/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(93.33 KB 1796x1168 E9Z69f-XMAUjr1U.jpeg)
Nitw Thread 2 Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 02:41:44 Id:8fc71c No. 22459
Saved some stuff
A lot of the earlier stuff was from a deleted Furafinity artist. :(
(91.33 KB 1051x1200 latch 🍀 (@latchk3y).jpg)
(91.70 KB 1248x892 20220525_135408.jpg)
(113.88 KB 1139x1200 FTPivaNWQAUjpPG.jpg)
(79.59 KB 990x1028 FT0aU0mWIAAi2YD.jpg)
>>22582 The artist of the second art is the one, do you have any more of their Mae stuff?
>>22660 Most of it can still be found easily through Google even with the fur affinity down just by searching their name + Mae. You can even still access the original fur affinity page for it that way
(123.35 KB 858x1280 1593049920.cettus_chubby_mae.jpg)
(520.37 KB 1148x1036 1620247863.cettus_mae_3.png)
>>22673 Thanks!
(34.67 KB 859x789 20221007_111035.jpg)
(164.77 KB 363x611 089.png)
(577.33 KB 1400x1300 hZ4rvHS.png)
(665.55 KB 2000x1600 CZZvYSf.png)
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(211.57 KB 2048x1523 FezGfj_XgAAuV-E.jpeg)
(281.88 KB 2048x2048 FeGpzDKXEAICtM8.jpeg)
(600.99 KB 1280x960 1664476042.actualpancakes_mae.png)
I had to reupload this gem
>>23659 source for pic no. 2?
Twitter @ipolkatmax
(56.07 KB 500x800 Q06pHKa.jpg)
(123.66 KB 1280x864 1512577091005.jpg)
Spoiler because slob and farts
(337.14 KB 2987x1700 E2P5pLFVEAAH7RA-orig.jpg)
>>25228 There was a third part to the jacket series, and the artist did some other Gregg pics around the same time.
(282.50 KB 1847x1617 FfeUAA7X0AAhjsQ.jpeg)
(41.97 KB 1036x703 FeopdqNWYAA8240.jpeg)
(339.78 KB 1847x1617 FfgiXQFWAAMMVX6.jpeg)
(345.73 KB 1847x1617 Ffq11ugXkAMGRRB.jpeg)
(117.62 KB 1928x1107 FetjUqGXwAEotHz.jpeg)
(456.41 KB 1139x835 1667876566.calorie_bea_butt.png)
>>26286 Ohh, nice! What's the source on the first, third, and fourth images? They appear to be a sequence. (And don't say "look in the file name")
>>26287 Its @SmokedStacs on twitter. learn how to reverse image search so you don't have to ask
>>23305 Humbly requesting for someone to add sound to that gif
>>23318 Add sound to this as well
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mega dump of art by @RedPhucksAround, just posting stuff that hasnt already been posted here. any piece not included wasnt really spicy enough to be worth showing off i think
(346.85 KB 2048x1938 a6.jpg)
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(107.80 KB 1818x928 FjHHZR1XgAAMiyi.jpeg)
>>26999 Please post the rest of them I've gotta have to full collection
(245.95 KB 1822x887 1513687002625.png)
(443.85 KB 2100x1252 1527620194121.png)
(17.23 KB 700x800 GHljUc1.jfif)
>>27013 they rest are just little comic interactions like jokes and the like, you can find em on @RedPhucksAround. takes a good bit of scrolling to find em because twitter is a bad place to post art but youll find em all there
(3.31 MB 624x1080 vieka_1670279757160.webm)
Just made this a few minutes ago.
>>27574 source?
>>27071 Please post an .mp4 version here, iPhone can’t watch .webm files
>>28480 I had to convert it to a webm because it was 20.28.MB as a mp4
>>28480 A bot did post it here though https://rule34.us/index.php?r=posts/view&id=6312101
>>28480 Nevermind the one on rule34 is here
>>22673 >>22675 Cettus disabled his FA because he's literally a neo nazi and doesn't like when people make others aware of the fact that he is, unironically and without any exaggeration, an actual neo nazi. He frequently jumps to new twitter accounts to try and dodge the mob that chases after him and broadcasts to unsuspecting furs that innocently like his fat art that he's a neo nazi.
>>28621 Unfortunately you're literally retarded and wrong lmao
>>28621 Do you have screenshots?
>>28659 Okay. Yeah. Already found this Cettus fanart of the Christchurch shooter.
>>28660 A single image search turned up this. Eat up Gregg. Now’s your chance to do it for real. https://twitter.com/jensenazzeri/status/1406447608516726785
>>28621 Chud
>>28660 Lmao that’s fucking awesome
>>28621 Who actually cares
Art work by: (berseepon09) over on e621.net
Art by: (kafrizzzle) over on e621.net
Art by: (chipchell) over on e621.net
Art by: (n0b0dy) over on e621.net
(51.87 KB 903x607 DyDVrsCVAAAo7lf.jpg)
(115.58 KB 1742x1628 FRi4ZaDXIAEl5gU.jpg)
(149.61 KB 1280x1280 nken_mae.jpg)
>>28621 Imagine not knowing Cettus/Whaleoil1 is a neo nazi, the evidence is right there if you bother to look.
>>22673 top tip this site keeps archives https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Search
>>32991 Imagine caring lol
>>33695 Imagine being this self conscious to the point you scramble to a post from February to add nothing of value.
Post fats or skidat. This isn’t a Klan soapbox.
>>32991 Is he the same person as Whaleoil2?
(79.58 KB 990x1028 FT0aU0mWIAAi2YD.jpg)
>>34056 Likely, I mean it's the same name
(37.62 KB 667x680 E2MQfr1XEAMtiqC.jpg)
(1.24 MB 938x1200 Edxn3bDXgAIxf5a.png)
(1.63 MB 1762x1510 ELmC51kWsAIBi2b.png)
>>34060 I thought the art style looked familiar, but I never made the connection. He seems pretty popular as well. How is it not more well known that he is a neo-nazi fatfur? How did people make the Whaleoil-cettus connection in the first place?
since the trans movement has convinced me to become racist, I'm perfectly fine with nazi whatever
(66.40 KB 1200x988 DgK9EofXUAYtk_R.jpg)
>>34120 Wow, that's a sad way to live dude.
>>34124 It’s kind of epic actually
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(79.66 KB 1227x920 artist is wenisberry.jpg)
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(171.25 KB 2007x1607 artist is evkemart.jpg)
>>34117 >I cant fap to this this person is EVIL I hate trannies and nazi stormfags but that never stopped me from following and cooming to their work lol You're just an oversocialized jackass to think theres some kinda meaningful consequence to society that fat fetish artist #145337 is a fascist creep in private, when the average person will be more worried about private insurance fucking them in the ass again and figuring out how to pay off shitloads of credit card debt. Just enjoy the obese cats dumbfuck, don't get a lump in your throat about it.
>>37797 i hate nazis and do not hate transgender people. that being said you're right i think largely just because i am never paying this guy a cent and am not exactly supporting him or his funny nazis endeavors by boinking my sploink to his drawings for free
Save this
(42.47 KB 749x582 F0c1mazWYA07c4k.jpeg)
(182.46 KB 935x800 1685586583.aquamix_mae.png)
(1.11 MB 1500x1000 1686686335.unonyx_mayy.png)
(2.19 MB 2736x1347 1686169517.gamingmarko_mae2.png)
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(3.32 MB 2184x1687 IMG_3146.png)
Mae is nice, but can we get more Bea?
(119.76 KB 2048x1708 IMG_3497.jpeg)
Anyone got that one sequence by Necrofeline?
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>>40617 mate, that's the same image as the first one
(8.40 KB 437x448 IMG_3839.png)
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(60.62 KB 1280x1279 Chazokov Chonk.jpg)
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>>46265 Artist?
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(427.77 KB 1800x2000 9c9ixgqxiAg.jpg)
(176.86 KB 1280x1139 dUq2gMpDxEY.jpg)
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(1.94 MB 1919x1919 iF3z0FCZ5Hk.jpg)
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(21.85 KB 1016x762 GAhlh5JWgAAk0j2.png)
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(400.39 KB 1442x1920 D1cVx-XO1Ws.jpg)
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Angus 'n Gregg.
(51.30 KB 600x600 IMG_6951.jpeg)
>>52861 source?
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>>22459 This board needs a video game general.
(164.17 KB 1502x2048 mb1.jpg)
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(750.34 KB 1920x1080 ball Bea.png)
>>57806 Source of the last image???
Any from MadnEvil?
>>57972 It was from a discord server
>>61995 cant ban him. " like hey everyone I was watching porn one time and saw you talking shit" how do you expect that to your board leader & and judge lmao
(8.63 KB 603x487 GLjie0jXQAA7Ktp.png)
(336.71 KB 2048x1535 GK_VY_AW0AAdsYw.jpeg)
(244.17 KB 1535x2048 GK_VY_FXAAAydSq.jpeg)
(264.84 KB 2533x1440 1714477881.gamingmarko_bea2.png)
(359.23 KB 2048x1558 GMh7xMBWIAA6B01.jpg)
Mae is mad at you, as this isn't the first time you've pushed her to eat beyond her limits. In fact, you have done something like this every time you went on a dinner date with her, and now she's quite fed up with it.
>>65175 she cute
(428.28 KB 3840x2160 GNfMjIUXAAAJA8W.jpg)
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(417.25 KB 2200x3000 GJeJBi-WUAAoKnq.jpg)
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Knife Crimes
