/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 19:13:47 Id:16f827 No. 23302
Colorization Thread II
(407.04 KB 2000x1412 patreon-celesta.jpg)
Someone can color this one?
(2.23 MB 4096x2205 cakecolorattempt.png)
(323.39 KB 4096x2205 FeRJ1-XWQAE94Nm.jpg)
tried coloring this cake piece by @facelesskiwami, any tips on how to do better?
Anyone doing these? Let me know if this link dies >>22669
(188.48 KB 1080x741 IMG_20221021_184336.jpg)
(786.75 KB 794x881 SpyroRTRender.png)
(120.37 KB 1080x606 IMG_20221021_185257.jpg)
(214.12 KB 1080x1345 IMG_20221021_185320.jpg)
(112.40 KB 1080x646 IMG_20221021_185758.jpg)
(63.39 KB 832x468 2007_11.jpg)
(2.42 MB 2500x2000 Killboo-831205-Dinosaurs vore.png)
(23.64 KB 249x350 75167-4Fr.jpg)
>>23767 anybody doing these? >>22669
Requesting color and bigger pony boobs once colored.
Tried coloring a pic by Scrimbloat
>>24695 Mutual gaining is the best
Could this be colored?
>>21282 Bumping it here, if any of you would be up to coloring it
Someone can color this cute fatty please?
(306.66 KB 861x1029 bws tawna colored.png)
https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/13502.html#19570 Second attempt at coloring, how'd I do?
>>24209 >>24213 >>24297 Could this get done?
>>25439 Can someone tell me how to link posts from other threads properly? I assumed it was just the same at 4chan but nope
>>25439 fine by me
(354.23 KB 1375x1375 siren colors 1.png)
(132.64 KB 1375x1375 2.png)
Here's another one I colored, this one's of a demon which isn't technically a furry but I didn't think it was human enough to post on bbwdraw so yeah. Original by @GrindaViking
(177.73 KB 1280x1138 1667281395.killboi_panther_marge.jpg)
(151.98 KB 932x1830 PantherMarge.png)
>>23767 Is anyone still doing these?
Anybody wanna color this? You can make her clothes whatever color you want on the clothed version
>>24213 Could we get this done
>>24910 Bumping this
Please color
(104.49 KB 1026x412 sumoroserequest.PNG)
I might as well put my request from the edit thread in here >>24067
>>26533 Wow that was pretty quick but damn that looks nice, thanks.
>>26443 I really liked coloring this image so I made another one with panties, it’s shoddy but y’know
>>26577 Could you do this? >>24213
>>26577 Thanks! These look incredible!
(18.49 KB 600x315 images (5).jpeg)
(28.02 KB 661x464 images (3).jpeg)
(42.27 KB 466x659 images (4).jpeg)
Can someone please put some color on it? please
(538.05 KB 801x700 IMG_20221202_200741.png)
(424.84 KB 470x900 Carmelita_Fox.png)
(162.33 KB 820x1320 Sly3-carmelita1.png)
>>26771 For the little note
>>26772 Oh, I get it. It's fitting because you yourself are like a black cat, but why would you choose a logo from a game instead of making your own? What are you using this for?
(114.54 KB 810x458 Secret_Sly_Mask.png)
>>26773 Happy now?
(127.77 KB 922x904 1647038832.arakasa_celebiss.jpg)
(220.71 KB 1146x1186 celebi (1).png)
Can anyone color these onions in?
(231.69 KB 2250x2354 FjQXOK4WIAEP8ku.png)
(1.54 MB 640x1280 Scarlet_Violet_Kofu.png)
(193.22 KB 475x475 009.png)
Requesting colorization of this? (2nd and 3rd images are for references)
There you go
>>26842 Anyone?
Requesting color
Can someone color my sketch commission, please?
Can someone color this?
(284.92 KB 2048x1867 IMG_20221220_193718.jpg)
(300.51 KB 2048x1536 IMG_20221220_193940.jpg)
(202.22 KB 538x938 Sally_Acorn_vest_1.png)
(164.25 KB 538x938 sal2.png)
>>24910 I would really love to see this get colored
>>26842 Its been a while, I wonder if any of you guys could color these in?
(374.12 KB 1146x1186 celebi hyper belly color.png)
>>26842 I liked the huge belly and colored it, hope you enoy
>>23302 bump
>>28580 Thanks! Think you could do the others?
(95.24 KB 1209x1280 1512320439_kinglyarts_foxfalco.png)
Please color this.
(140.14 KB 1080x741 spyro 2 copia.png)
(158.16 KB 1080x741 spyro 2 flat color.png)
(409.58 KB 1080x741 spyro 2 color.png)
>>24204 Hello, I was encouraged to make your proposal I took the liberty of not only coloring the drawing but also redesigning it from 0 using the pose, here I leave the result and I hope you like it
(103.39 KB 1082x684 1661069253290166.png)
(252.29 KB 1326x1058 1601999372502.png)
(76.30 KB 500x440 mismagus fat.png)
any one of these would be nice character tags for reference vaporeon leafeon azelf mesprit uxie mismagius
>>28814 Bump
>>24995 bump for the love of slob
>>26842 Anyone doing the others?
>>27315 Bump
any mutual gain requests
Hey, is any people who color here have a discord? i would gladly send my colour request there
>>27779 Bump
(3.01 MB 2048x3395 Sally.png)
>>28153 Who's the artist? While, there is the colored pic.
>>30664 Roga141
(142.09 KB 1280x977 ENuVAiqWkAAR_Bc.jpg)
(133.25 KB 683x860 D5pFiwyX4AAtyll.png)
(63.26 KB 1280x1083 D5m4oJMWAAAvbac.jpg)
(190.79 KB 1541x829 cream11.png)
(377.92 KB 1610x948 1471635803683.jpg)
(194.04 KB 1172x645 cream03.png)
Anyone coloring these?
>>31319 how about no, pedo
>>31323 >>31325 Seriously? Just because I put Cream the rabbit here doesn't mean I'm a genuine pedophile. Do you honestly think I would really endanger a real child, just because of a drawing? Don't mix fiction with real life.
>>27907 Bump
>>31435 Here you go man, hope you enjoy
>>24910 bump
>>29121 Did one of them hope it ok
>>29606 Can someone color this please
(522.29 KB 5000x3550 Aurelion_Sol_Inflated.jpg)
(187.72 KB 1215x717 AurelionSol_0.jpg)
>>27779 Another bump. Also throwing this Aurelion in, in case someone would be up to color this instead
>>24213 I'm gonna do this one
(365.54 KB 2100x1263 master viper.png)
I'll finish it later maybe
>>31481 yeah it is. thank you so much
>>31601 Fat art of an anthro Aurelion Sol. I really have seen it all now.
>>31693 Glad I could contribute
>>23302 someone please
Requesting this line art of Mae from NITW as a blueberry. Very much appreciated
>>31319 Anyone doing these?
>>32217 no nigga
>>26842 Or these?
(1.63 MB 6000x4000 クーコ落書き.jpg)
(5.73 MB 12000x3600 1.jpg)
(340.21 KB 1600x1200 sonamy scrimbloat colors.png)
>>24695 I also took a crack at it, do you have any more scrimbloat pics btw?
(1.34 MB 3000x2000 Whisper blob.png)
(554.00 KB 1600x2000 huge Amy.png)
(252.52 KB 1047x763 angry Amy.png)
(527.59 KB 1800x1200 honeybun.png)
>>32740 Not that anon, but I have these if they're what you were looking for.
(470.20 KB 1125x1200 cocodrilo.png)
>>25336 sorry for the delay, here you go
>>33348 >>23302 Awesome do you think can you make this one?
Anyone want to color these frames of Susie and noelle as growing businesses women
Any tips for doing colorizations myself?
(325.64 KB 1600x1280 Scrimbloat Like a Sauna In Here.png)
>>32740 Great job! I've got one scrimbloat pic
(944.54 KB 3704x3088 FrcBiv5aQAAdnfo.jfif)
(114.81 KB 1000x1530 d-b-carmelita-fox.jpg)
Request color her
>>27315 Bumping again
Throwing these two inflated (Kindred) Lambs in for any adventurous souls that would like to try their hand at doing the lineart and coloring them
(97.71 KB 2085x1543 beebfatbunny.png)
(140.88 KB 2800x2200 beeb_clown_dragon.png)
(943.92 KB 2110x1725 bbpunkround2.png)
I don't come here often, so apologies if I'm not supposed to post these without someone requesting them first, but here are some recent colors edits I did of Beeblimp's work
(109.96 KB 154x451 AmiNF.png)
Requesting to add color please
(501.84 KB 2532x1416 17a6107dbdaf24c070ea895fafe2ae0d.png)
(231.89 KB 976x1217 Untitled33.png)
I colored this one. about the vore part I couldn't make through the burp smoke
(521.54 KB 1559x1572 Untitled34.jpg)
>>34870 Wish granted!
>>32216 “Oghh… Bea… I’m going to effing explode…” Decided to try my hand at editing using Photopea (essentially a free photoshop). For a first try plus a normal alt I don’t think I did too bad, though I would like to come back one day and clean up the white from the lines, maybe add a bit of shading, etc. If anyone has any good tips or exercises, I’m all ears.
>>36501 Small update: Noticed the berry Mae had a slight error (a discoloration at the side, if you look close enough) so I decided to fix it This somehow resulted in me using the dodge and burn tool for shading + pressure effects and for a first try I don’t think it’s too bad
(93.08 KB 677x800 FtaYZQmXoAAx36t.png)
(141.18 KB 475x475 006.png)
Artist is @HakkenMidori
>>24910 Bump
(2.41 MB 1567x2005 image_2023-05-16_001322000.png)
Could someone color? Mainly the bottom one!
(64.55 KB 676x1024 1678389074.slatly_unpb9o.jpg)
(165.61 KB 979x1024 IMG_0425.png)
(841.92 KB 2000x2500 IMG_0424.jpeg)
Who wants to color this? The ball she’s sitting on is supposed to be red
(586.63 KB 1638x2250 TerisHaeilian - Doodle--Loona.jpg)
(181.52 KB 1894x2533 New_Loona_Model_2.webp)
Any brave souls wanna throw some color on this?
>>38693 Here ya have, cheerleader (?) Pinkie. >>33593 This only works if you color over the drawing and erase manually around the lines, like I do: Edit the original drawing to make the background as white as possible. It helps to color better. If the lines get light/gray, copy the drawing and multiply it, it will think black the lines again. And the other step, use a multiply layer group for the coloring over the lines. The white bg and black lines help a lot this part.
>>29121 Got you the lake trio sketch. Had to interpret many parts because of the mess, anything to suggest about it just tell.
(509.39 KB 2048x1536 IMG_7395.jpeg)
(477.43 KB 1762x2607 IMG_7405.png)
(261.81 KB 1024x1280 IMG_7404.jpeg)
(28.33 KB 374x307 IMG_6053.jpeg)
(128.52 KB 705x1134 IMG_7402.jpeg)
(226.70 KB 1510x967 IMG_7406.jpeg)
Can some one color this. Here are some images for inspiration and what colors to use. I was thinking making her gem in her belly red but that can be optional.
>>36737 Enjoy it
(70.65 KB 784x1019 IMG_8568.jpeg)
(191.49 KB 343x769 IMG_8569.png)
(125.37 KB 240x422 IMG_8570.png)
Request to color her.
(691.18 KB 1676x1279 1422523536FSWERF030.png)
(615.21 KB 1488x1458 colored.png)
(801.86 KB 1200x1150 cream21.png)
(978.56 KB 2584x1491 unknown.png)
(639.10 KB 1876x1590 Tails Colored.png)
>>31319 some pics I colored a while ago
>>40652 Thanks friend!
>>40634 I wonder if you could do more, please?
>>40653 Damn, forgot I even requested this. It looks perfect! Thanks so much for taking the time to do it! Also, a bit unconventional, but I’ve been trying to work with colorizations for a while now (I tried to do Mae myself a while back for my first try). Do you have any advice or tips on how colorize like art (white spaces, shading, converting a pic to line art, etc)?
>>40681 put a layer on top of the one you're trying to color and set the mode to linear burn, image has to be dark lines on a pure white background >>40676
>>39667 very nice, anon nothing to suggest. looks fine to me sorry for late reply
>>40668 Nice work :)
>>35617 Bump
(1011.42 KB 2078x3205 IMG_7698.jpeg)
(1.38 MB 2587x3650 IMG_7858.jpeg)
Has anyone ever tried coloring any of Card’s stuff?
(268.24 KB 2048x1778 F2RRlB7X0AEiADT.jpeg)
(360.52 KB 451x731 Tangle_the_Lemur.PNG.png)
(145.34 KB 309x505 Lanolin_the_Sheep.png)
(1.33 MB 1409x1990 Whisper-0.png)
Could someone please colour this in?
These were of the old tread, Does anybody still have these saved at full res?
I'm wanting to try and ask for something to get colored but I keep getting a pop-up that says r9k prevented images from being uploaded, what's up with that? Especially since these images have been posted on the board before, but it seems silly to try and describe which specific one.
On the last thread, there was a guy named "Colorizer of the thread" any idea where they are now to contact?
(35.91 KB 640x480 IMG_1072.jpg)
(1.44 MB 1595x2000 IMG_1021.PNG)
Anyone please
(326.12 KB 1781x2048 F2Nm3b2WUAAlFH_.jfif)
(277.13 KB 1644x1615 Werehog.png)
Color request
(352.45 KB 1707x1707 Untitled4_20230807234144.png)
(366.01 KB 1625x1707 Untitled5_20230808013839.png)
>>41511 Never mind, i actually got off my lazy ass and redid them myself lol, what you you guys think for a first time recolouring?
>>42108 Honestly not bad
(615.92 KB 1707x1621 Untitled7_20230809003829.png)
>>42147 >>24910 Thank you, Also got off my ass and did the one colour request I've be been bumping for ages, Pretty happy how it turned out
(252.87 KB 1280x860 1497264889.funi_s706.png)
an unorthadox ask, but would someone be willing to recolor this to standard furret colors? (pic from funi, furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23813817/ )
(272.81 KB 1280x860 HUZZA edit.png)
>>42018 I'm only going to try this because of the fucking feet, hope it goes wellllllllll
(295.60 KB 1189x841 1348187518.bond750_giabellylow.jpg)
(116.40 KB 227x475 Gia.png)
Can anyone color this plz?
Honestly, this pic is taking more than I thought it would, given it's, bigger and way more complicated, but it's certainly coming along. Sorry about this anon
>>42868 That's fine, I wasn't even expecting anyone to color it
Requesting a colorization and also to edit her a bigger rounder gut preferably
Requesting a colorization of this sketch of Roni and Robberto here. Spoilered for their non rule 63 versions for reference.
Someone color this Pinkie Pie?
(76.67 KB 1100x1100 EkP6JXbXkAA-W94_Kiera.jpg)
(1.25 MB 2083x2500 IMG_6193_Kiera.png)
Could someone color her, please?
(247.25 KB 365x2048 2023_08_27_0qr_Kleki.png)
(349.00 KB 705x2048 2023_08_27_0qu_Kleki.png)
(102.88 KB 1280x509 2023_08_27_0qv_Kleki.png)
Don't do this often, but took these from the Carmelita thread and colored them because I wanted them colored.
could anyone color this
Can anyone color Meowscarada plz?
(4.83 MB 2621x3183 LammyGutdigitalized.png)
(3.79 MB 2078x3205 ShimaEndoweddigitalized.png)
>>43918 I second this
>>44314 Second this
would anyone color this? main character is gourmand from rain world and other characters, probably also rain world just do whatever idc. (source: https://x.com/smallcactuscat/status/1701283681132786164?s=61&t=5i9TEKBqJUFN8j_app3S2A)
(220.81 KB 750x900 chan-colorization-1.png)
>>28814 Please.
(115.13 KB 1280x971 1400787265.drrichtofen720_gfgf.jpg)
Can someone edit Rarity in color? In alt version, blueberry.
Can someone edit Fluttershy in color? In alt version, blueberry.
(474.29 KB 2641x1847 1020fat.png)
(77.11 KB 658x1000 lucario.jpg)
Can this blobby lucario be colored in please? https://mega.nz/folder/uvRiySgT#MZIEWtJMQNCYLdUpj7lfpQ/folder/XywkGKwA (1020fat png is the full res of the lucario) https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/lucario https://www.furaffinity.net/user/veiukket/
(293.77 KB 2536x2069 FkIQ-JYagAA2LuI.jpg)
(323.89 KB 526x1280 Black_White_Juniper.png)
(108.83 KB 741x922 serperior.jpg)
Could serperior and professor juniper with pokepuffs be colored in with the references provided please? https://twitter.com/DookStash/status/1603863278564020224 https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9_Puff#Types_of_Pok.C3.A9_Puff https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Professor_Juniper https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/serperior
>>47269 Thank you so much :)
(1.14 MB 3241x2396 lordsean gift.png)
(58.97 KB 500x500 goegoneia.webp)
(22.15 KB 250x250 Magic_Habitat.png)
(6.03 KB 146x120 dragoncity food.png)
could someone colour this? it was a birthday gift I got on friday
Gonna post me a sequence. Now ask me this: is she hungry enough to order Chick-Fil-A no matter what or drink butter through a straw for do anything for a Klondike bar?
>>23302 Next time use the edit thread for coloring.
might as well put this one i colored all for myself. source from https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54620394/
>>43603 And make sure that Roni (the raccoon in the blue t-shirt and the green jorts) has eyeshadow and Robberto (the raccoon in the blue shorts and the red tank top has none) You can even make: A: a 29-part sequence, or B: a 29-page comic. (each part/page should be posted here today (December 2023) with the rest posted on each day; one page for each day it is posted. For example: the 29th page on the 29th of December) And bonus points if there is a plot twist in either that reveals that it was all in the mind of an curious raccoon named Ronnie (A reference to ronnieraccoon.com and furaffinity.net/user/ronnieraccoon) the entire time. And the plot twist should involve Ronnie showing his work to Rebbecca and Riley Reesha.
(1.16 MB 1000x1520 Amy.png)
Could I get this Amy colored? Preferably with her belly being pink like the rest of her since I'm one of the people who finds that cuter than the bare skin.
(131.79 KB 1024x768 IMG_0817.png)
(1.59 MB 2048x1536 IMG_0818.png)
I would LOVE. A colored version of the sketch on the left, the one on the right is a reference.
Got 59 pictures or more!
>>49540 Bonus if you can make an berry alt to go!
would anyone be willing to try and color mrs brimsby in?
(103.63 KB 1200x1652 Loona.webp)
Would appreciate someone coloring this.
>>49430 Bumping this request
(135.40 KB 1024x768 Sweatpants.png)
>>51332 Here ya go, not the greatest but I was able to get a simple colour layer
Found this one of Radley from Bluey
(65.95 KB 1500x1000 F_w18ZmXgAAolfM.png)
>>51594 This was the result
(89.15 KB 475x475 448.png)
(110.28 KB 475x475 654.png)
Ayo can someone color this sequence?
Can anyone color this one?
>>52027 Like This?
>>52040 Yes, thank you so much :)
>>51837 I have the first panel already colored, I am working on the others, I don't know if you like how it looks
>>52058 Wow. This is already looking great! Take your time! And much appreciated
Color this one? Citations: https://www.deviantart.com/guineapigdan/art/Chupper-the-merged-canine-927971803 Preference: I'll have Chupper's fur color in the final panel be something in between Chuck and Pepper's fur colors.
>>51837 Here is the second colored panel
(290.86 KB 419x826 portrait_rouge_default.png)
Would love to see this colored if anyone is up for it.
>>52243 Check up on your cowboy friends & relatives theyre not doing so hot
>>52224 wonderful job. More please
>>52244 What?
>>52243 Here
>>52467 Nice, thanks!
(771.61 KB 960x1252 IMG_0491.jpeg)
(206.60 KB 479x941 IMG_0492.jpeg)
Someone finish lines and color in this sketch of sumo Loona. Extra points if you make her mawashi red. Here’s a reference to help with coloring.
>>48150 Here you have it, Serperior full with pokepuffs colored. Let me know what do you think.
>>52451 Could someone please colour this?
>>52602 How about this for pattern you missed the entrance!
>>52603 What does that even mean?
(5.75 MB 2241x3010 10 sin título_20240122144540.png)
So, i've just made this and i hope someone colors it :)
>>52598 Thank you so much anon! Excellent colorization!
>>52224 Hey! Wanted to check in and see where you're at with this. You're really good with these
>>52679 My bad bro im high as hell didnt realize you were talking to me lmao
>>52679 Hello, I'm still working on the other panels, but it's taken me quite a while because I've been a little busy due to a monetary situation, anyway, here I am already finishing the third panel, I'm sorry if the process is quite slow.
>>52691 Take your time thanks for doing this.
(336.31 KB 1575x1270 FpX-thmaUAATby0.jpg)
(316.68 KB 1575x1270 Fat Daisy Colour.png)
Original drawing by EonHyena
(246.35 KB 1280x1002 3a340b1f851facc7f4ee5e823d9fa2f8.jpg)
Anyone want to color this one? If you want to just color Francine, it’s fine too. Original sketch by wastedtimeee
>>52691 Hey! How's it going with this?
(77.94 KB 1097x1024 Pinkie_Pie_transparent.webp)
(376.47 KB 1080x734 30_year_old_request_lmao.png)
>>24209 kept you waiting huh?
Can someone color this image please?
(480.40 KB 910x840 Fearow-2064483766.png)
(1.70 MB 1904x1758 latest-3694793536.png)
(853.27 KB 1280x1792 Lucario-3800617959.png)
(500.23 KB 1200x1200 1200px-Zoroark-Origin-2008050535.png)
In the middle is Charizard From left to right: Braixen, Fearow, Suicune, Lucario, and Zoroark in the upper corner.
(448.83 KB 1434x987 1689365093.huwon_big_doggy.png)
(312.13 KB 1434x987 1690162211.huwon_big_doggy_2.png)
(622.72 KB 978x601 lulu and cat.PNG)
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52899943/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53016499/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahf8KjDeZ3I Could lulu, the dog be colored in?
>>56245 >>56251 linking these two
>>56245 >>56251 >>58495 It's Ho-Oh, not Fearow
(787.63 KB 1450x1338 latest-2605800473.png)
Yeah just checked again, it is Ho-oh not Fearow. That is my mistake.
>>23302 This thread is going to be 2 years old.
>>27779 Those look really good! Who drew em?
>>23670 I think we should add a rule that says you need to post who that is and a reference.
>>62818 Ass like that mets is better today lol
(3.25 MB 9600x2864 Wolves_Blobs_colored.png)
>>63997 U assholes know something wont tell me. Im on to it.
>>63997 Amazing work man! Thank you so much :)
(165.78 KB 1663x1818 media_GNwKC9UWQAArjgp.jpg)
Color this elephant in, please and thanks.
>>64654 in what color?
(344.55 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9926.jpeg)
(421.07 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9927.jpeg)
(369.15 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9928.jpeg)
(491.08 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9929.jpeg)
(386.17 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9930.jpeg)
(460.64 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9931.jpeg)
Could anyone colorize these. There was a colorized version but it got lost. (1/2)
(463.27 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9932.jpeg)
(392.46 KB 3300x2700 IMG_9933.jpeg)
>>66269 (2/2)
(241.91 KB 1242x1687 IMG_2661.jpeg)
(264.72 KB 1242x1739 IMG_2662.jpeg)
>>66269 >>66271 Reference:
Request color these one please
(350.88 KB 1029x1036 20240611_201508.jpg)
(2.85 MB 3600x5400 Toriel.png)
(502.54 KB 3526x4129 Toriel No Background.png)
Colored Zac Impact's Toriel sketch
Original Artist: AirAmy Colored by: Anonymous
(290.50 KB 1284x1307 IMG_8649.jpeg)
(521.16 KB 1284x1314 IMG_8645.jpeg)
(563.93 KB 1284x1313 IMG_8646.jpeg)
(571.40 KB 1284x1310 IMG_8647.jpeg)
(685.82 KB 1284x1322 IMG_8648.jpeg)
Could someone do this comic? Have to post it this way since it says someone already posted this but don’t see it anywhere
Colorize this. (Color palette reference here.)
Color Vanilla naked. Original sketches by doublef-returns
Color in this chonky cat however you like.
>>67897 what, like a blonde-haired cat?
