/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Heavy Bottom / Pear Shape / Monobutt Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 22:07:22 Id:9fc428 No. 23706
It's back! Dat toony, weird shape some of us seem to like for no explainable reason.
(851.15 KB 3584x4096 FG0iv1ZXsAgeA77.jpg)
(424.86 KB 1400x1500 5LquwLP.png)
(137.65 KB 1555x1275 FcDGYCeWAAYSvR3.jpg)
(641.51 KB 1400x1500 rougerumppanties.png)
aw hell yeah
(323.06 KB 1280x1201 1625512309.zaphod-_donnainkpear.jpg)
Ink Pear by Zaphod-
(233.83 KB 1080x1025 bigblaze.png)
(3.04 MB 4120x2805 rooj.png)
im surprised this thread isnt more popular alot of good concepts could come out of this
>>24462 It’s a good shape, and I love seeing it on anything, but idk. I think a reason might be cuz monobutt and furry art brings some preconceived notions for other people
sauce for these two rouges? >>24839 >>23720
(1.00 MB 4096x3584 20221031_101641.jpg)
(2.31 MB 3805x3101 kathe.png)
id say this is a pretty good animation but the watermark ruins it
(25.67 KB 984x889 FSBZ4ejUYAAxb8q.jpg)
(34.83 KB 1218x1111 E72v4IlUYAE0t-I.jpg)
(7.98 KB 360x326 EtV0CjDVkAM9CDX.jpg)
(151.05 KB 3089x3000 EtV0Db6VEAIRSCJ.jpg)
(25.60 KB 680x680 Enu6g0hUwAAcCEz.jpg)
(24.76 KB 680x618 EnplCX_VoAAMv5x.jpg)
Hornet Batch
(190.13 KB 475x510 FJAg8KCUcAAyKVS.png)
(174.88 KB 501x535 FJAiNIkVgAAefWC.png)
(171.01 KB 507x505 FJAiZoSVIA0m7JK.png)
(150.28 KB 511x502 FJAkkQuUcAIMTOG.png)
>>25958 Hornet Batch 2 (all arts by @ImCoffeeCakes)
(221.80 KB 660x600 PearJolteon.gif)
(99.26 KB 1300x1300 Untitled_Artwork-2.png)
(371.55 KB 1500x1200 Goo_Bottoms.png)
(124.99 KB 1200x1200 Burp01.png)
Drew some today https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50067981/
(1.07 MB 1500x1512 823630-Pear_shaped_Amy-Tascom.png)
(75.51 KB 1920x1080 20210115_220649.jpg)
(462.90 KB 1500x1050 a26f6f373818bfbb4214591e2e1befce.gif)
Animation upon ye
Freya? Freya!
(223.83 KB 1280x1132 1652017784.zaphod-_sadie2.jpg)
(403.15 KB 2300x2800 47156054_monobutt_mae.png)
(217.48 KB 1647x1585 20230503_074921.jpg)
(13.60 KB 1518x1312 20230502_072424.jpg)
liven up! it's monobutt may!
Fun month that was, have a round racc girl!
(320.09 KB 2000x2000 ER6rTCpU4AAIWg9.jpeg)
(1.57 MB 4024x5000 Orian123CatFoompFull.png)
(1.08 MB 4525x4920 20220323_000440.png)
A couple of my own OC <3
>>40437 Oooh very niceee
(138.65 KB 1034x768 Untitled-1.jpg)
The pic from 1992 that started this whole body shape thing. I swear there was a version with text. This looks like it's been cleaned up.
(740.27 KB 3800x2590 Cinderace Bunny Bloat.png)
>>40637 Cinderace makes for a phenomenal pear
I've always wondered what Sneasler would look like with a heavy bottom.
(2.94 MB 800x649 WxGd5DiBu.gif)
Monobutt facesitting is underrated.
>>40780 Stupid website kept me from posting the pic https://twitter.com/SadieTheToonCat/status/1621901534278606848
>>40852 It's alright, been there.
>>40637 Source? This one is so hot
Anyone here got a piece by Zaphod that's heavy bottom Tails in Rouge's outfit with the seat of the outfit ripping open and revealing pink striped panties? Been looking everywhere and just can't find it.
(150.55 KB 1200x1113 DpgCQFFX4AAVhWm.jpg)
>>41892 Here you go, boss!
(320.86 KB 1300x900 Date_with_an_orb.png)
(28.33 KB 1292x929 FllgNKgXEAMBtKt.png)
(35.79 KB 1080x840 PINNED.png)
>>43708 ideal monobutt pokemon
(64.12 KB 521x690 Screenshot_44.png)
(76.87 KB 630x516 Screenshot_24.png)
(160.85 KB 803x609 Screenshot_14.png)
(560.67 KB 1500x1500 amypear.png)
(1.34 MB 2600x2000 msmarley.png)
(208.46 KB 964x845 1692083696767162.png)
more Mobian girls!
>>45316 Where did you get the pic with the sneasel pinning someone from?
>>45329 The artist is ThatOneAceGuy, I found it on /trash/ which I'm pretty sure was gotten off of a Discord server
>>45333 Can you link your source?
(588.31 KB 2400x1417 aquajack_ac_pears.png)
(320.39 KB 1546x1786 bella EuI8A6UXcAEl2YC.jpg)
(104.54 KB 1633x1534 bella EuI8A68XUAQkxXS.jpg)
(728.56 KB 1928x1080 bella EuI8A7ZWYAs797x.jpg)
(312.80 KB 800x800 blacktail_130315085233.jpg)
(181.19 KB 1280x1067 chrisandcompany_honey_dragon.jpg)
A few from my collection
(1.45 MB 2800x3400 ashe.png)
Does shyguy9's Ashe count?
>>46213 Character's great but no. Doesn't have that pear, monobutt shape.
>>45346 Source on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th? Never seen those before
(872.18 KB 3500x3100 F8sy2SUXUAAcS_S.jfif)
(14.22 KB 1000x1000 E1AT9l2WUAY92Lp.png)
(408.35 KB 4096x2816 F1ffomTWIAAk_Hq.jpg)
(56.00 KB 961x975 FlrLMcyXwAARdkk.jpg)
(45.93 KB 1041x929 F7uOM1WWwAEktH9.png)
(412.98 KB 3050x1733 Ev5nji3WYAARM_r.jpg)
(49.16 KB 1860x1074 Fnlt-FnXgAMz7cC.png)
(200.69 KB 1889x1952 FUQYqupXsAEUz5Y.jpg)
(66.77 KB 986x882 Ftu0AYlakAUK9xe.jfif)
(160.39 KB 2048x1461 F0S4GyjX0BEmi3z.jpg)
>>46476 solitaryscribbles
(35.81 KB 1080x840 PINNED.png)
>>41897 Where did you find this? I wonder why they deleted it.
>>48623 Sauce on these pics?
(16.83 KB 1080x606 1592856052.demolitionman_peaw.png)
(36.59 KB 1019x1398 sonicfox_by_bnuuyartys_dg2v42c.png)
(114.00 KB 1668x2224 FqgYn9SWIAE0KdE.jpg)
(55.50 KB 961x1140 E_EPQ9zWEAEjKUM.jpg)
(199.48 KB 1588x1602 FoyiVSdXgAI0njU.png)
>>50069 >>50070 Who made this stuff?
(1.68 MB 2500x1266 1582920368.mithaa_ych2020post.gif)
Mithaa on FA
(730.79 KB 1006x1005 ankha01.png)
(768.29 KB 1006x1008 ankha02.png)
(863.87 KB 1007x1007 ankha03.png)
(664.65 KB 1006x1009 ankha04.png)
(530.01 KB 1008x1009 ankha05.png)
(538.24 KB 1010x1008 ankha06.png)
dont know the source, only that she just grows bigger and bigger...
(493.42 KB 1008x1009 ankha07.png)
oops forgot the last one
(27.89 KB 1080x1430 F2t1M-lWEAATQUI.png)
(158.51 KB 1462x2048 EWnQL-yUwAowjYN.jpg)
(439.73 KB 2048x2048 EnoZ7PqXYAIpEsg.jpg)
(506.95 KB 4000x4000 F0TsElhaIAAm1xz.jpg)
(94.89 KB 1280x960 photo_2023-02-24_04-59-23.jpg)
(42.70 KB 1446x1168 Fl94b4lakAEbaj7.png)
>>50114 Original posts, 1-12 that weren't in the filename: #3: tooncrossing (deleted twitter), CopiusLudwig at FA #4: matt_the_roo #6: mirrorgs #7: ajiklo1 #8: nothatstoolow And this post: klawyotic takisan_oekaki solarstars Cream_Spark talidrawing telegram wiiid14
>>50446 Thank you
(176.54 KB 962x542 officepears1.png)
(359.74 KB 1903x929 officepears2.png)
(487.80 KB 2311x1949 AGOTI.png)
Commission from Toothy him/herself
(2.24 MB 3819x3696 253426235.jpg)
(1.83 MB 3819x2903 2336346.jpg)
>>50069 Aww.. heh. Oh gosh, I remember that second drawing. ^^; Ha... ha. Oh boy. Thanks for posting it! (og artist here.)
Here's some quick color edits I did for rattiestep's gamer lopunny drawings.
>>52795 Used this existing pic for pallet reference.
>>52337 >https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/23706.html#q52337 woa really? sweeet, I ripped most of your DA, great stuff. Missed out on your twitter if you had any exclusive goods there though, sucker for *the* look
(69.16 KB 1500x500 1629207888.jpg)
(166.54 KB 2048x2048 FG6uzAcXEAM4WXz.jpg)
(154.69 KB 2048x2048 FVUB63lXoAMoopv.jpg)
(2.66 MB 3508x2480 Fce8XopXgAAadkx.jpg)
(127.44 KB 1200x1600 FSzy-JdWQAM8Djd.jpg)
(129.14 KB 1200x1600 FSlNSAtWUAIRQ1S.jpg)
Also if anyone has the source of this 1st cutoff image, curious the artist or at least full pic, nowhere else I asked had any answers a while ago.
(653.79 KB 1920x1440 Jump Rope Nika.png)
Also this was posted to 4chan one day, no idea the source
>>53504 SB99 did that one, hope he does another one some day
(366.73 KB 1965x1941 GFsXH1yWEAEuwhf.jfif)
>>53583 ah dam. Did it get deleted, I tried keyword searches for a while and nothing showed up. Hate to think I almost missed that one (BoxCatDrawings)
Here's some more mostly deleted stuff
(285.96 KB 1350x1200 Chubby Nika.png)
(462.47 KB 1680x1500 Crushed Nika.png)
>>53761 I found two more, I found them on dropbox
>>53855 Incredible - thanks so much, anything else you got's good. Those were linked on a deleted DA post maybe? Now for the last of my best lost things - toonstarmar. I was lucky enough to stumble on that at least (and a last one, why not, giraffes make for great pears, rarely used as they are)
anyone have more art of heavy bottom'd roos? I need some more rare finds for my collection.
(568.94 KB 2048x2048 1549432223.kylestudios_image.png)
Good guidelines for making monobutts.
(287.29 KB 2728x2838 20240328_111930.jpg)
(158.67 KB 1024x851 7__by_spher01d-d9j9dwf.png)
(208.14 KB 1280x1098 hydro-phil2_isabelle_yukata.jpg)
(258.02 KB 4096x1567 EWGf5iVXkAIEu62.jpg)
(403.92 KB 2400x2440 EyaxhvlWQAYH7Sb.jpg)
I'm thankful for whoever came up with the term monobutt, rolls of the tongue better than "heavy bottom".
(74.70 KB 1024x744 mona dragon.jpg)
(183.24 KB 2078x2027 Fu-IMl3XsAEkdOU.jpg)
(940.70 KB 4096x3968 FUK2dzqWIAAk8T9.jpg)
(517.68 KB 2300x2100 raquao_kuromikinipear.png)
>>60291 Your delusional, his art has been the same since 2010
>>60294 *degraded
>>60298 Even more correct.
(2.24 MB 3200x2400 38094979_p0.png)
(114.64 KB 1280x1280 1452118564.pancak3_05012016.png)
(149.76 KB 1608x1958 C3hiVKJUoAA3RDa.jpg large.jpg)
(1.74 MB 2587x2000 cheriyoga.png)
(89.37 KB 1280x1280 D_KoSE0U8AAZhu5.jpg)
(336.92 KB 1400x1400 BoyfriendRoo.png)
(477.83 KB 2000x2000 BlizTMHandDriers.png)
(2.11 MB 10675x4485 BR_Ref_clean.png)
heavy toony roos are supreme
(475.27 KB 3476x2905 GFMWfVQbAAAv57j.jpg)
(131.05 KB 1280x768 photo_2024-02-22_16-23-05.jpg)
(158.39 KB 960x1013 FHfNaQ4XEAYJFUR.jpg)
(439.04 KB 2944x1865 GCDHqsFWAAATNXy.jpg)
(214.41 KB 1716x2048 ELKiB_xXUAAqLFj.jpg)
(67.01 KB 1476x1328 ELMQ0K3X0AA3lJ6.jpg)
(93.54 KB 2040x2048 ELKiCaLWsAAxh3T.jpg)
(136.92 KB 2048x1376 ELKiCwTW4AAMDJL.jpg)
(143.07 KB 1744x1384 FjUSdRPXwAEWeMn.jpg)
(131.14 KB 1581x1181 FjUSeZaXEAQSWHI.jpg)
(648.80 KB 1654x2339 GKagFJLXkAAaqvv (1).jpg)
(617.22 KB 3696x3195 GJscmpAagAYOkM2.jpg)
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(151.74 KB 1600x901 GK15GvlaMAAZoin.jpg)
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(193.10 KB 2034x2048 FtrKrUlXsAICLbj.jpeg)
>>61655 >>61825 >>61826 >>61828 That’s one of my favorite characters and from one of my favorite artists. Her name is Maxine.
(20.02 KB 666x585 ED4LDuKU4AAKyAT.png)
(157.67 KB 2048x1796 ED0ab28U4AAFPk2.jpg)
(183.41 KB 2048x2048 EDKaBL2WwAAmfvs.jpg)
(96.21 KB 1825x1798 EA1E32PWkAA-nGf.jpg)
(321.28 KB 960x720 ENa5693U8AAbD9p.png)
some oldies
>>61654 Sauce on the fourth pic?
(564.57 KB 4000x2720 GMbsr8BWsAAaZjM.jpg)
(502.70 KB 3880x3200 GMGLXRzXYAAOjEg.jpg)
(144.17 KB 2300x2800 GMZAsE_akAAjiv4.jpg)
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(6.18 MB 2821x2447 1646854960.frootz_maxine_comm.png)
(3.39 MB 2055x1793 1705619150.zaphod-_pawpear.png)
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(109.31 KB 1199x870 GM1swpaaAAAXSvR.jpg)
(22.14 KB 926x481 Kero Mimiga Pear.png)
Bumping to keep the thread alive.
(261.00 KB 2741x2356 GOmi5-_WEAAfnNG.jpg)
(212.37 KB 1499x1194 GN66ml0asAAoBwD.png)
(221.30 KB 2394x1799 GOpZpPqW4AAXI9j.jpg)
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(761.15 KB 4096x3071 GQqO9Z7XYAAU59b.jpg)
>>67731 God I hate that stupid fucking derg OC so much. Its like pollution for bottom heavy content. What percentage of ALL monobutt art is that stupid fucker part of?
(52.33 KB 2300x1400 GRGyEBTXoAMRDrr.png)
(623.63 KB 2293x2059 GQ5s5W9XkAAfRQe.png)
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>>69792 sauce on that last image?
>>70136 source?
>>70462 That was me, and that was Ai generated after weeks of trial and error. If I was going to post an Ai monobutt I was going to make it look good. Although Amy doesn't look to happy, probably thinks Sonic won't like her new figure.
>>69784 source for the third one?
>>69785 I meant
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>>40637 Still looking for the source for this one. Or at least the artist who made it.
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>>70859 Some More OC
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You ever get on the Gwendolyn bandwagon?
>>76418 >>76774 Not a fan of folks who commission every artist under the sun to draw their bland oc
>>76782 Well, you either go with Gwendolyn or you just don't go.
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>>76852 Man, I miss this artist, whatever happened with them? Their stuff was just pretty great all around.
>>76418 IMO she's a kinda a breath of fresh air if your tired of overdesigned characters, sometimes less is more.
>>76889 Their deviantart is gone but they are still on furaffinity - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/runningwildwolf
>>77630 Oh thank fucking god, I love their stuff.
Anyone have any art from Mursula?
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Anyone have any more Hornet from hollow knight? Been searching for an image that was an edit to the in game sprite. Can’t find it anywhere but it used to be in an old hollow knight thread
>>78616 I don't have the edit you're looking for but I seen Princecoffeecakes I think do a bottom heavy, monobutt hornet in the past. Same with Rattiebutts.
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780 files since 10/12/22! 🎊
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>>79711 >LordStormCaller Looking at this man's art is like biting into a saltine cracker without any of the salt. There is no flavor. It's all the same bland poses. The same body types, and overall stale character designs. He's leagues about Virus-20 but his characters still fail to give me a boner. 1.5/10 >>79712 >Satsumalord A guilty pleasure. Not the best of the oldfags, clearly not as good as Gillpanda or as decent as Kazecat, but fappable enough because I am a huge sucker for hypershit. Satsuma'a work can be described as "Two Ton Neko with a sprinkling of dynamism and slightly bigger heads". Truly, a somewhat questionable wank. 6/10
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