMAc70CL.jpeg)
>>29400 Sauce?
(254.61 KB 1921x1076 FrXzUS3XoAEb7sK.jpeg)
(150.45 KB 1850x1080 20230306_090826.jpg)
(752.40 KB 4000x3350 Meowskulls.jpeg)
>>29400 Sauce?
I havent found good fat art so this is the only one
(113.74 KB 1170x1018 FsZq_4hakAEQOqw.jpg)
(123.75 KB 1200x1180 FyLcfw5agAEao3U.jpg)
We back!
Hnngh fat cat wife best girl
(186.58 KB 1060x1094 image_2023-07-13_115916937.png)
(300.19 KB 1332x1576 image_2023-07-13_115929471.png)
>>39920 source?
(148.39 KB 2419x1611 F1F6foEWAAIfZJ3.jpeg)
(410.75 KB 828x578 IMG_5548.jpeg)
(8.00 KB 508x516 alternate mewniverse.png)
the fortnite manga conveniently stopped before they reached meow skulls/inflate-a-bull unless anyone with recent corocoro scans can tell me otherwise, but im giving up hope for there being an official simplified ref and just goin ahead with this
(189.98 KB 1442x1308 Fs0YMzmXwAMXZR3.jpg)
Meow 🐱
(759.86 KB 1920x1920 1692807199.fangdang123_fatskulls.png)
(197.25 KB 1717x1698 F4pmjYmXgAAlBR2_orig.jpg)
(131.26 KB 1509x1981 F4tlB3RXkAAeD-b_orig.jpg)
(7.13 MB 6000x3500 fatskulls_by_big_wolf_dg88446.png)
(165.46 KB 620x700 fucking.png)
had to pay for this, be glad
(4.76 MB 1959x1881 1676854277.maxsan643_catto1.png)
(257.08 KB 1996x1394 F1ebqH-XwAA9ywE.jpeg)
>>47148 Is this an old Smokedstacs pic?
(1.93 MB 2748x2890 pilgor.png)
Noobmaster69 a real one for carrying this thread
>>47554 No problem broski :)
>>47694 Thank you man so much you always have good stuff to post
>>47711 Well I did make this thread and I want to keep it alive so I post only the best art that I can find :)
(1.12 MB 1000x1000 1698286833.wenisberry_25.png)
(928.55 KB 2010x1662 the_fc.png)
(638.96 KB 1365x1178 shadow team leader.png)
(267.55 KB 2048x1732 F-GU84sXcAAsjfM.jpg)
New bear.
More of the new girl
>>48251 Need more
(277.33 KB 2048x1547 F-muUqQX0AAl72B.jpeg)
>>48580 Love this, but her jeans covering some of her belly kinda ruins it
(540.45 KB 4096x2006 highwire bottomless chug guj.jpg)
(643.63 KB 4096x2548 meowskulls1.jpg)
(634.27 KB 3000x3000 meowskulls2.jpg)
>>49290 source for first pic?
(365.43 KB 2048x2048 FmrVlcvWYAAZr9v.jpeg)
(199.82 KB 2048x1208 IMG_2537.jpeg)
(288.98 KB 2047x1268 IMG_2538.jpeg)
(214.75 KB 1546x1503 GDgI86XXQAAbPmK.jpeg)
dogshit thread kys
(403.84 KB 1583x2048 GDdeKc-aEAAUC0O.jpeg)
(232.32 KB 2048x1229 20240110_201708.jpg)
>>51727 Blud did you do drugs today ? Grow up lol
(100.08 KB 1200x1192 20240110_095406.jpg)
Also have this completely peak art
(252.86 KB 1280x1106 IMG_1559.jpeg)
(274.66 KB 1280x1144 IMG_1560.jpeg)
(94.37 KB 1200x716 GEYILSAXcAAORmN.jpg)
(235.97 KB 2644x2200 GEVhMWrWcAAMo95_orig.jpg)
(585.93 KB 4096x3072 GEOu9uWXEAAat-j_orig.jpg)
(333.60 KB 2045x1691 IMG_1721.png)
(140.79 KB 1000x997 IMG_1722.png)
(313.28 KB 1587x1983 IMG_1723.png)
(454.76 KB 768x801 IMG_1724.png)
(1.79 MB 2460x1498 IMG_4286.png)
(2.69 MB 2086x1766 IMG_4284.png)
(3.01 MB 2633x1399 IMG_4282.png)
(315.42 KB 2000x1700 IMG_1812.jpeg)
We definitely need one for the Fortnite Furry Dudes too!
>>54620 Go get them if you want them.
>>50298 source of creator from the fourth image?
>>49669 Who’s the creator of the first image here??! This looks hella cute <3
>>55191 GamingMarko >>49669 opalnherstation Hyg :3
>>55206 https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/55116.html The Fortnite Furry Guys thread is now posted and ready!
(277.76 KB 640x722 IMG_1913.jpeg)
(66.37 KB 897x890 IMG_0133.jpeg)
Wish the male one was as active as the female one...
>>56721 why the fuck are you whining about it here? foh underaged retard
(182.79 KB 1536x2048 GIzBSJ2bQAAz_QM.jpeg)
(146.18 KB 1920x1080 GDbpRtkWIAAJX3j.jpeg.jpg)
>>58990 Where is bigmarv
(166.84 KB 1536x2048 GJw2KcMaIAEsZHN.jpeg)
(466.90 KB 1682x2048 GJx2nviWQAAutku.jpeg)
I'm back :)
(960.54 KB 1364x1080 1712696120.gamingmarko_msfat1.png)
Need me a good chatbot of Obese Raven Team Lader.
(145.33 KB 1500x1080 GKqqpgrXgAEWHFd.jpeg)
(139.64 KB 1500x1080 GKqqqUdXMAE2Srd.jpeg)
(101.31 KB 1500x1080 GKqqrDiWYAA8O1n.jpeg)
(137.49 KB 1500x1080 GKqqrzUXIAA4HcD.jpeg)
(391.62 KB 2048x1829 IMG_5253.jpeg)
(188.18 KB 2048x1152 GMMVdldWkAA4LPy.jpeg)
(584.73 KB 2048x1982 GNUPAjrWQAAfiR_.jpeg)
(929.98 KB 2579x2400 GIS_578aoAAnUvv.jpg)
(1.22 MB 3566x2359 GI_Ygz8bsAEBpQw.jpg)
(1.42 MB 3930x2400 GJjy979bUAAJ44r.jpg)
(1.01 MB 3930x2400 GKXVpxXbQAA1Obo.jpg)
(971.57 KB 3930x2400 GKXVpxWacAAazYs.jpg)
(1.12 MB 3930x2400 GLZ_xoVbwAERFIk.jpg)
(1.13 MB 3930x2400 GLZ_y2ta0AAgqfJ.jpg)
(856.11 KB 3930x2400 GNaKAuqaYAAAiUS.jpg)
(1.09 MB 3930x2400 GNaKB1JagAAfNs0.jpg)
(89.87 KB 981x814 IMG_4834.jpeg)
(228.36 KB 1920x1080 GLAzj4RWMAA3ZRv.jpg)
(199.55 KB 1920x1080 GLKpiU9XEAAU50e.jpg)
>>64827 Source?
(1.31 MB 3930x2400 GPlzwppbYAAbAY8.jpg)
(1.31 MB 3930x2400 GPlzx0jbkAA-Ahl.jpg)
(137.67 KB 1200x810 GKVf9phWEAAdroq.jpg)
(336.75 KB 1600x2000 GMltb5cXoAAzR99.jpg)
(509.82 KB 3840x2160 GPQK1qebcAARkaG.jpg)
(477.66 KB 3840x2160 GPvKwNWWYAAlIf7.jpg)
(72.97 KB 1053x759 IMG_6765.jpeg)
>>67726 this counts right
(1.54 MB 1635x1092 slopskulls.png)
this is the only place i will most my slopskulls, enjoy bbwchan
>>68963 Oh it's goodd
>>68963 You made this??? If so then it looks awesome!
>>68963 i will cherish it forever
(75.69 KB 996x906 20240718_143227.jpg)
(738.13 KB 2048x1946 20240718_143244.jpg)
(47.84 KB 810x869 20240718_143317.jpg)
(498.77 KB 2048x1578 20240718_143225.jpg)
(64.24 KB 725x560 20240718_143327.jpg)
(98.72 KB 605x447 20240718_143401.jpg)
(280.21 KB 2048x1268 20240718_143529.jpg)
(330.43 KB 2048x1733 20240718_143521.jpg)
(492.70 KB 1520x2048 20240718_143508.jpg)
(210.23 KB 1302x1764 20240718_143406.jpg)
(1005.69 KB 1395x1567 fatcat.png)
ok, you guys get one more from me
>>70718 Fun surprise
(9.69 MB 1280x720 -v2ke7K8QIz08S1l.webm)
(86.14 KB 1526x1154 GTh3KoNW4AAlEnj.jpg)
(68.54 KB 1467x1145 GTh3LUGW4AI0xl6.jpg)
(3.74 MB 1280x720 dT8zfELH6OpVVXQq.webm)
(1.24 MB 720x922 4p9G1whwthvKwkXy.webm)
>>70718 blessed
(1.24 MB 3930x2400 20240814_002117.jpg)
(1.33 MB 3930x2317 20240814_002118.jpg)
(510.97 KB 1667x2398 20240814_002119.jpg)
This can only end well
>>71810 Hope the comic does so.
(375.35 KB 3656x3830 GVW7zKYXEAcf9ec.jpeg)
I'm not letting this thread die!
>>73596 Don't mind Fennix, forgot that he wasn't a girl
(1.00 MB 3930x2400 20240916_135608.jpg)
(1.33 MB 3930x2400 20240916_135610.jpg)
Here are some more batches of RAVEN TEAM LEADER WG DRIVE, you are welcome😉
>>74263 That’s cool and all, but what about preggy versions of MeowSkulls and RTL?
(270.47 KB 2048x1538 GUEh905W8AA4fSy.jpeg)
>>74818 Needs ass
>>74915 it looks stupid and disproportionate, dumbass
>>74915 Kill yourself you absolute dumbfuck
>>75091 >>75100 What I love most about this community is the positive atmosphere :)
>>75106 You mean the atmosphere of bbw.chan.nl.
>>74818 OUGH >>75106 You are a pussy.
(985.50 KB 1623x1200 image_2024-09-30_191203439.png)
(270.65 KB 1847x627 image_2024-09-30_191215809.png)
here are sneak peek of what the next RAVEN TEAM LEADER WG DRIVE will look like
(4.24 KB 319x158 images.jpeg)
(15.18 KB 318x253 20241007_151347.jpg)
Here's another one that was posted today 👌
Does anyone have that art of Pack Leader Highwire with a blob face saying something like "oh Jesus" or whatever?
(313.35 KB 4096x2461 20241009_150344.jpg)
Nvm found it lol
(1.14 MB 3930x2400 20241014_164753.jpg)
Here it is, the next page to RAVEN TEAM LEADER WG DRIVE! It's a part two and it's named "RAVEN TEAM LEADER/MEOWSKULLS WG DRIVE"!
(78.37 KB 1155x806 20241028_190948.jpg)
(208.87 KB 1702x1346 20241028_190951.jpg)
(130.94 KB 1865x1399 20241028_190953.jpg)
(75.65 KB 1122x948 20241028_190955.jpg)
Sorry everyone, RTL Weight Gain drive has been canceled due that RTL and Meows Skulls are minor character. I already have convince the creator to continue with the weight gain drive so we can what happen till the end I least we can enjoy some good RTL and Meows Skulls sketches that he made
>>76963 >I already have convince the creator to continue with the weight gain drive You just said it was cancelled, though.
>>76963 >this retard actually replied to the artist's tweet >this retard actually thought the drive was cancelled Actually underaged judging by that profile too. What the fuck man get out of here.
>>77023 Oh really? Sorry about that
>>76963 You can't be this fucking dense It's pretty obvious that they were joking
>>77028 Unfortunately it's very hard to gain brain cells whilst sucking on the elon dick I hate that some people just want to ruin a good thing.... (looking at you self leaking anon that told faf about the hetty thread.....)
>>77028 Maybe because i don't know if he was joking or not
>>77028 And another thing, i don't exactly know how the "send me anonymous messages" actually works
>>77098 Then you're too young to be here. Fuck off til you're done being retarded
>>77103 Okey! Geez~
(129.42 KB 2048x1517 Gdq111JWAAAIJyl.jpeg)
(106.47 KB 2048x1379 GdlJBo6W4AAxTbm.jpeg)
(217.31 KB 936x936 Gfxq_AcXEAAyvUl.jfif)
(587.81 KB 2500x3000 20250107_153423.jpg)
(51.72 KB 650x936 20250114_001020.jpg)
(3.21 MB 1663x2215 1736059208.cloudboyo_rtl11_4.png)
(3.31 MB 1746x2110 1736059265.cloudboyo_rtl11_5.png)
(234.08 KB 1677x1917 1737144343295299.jpg)
(789.38 KB 959x1137 1737184625896094.png)
Hey, I’ve been trying to find the rest of this image for a while now, I used to have it but can’t find it anywhere now, it was a comic strip of Meowskulls drinking chug splash then getting inflated, anyone know the artist?
>>82124 the artist is Jalpunny. He deleted his Twitter and moved to Bluesky, so a lot of his old stuff is gone. In terms of Meow Skulls, this is all I can find, sorry. (Warning: 1st and 2nd image contain penis inflation)
(634.79 KB 165x176 no.gif)
>>82193 >hand and head inflation
>>82194 yeah, should've probably given a warning for that one too since head and hand inflation is not for everyone.
>>82124 >>82193 here are the images but with a head and hand inflation warning for the 4th and 5th images
