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Greyofpta thread 2: Electric Boogaloo Anonymous 10/02/2022 (Sun) 02:20:49 Id:7d28fe No. 22705
Last thread disappeared so here’s a new one. Post their art, patreon goodies, and whatever else.
>>22705 Hey thank you very much. I didn't know threads normally disappeared. Well, let's see how this one will go. Furthermore, I'll drop his social media in case you haven't follow him, as well as the Kemono if anyone is willing to update. Kemono: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/726902 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=726902 FurAffin: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/greyofpta/ DevArt: https://greyofpta.deviantart.com/ Tumblr: https://greyofpta.tumblr.com/ Tweet: https://twitter.com/greyofpta and last and most important, Payhip: https://payhip.com/greyofpta The last one because we want to see its digital content, but for FREE!
>>22798 Wait! One more link to place and... Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/GreyofPTA/shop There you go. Now we may proceed.
So, does anybody has any recent pics from his Patreon?
>>22705 That poor girl gonna get shredder holy shit!
(5.90 MB 3774x3542 RexCat Aug 2022 Reward 350dpi.jpg)
(4.64 MB 2700x3542 Bindi suit balloon 350dpi.jpg)
Anybody have this? https://www.patreon.com/posts/heard-any-good-71939662
(8.78 MB 4158x3542 california girls meme.jpg)
(8.34 MB 4392x2977 california girls meme2.jpg)
Someone already posted the first commission I got from Grey (the one with Millie and Bindi) so here’s the other one I got
>>23683 Does he only do commissions on patreon only?
>>24780 No. Those two I got are on my Furaffinity. There’s another user on there named LionsDenStudios who also post their commissions from Grey as well.
Does anybody have the files for the Famous Flateys comics?
>>25823 Glad you asked. I have ALL of them, from the first volume to his newest one. Let me check my PC if I still have them. If found, will place a pixeldrain link to let others to download.
>>25828 Do you also have the balloony bin as well?
>>25839 That one is not at my disposition. My apologies for that, but I have the Expand-A-Thon, Acme Calendars of 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
https://pixeldrain.com/u/wV51e9fk - Expand Thon https://pixeldrain.com/u/R7JPUaHu - Concussive Forgot to mention that I also have Concussive Distractions. 2 months to download the files.
Guys, I have ALL of them. I just have to download the files and put them on pixeldrain. In the meantime, is anyone willing to look for the other works like Chestnuts or Ballony Bin? That would be appreciated.
>>22798 In this post, I have the links of GreyofPTA, including his website to purchase the digital works such as Blown Out of Promotion saga, Workout Blowout, and some more. If anyone wants to contribute to this thread, please go to the Payhip website and purchase them. Then, upload on pixeldrain and copy the link to this thread (just like I did with the Jaeh thread). Thank you for your comprehension and contribution.
https://pixeldrain.com/u/zE9Bk3rK - Vol. 1 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Vum53mmg - Vol. 2 https://pixeldrain.com/u/pGx93g6e - Vol. 3 https://pixeldrain.com/u/B13MSkqy - Vol. 4 https://pixeldrain.com/u/k8yA2LHb - Vol. 5 https://pixeldrain.com/u/nCqJv1p6 - Vol. 6 https://pixeldrain.com/u/iuJp48UT - Vol. 7 https://pixeldrain.com/u/fubcafRW - Vol. 8 https://pixeldrain.com/u/fJ3S2ZFK - Vol. 9 https://pixeldrain.com/u/wQbn5qju - Vol. 10 https://pixeldrain.com/u/CQpv4P6g - Vol. 11 https://pixeldrain.com/u/1ovRjWDd - Vol. 12 https://pixeldrain.com/u/HTzL9LBv - Vol. 13
And the last one from >>26221 https://pixeldrain.com/u/8R8E2eKx - Vol. 14
That's it, fellas. Two months to download before they expire. For the new and old ones, these are the following: >>26326 >>25860 >>26221
Is anyone willing to look for the Chestnuts, Balloon Bin, or the remaining calendars please?
>>26221 >>26326 >>26341 Is there an alternative? my Virusscanner doesn´t let me access that page because it is appearantly full of Viruses.
>>26461 https://we.tl/t-JF1I1EHMUG I put together a zip of all 14 volumes. I also broke all the pdfs out into individual jpgs. This will not last more than a few days.
(9.55 MB 4970x3505 Juana Fygar 350dpi.jpg)
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(9.62 MB 4327x3542 Rev Oct 2022 Reward 350dpi.jpg)
(1.81 MB 5241x4995 rev nov 2022 reward 350dpi.jpg)
Does anyone have any of the Patreon Goodies packs from previous months/ year? It seems annoying that so many exclusive pictures are forever inaccessible if you didn't sign up earlier.
>>28060 be prepare
>>28061 atrevete
>>26461 No need for Virus Scanner, my files from Pixeldrain are free of them and is very safe to download. Sorry for late response.
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Anyone got calendars from 2016 onwards?
Anyone have his newest goodies?
https://pixeldrain.com/u/SawbV6Ym https://pixeldrain.com/u/711RfbtF Got the 2015/16 calendars here, anyone have the later ones?
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Anyone have more of the calendars?
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Does anyone have that one comic where Bindi wears inflation suit to pretend to be fat as part of a plot to stag herself a rich husband so that way she can then get all of his money by divorcing him? This comic was in the previous thread but now it's gone and I would like to see back up here please. Thank you.
Grey drawing mostly humans? That's unheard of!
Also makin sure to be alive
Today I wanted to share some media that I recover from the archive link. You have here a link to download Expand-A-Thon on MEGA and two links of more content from GreyofPTA (one to a compressed file and other uncompressed). Winrar - https://mega.nz/file/ec0W1B5Y#irC3c7GC572Biv0zXYTp67yyGXZzsr4UlXYMoVh1R8s No Winrar - https://mega.nz/folder/LA8DkIga#OCtwu1qwg38uGqzwf2jcAA Expand Thon MEGA - https://mega.nz/file/tgImkB6R#ec1EfrLvPi6GorRBEmFYYHnCUf2SI7Czj8-qRdQSD4w
>>23595 Is it bad that I kinda want to cpr the rubber duck next
>>23683 Of course the bunny gets no balloon love also I wondered why this looked so good! Now I know!
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>>25541 Oh kevin
⠄⠄⢀⣤⣤⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣶⣿⢱⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⢠⠈⣿⣿⣿⣷⡦⢀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⡀⠴⠶⠿⢿⣿⣿⢸⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠸⣧⠹⢿⣿⡿⢡⣾⣿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣶⣄⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣝⢿⢸⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⢀⣿⣧⡌⠿⢡⣿⣩⣴⣾⣿⣿⣶⣬⣝⡃⠟⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⡘⢿⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⣿⡟⢫⣭⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣦⢻⡟⢫⣶⠒⠒⠒⣶⣤⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⢀⣙⣥⣴⣿⣿⡟⠥⠞⣫⣭⠁⠂⠄⢲⣶⣬⡈⢙⣩⠄⠂⠄⢰⣦⣭⣁⠄⠄ ⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣍⣛⣀⠄⠄⣚⣋⡉⣰⣞⣛⣂⣀⣀⣘⣋⠉⠉⠄⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⡿⣋⣥⣾⣿⣿⠿⠟⠟⠻⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠏⣁⣀⠆⠿⢉⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⡀⠄⠰⢶⣰⠿⠿⢿⣉ ⠿⠟⢛⣩⣭⣥⣶⠶⢚⣩⣄⠄⠺⠿⠻⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⠷⠄⠐⣉⡓⠲⠤ ⣶⣿⡿⠟⠛⣉⣴⡾⠄⣉⠤⠤⢭⣍⣛⣛⣓⡒⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⢚⣛⡛⠉⠙⢦⣄ ⠋⣥⣶⡾⠿⢋⣡⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣦⣭⣭⣭⣭⣭⣭⣭⡭⠉⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠉ ⡿⠄⠃⢤⣄⣛⡛⠿⠿⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⣶⣿⣿⣶⣶⣬⣭⣭⣭⣙⣓⣒⣒⣒⣒⣒⣒⣰⣶⣦⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄
Does anyone have the replacement ball patreon pics
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>>29093 Gotcha covered
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Guess what's now available? https://www.deviantart.com/greyofpta/art/Inflation-Tropes-Is-Available-Now-946857893
Gif for everyone want Inflation Tropes :) :https://mega.nz/folder/YvZQgBIL#yDca2VCQ1x_E62BVNmNvNw
>>31253 >https://mega.nz/folder/YvZQgBIL#yDca2VCQ1x_E62BVNmNvNw Fukken saved
Can you re upload the link? Please.
>>31265 The link work for me
(1.57 MB 4110x3241 puwBkm44.jpeg)
Personal favorite piece from the guy, might commission him the other girls from this show when I have the cash available
>>31332 How much was it if I might ask? Been thinking about the same
>>31333 Paid about $60 last year for this, which was just a remake of an old drawing I saw on deviantArt growing up
If possible anon, my best bet for what I want is this; Shirley looking smuggly at Babs, Fifi and Elmyra fully inflated and making a remark about their situation, tho my perverted ass would want this just to see some exposed panties, which I really wish he would draw more often in his inflation art
>>31413 Not bad not bad indeed
Does anyone willing to help on getting these comics, please
>> 31414 Shit, forgot to include Julie Brune in this too lol
>>31253 Could you pass the PDF? Are those uncompressed files in High Res? If so, thx. I can compress them into a pdf
>>31649 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T6TDd-d4gnnvLDSmt07Wk61z_CZ55DLn?usp=sharing
>>31333 Here’s his commission sheet:https://www.deviantart.com/greyofpta/art/Commission-Menu-151662102 His prices are extremely fair. I have another commission lined up for him but I’m waiting until I get my tax refund
>>31508 I was thinking about creating a server on the Discord thread and thought about making the first channel based on this thread, but combining the JAEH thread, which I mention here >>31647 Would you guys also support the cause?
Well, whatcha think of a channel, based on this thread on Discord?
Anybody have any recent goodies from him to share?
>>31697 I'm in, you gonna make it or...?
Anybody got any new art from him to share?
I'm kinda tempted love there toony style and it's less anthro but I might commission a gear 5th Luffy puffkissing nami because this is just really convincing me! >>31332 Just fyi if you end up seeing it up then you know ahead of time it was me or someone else if they steal the idea before hand
>>31414 Might be getting it real soon, hot damn real excited to see this made
(3.76 MB 1771x2508 BalletComic Pg6.jpg)
Anyone got the previous 5 pages of this comic?
>>34798 Damn, she looks breedable AF
Anybody got some more pictures of Mildred?
Does anyone have anymore Bindi pics? Been looking for one of her based on that Nick at Nite ice cream bumper and I’m specially looking for the one not in the Famous Flateys
>>34798 Where did you find this?
Anyone got any new images for Bindi and Mildred
anyone have the March goodies?
LINK: https://mega.nz/folder/qmQRHS7a#v4DukF7VSSPYfwLur5ACeQ Missing comics (if you have them, please share 🙏): - The Balloon Bin - 2020 Calendar - Controlled(?) Breathing - Gryphon Puffs - Peppered!
Anyone got any new or old art that hasn’t been posted yet?
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(7.16 MB 3473x3805 dingoco puff suit 350dpi.jpg)
(6.66 MB 3542x3929 dingoco SI bodysuit 350dpi.jpg)
all of this when the release comes out
>>36196 all this when it is released
>>35786 SUPER ULTRA amazing what you brought, Mark. Let me take a look at the content you delivered to the thread and I'll give you my feedback once is done. Overall, thank you very much
>>36240 A pleasure to be helpful ^^ (although the gallery isn't fully complete... yet)
expect something amazing soon
>>36304 p.s. I commission it myself
got some more
>>36325 We will watch your career with great interest
>>36331 You won't have to.
Haven't heard back in a month now but I have this sketch from him and after seeing the Julie Bruin comic, genuinely now more excited for this to be finished
this one is half way done
(311.10 KB 1446x2048 Q7_kQnRQ.jpeg)
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Damn oh man, definitely happy to finally see these; this came out beautifully, genuinely hope to commission him again in the future but till then, finally, good inflation art of Babs, Fifi and Elmyra
>>36270 My pleasure
have some more of this
last one until it gets inked
>>36325 now in the inking process
>>36240 Quick update! I remember that I did purchased the 2020 Acme Calendar and I have the receipt in my E-mail, which I can download it. Therefore, the Acme Calendars are done, except for the extras. But We can discuss that later on.
>>36689 So are you gonna add it to the Mega file?
Does anyone have a Bindi picture where she’s inflated, and it’s based on the Nick at nite bumper where a woman eats a giant bowl of ice cream and gets round?
>>36689 That's GREAT news! If you're gonna upload it here, i'll add it to the archive
>>36774 It'll take some time since I have to deal with college issues. Is it possible to chat on another platform, perhaps Discord or similar?
>>36840 Sure! Give me your tag
>>36928 its Home Guy V2#3356
(152.94 KB 1820x1884 Fu4D1bmaAAAIw83.jpg)
>>36981 Wrong thread, full moon Its this one >>22585
>>36980 I'll not accept any other friend request on Discord unless its that Mark user. Please understand.
>>36928 Once you sent me that friend request, pls ensure to drop me a message for verification.
(1.52 MB 972x1376 OC Comic Page 1 96dpi.jpg)
>>36991 >Home Guy V2#3356 Sent! Sorry for keeping you waitin'
>>37123 Got it! Must log in and accept it to make the archive.
Any new stuff?
Any new goodies form this month of previous month?
Anyone have any new art from Grey?
the first one was an action figure in box with tits that reached past the naga's "knee" area the second one was the green fox/wolf lady having her tits and ass swell up after eatting a fizz thing while wearing a corset. any and all help is appreciated
(152.06 KB 1113x972 2017_Feb_Addy_Reward96dpi.jpg)
>>37735 Thank you so much! Do you have any other art of Bindi that hasn’t been posted here yet?
>>35786 May want to reupload a version of Blowing Stuff Up with a fixed cover, upload Deep Breathing Exercises (with popping), Blast Offs (with popping), The Balloony Bin, and GreyofPTA and The People That Live In My Head. The last one is optional since I'm not sure if that one is inflation related.
Anybody got anything new from him to share?
He does that stuff so good “
>>39199 What stuff
Does anybody have Wardrobe Malflations? Would love to see what inflations are in that comic
>>39731 That one's in the Mega folder here: >>35786
Anyone has Drella comic ?
Bump more pics plz
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>>39775 Here you go https://mega.nz/file/ZzUTAZKQ#fU8TkLkPJweaNme8wj6CtaWnIXBEPfX77wpsbvags4U
Didn't see this on his store page
Anybody have this: https://www.patreon.com/posts/just-little-next-86823403
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Anyone going to drop everything from his patreon and upload it to kemono?
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I don’t know if anyone is looking for this or even knows about this but here’s a commission comic that Grey did that he eventually removed per the commissioner’s request
For anyone who wishes to see
>>43676 Can you also send the new pic from latest post
I saw that somebody had the 2020 calendar but never got to posting it.
So does anyone have the giant titty action figure image greyofpta made for a naga character?
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Does anyone here have this?
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Anybody has these? https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-lieu-of-pack-94220205
Got Bindi and her (ex) husband? And that other bunny who that husband flocked to? And that other bunny's best friend?
>>49627 Wait, when did Bindi have one? What story are you talking about?
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>>51092 eh his art is good, but suit inflation isn't actual inflation and lame.
>>51100 Same as berryfags
>>50501 You don't remember? https://www.furaffinity.net/search/?q=bindi+rivalry https://www.furaffinity.net/search/?q=big%20fat%20rivalry
>>52103 Go ahead and copy/paste these links and it will all come together.
>>52139 Yes. Now. And you can even post the story too.
>>52184 Thank you.
Does anyone have Male expansion stuff from Grey?
Hey, can anyone find these images of this pic https://www.deviantart.com/greyofpta/art/GreyofPTA-2022-in-Review-942993223
Oh and somebody please get the airborne August from Greyofpta’s airborne August for everyone, please.
Also while you’re at Greyofpta patreon name called brewin’ goodies.
And the ball replacement by Greyofpta.
Thank you, you all find the images in that picture, please?
Can anyone post any of the trope books here?
Does anyone have the recent Drella comics from his Patreon?
Yes they have. I'm still waiting for someone to get the balloons bin.
I mean the balloony bin.
Does anyone have any thing from Greyofpta?
Anyone have all his goodie bag collection?
Hey, everyone can I have you'r attention please? there's a new short comic called busting comic by GreyofPTA if any one get that comic, Please link it.
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found this one.
He barely posts on his public accounts anymore. It's annoying
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>>55164 This whole thread is why coyote tried to sue acme. Sad that films gonna be taken out back and stuck with a pin
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Here's something for you all. https://www.deviantart.com/polarman546/gallery?q=mildred
>>56937 get this bond750 dogshit off the thread
>>55332 Her and Ms. Suki actually make a good pair. I wouldn't mind some date night shenanigans of the two of them experimenting around and inflating themselves in lewder ways!
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hey everyone I find this on character ai chat https://character.ai/chat/hFcMXaW9eagZ50jjnyYSE5iSFh7RaSYsJ_x_QAAIK20
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>>57774 I went ahead and tried out the ai chat with Mildred and here’s what I got. The rest of the chat will be posted below
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I don’t know why it thought that I was still inflated when I clearly established that I was back to normal by this point. I’m going try it again with an egotistical persona and see what results I get
>>57774 Hey, this is my bot, I appreciate it getting some attention, but I haven’t touched it in quite some time so if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them
>>57828 Make it possible for the AI to actually pop the character. I’ve tried several times to either pop the AI or get them to pop my character but it hasn’t worked
>>57829 I’ll see what I can do
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Here’s my second attempt. This time I decided to go with an arrogant pervert type character. Got some interesting results but still wasn’t able to pop her or get popped (despite literally having Mildred break off the valve and throw it away)
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>>55334 >>55335 Which one is your favorite girl? My favorite is Lucille.
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I decided to use that AI chat bot of Mildred. I tried larping as a girl to see what responses I would get
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>>57901 View the screenshots from left to right (like a comic book) I tried my best to post them in order
>>57774 You might love her, or really hate her, she’s bratty but she has the beauty, it’s the one, the only, Bindi https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=eBPOXVdQr64zrtNQK8uZ0SdQCBnzZeFvIsH54DAzScs
>>57841 Think I should make a Lucille ai chat?
>>57930 She did that so I talk to her. Control your bitch. Before we fuck again with her big phat ass!
We need an AI chatbot of Inflatabelle lol
>>57961 Anything specific?
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4th attempt with Mildred where I take on the persona of an inflation fetishist. (This is EXTREMELY long)
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In Before "I'm not reading all that"
What about Alba, Juanna, and Drella?
>>57996 Just give me something to start off on, and I’m sure I could whip something up
okay, oh and don't forget the twin rabbits Lucy honeydew and Rita honeydew.
Any ai character chats made let?
>>58613 Currently working on Drella, hard to make it keep the russian accent
let me know when you're done.
>>58713 You got it
Wait, what about Alba, Juana, and the Honeydew twins Lucy and Rita?
>>58845 I’m working on them I promise, just Drella really got in a pickle, she keeps the accent for about 3-4 responses before changing back
>>58852 Okay.
So, anything news lately?
Has anyone made a Lucille i.a. chat?
Are their anything new lately?
Any goodies from Greyofpta?
Does anybody have this?
>>61218 Maybe the Bears should of won, kardashians wouldnt exist
>>61593 >chubsuit.rar Anon? What the fuck is this?
Does anybody here have the 2020 calendar? I recall somebody in this thread mention they had it.
>>61697 More data gives to lazy efforts
Anything new lately?
>>63170 So I only exist to the ppl that got problems with me? OKAY!!!!!!! Anything outside that no interest huh? MAKES SENSE NOW!
anyone got the Airy Date comic pages?
Airy Date What’s that a comic?
Excuse me, but can someone update Greyofpta’s kemono, please? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/726902
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Here she is, Drella Grosjean https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=dML-bmq4KZIw-uaETyq5yB6mESUi7yh_1Hfx4GsEBfY
Thank you.
Does anyone have any patreon goodies they can post
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What is it?
>>64521 all of it
All of what?
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Has anyone updated kemono on Greyofpta
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Wish he would upload these images individually.
Can someone update Greyofpta’s kemono, please? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/726902
Has anyone created the alba, juana, and the honeydew twins on ia character?
>>65500 If you can give me a bit of character depth for them I could probably whip something up
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Alba, the blonde lady duck with large breasts.
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Juana is iguana girl
>>65503 >>65502 Any type of situation you want?, cause Alba is a receptionist and Juana is a mail runner or something like that
>>65502 >>65519 Apologies, Juana is a message courier/athlete and Alba works for ACME Accounting/Part-time math teacher
Hey, has anyone updated on kemono lately?
Can someone please update Greyofpta’s kemono, I feel like nobody’s interested.
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Hey, has anyone made a Dingo lass A.I. character chat?
>>66155 Dingo Lass?
from https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/julio/
Can someone please update this Please? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/726902
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Parade Pandemonium is kino
Can someone get airy date Please? https://www.patreon.com/posts/airy-date-update-105402397?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
I'm sad. :(
Hey the bindi ai chat is not working.
>>66389 Here you go friend, tell me if you have any other problems https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=eBPOXVdQr64zrtNQK8uZ0SdQCBnzZeFvIsH54DAzScs
It's still not working.
>>66500 Can you chat with any other characters?
Yes, Mildred Abzug. But, not on beta.
>>66505 This certainly is a pickle, Have you tried logging off then back on?
Nothing work. https://old.character.ai https://character.ai
>>66510 Hmm I tired making her private then back to public, both webs for me are good but that might be because I’m the creator
So is there a link to it.
And how can it work?
Has anyone Update kemono? Here's Greyofpta's patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=726902
>>66512 https://c.ai/c/eBPOXVdQr64zrtNQK8uZ0SdQCBnzZeFvIsH54DAzScs Try this one
It worked. Now we have to wait for Alba and Juana
>>66539 If you can give me a scenario that would help me a lot This is the only information I got for them, Juana is a message courier/athlete and Alba works for ACME Accounting/Part-time math teacher
Easy say then done. I'll try.
Hey, can anyone give information about Alba and Juana please?
>>66928 What's in the file?
GreyofPTA and the People That Live In My Head
Hey, I tried to get the info from greyofpta about Alba and Juana. Can anyone or everybody to help get the info about Alba and Juana.
Here's the info Alba is quiet and reserved english teacher that temps at Acme. Juana is a sports loving courier for Acme.
That info for the a.i. chat.
Here's more info about Alba and Juana. Juana is more of a go-getter and athletic. Alba is more reserved and keeps to herself.
Is this enough to make Alba and Juana on a.i. chat?
>>67186 It’s more than I had, I’ll see what I can whip up
Okay. Forget Alba a quiet and reserved English teacher duck with big breasts and Juana a go-getter, athletic sports loving courier iguana.
And Their full names are Juana Lagarta and Alba Alam Abla.
https://www.patreon.com/user?u=726902 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/726902
Has anyone checked on greyofpta's kemono?
Hey has anyone got any new pictures from Greyofpta lately?
How’s it coming along?
>>68066 So for Alba, I got a idea on how to start her chat but for Juana I don’t really have a idea, she’s a courier for ACME, so do I put she’s being chased by the FANBOYS or a random encounter?
Hey can anyone airy date Greyofpta’s Patreon please?
How about both? 68098
>>68111 Please stfu.
Hey, don’t be rude.
Sorry, just trying to help.
