/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Popping thread: Going out with a bang! Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 02:15:26 Id:2bb8cd No. 30648
For Anyone who's got any really fun Popping overinflation stuff to share both male/female/other boobs and literal blowjobed dicks, hell blowkissed to confetti and shit none of it matters so much as it ends in a fireworks show!
yes! all popping! including both male and female. (I am straight, but as a supporter of Lbgt I said male for anyone gay and bi)
>>30689 fedposting
Even buttons and belts are welcome. As well looking fit to burst.
(286.65 KB 614x1024 1468460689.wkobold_p1v2pr.png)
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(358.31 KB 687x1024 1468687890.wkobold_p5pr.png)
(173.09 KB 839x1024 1468778817.wkobold_p6pr.png)
Sequence commed by wkobold (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wkobold/ ) of one of their chars, by the artist Jupiter_Jyohti ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jupiterjyohti )
(445.54 KB 828x1024 1468892373.wkobold_p7pr.png)
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part 2
(335.63 KB 658x1024 1469496251.wkobold_p13pr.png)
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(421.17 KB 1024x772 1469758955.wkobold_p16pr.png)
(314.44 KB 659x1024 1469798601.wkobold_p17pr.png)
And finale
I don’t know why, but seeing them explode/tear apart with their guts and blood and fat all scattering out, satisfies the slight gore enthusiast in me. Weird thing is I can’t even watch a horror movie because of the slightest gore. Does anyone know what’s wrong with me?
>>32955 I mean as long as your not actually having thoughts of actual murder you're a little on extreme tastes but not a monster if that's what your wondering. Everyone has their fantasies and as long as your victim is like a gamer in which they respawn from a void off somewhere you're good
>>32976 Well, you definitely have a fair point there.
(183.85 KB 2048x1638 IMG_20230222_145634.jpg)
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
(5.02 MB 3964x1282 1644618223.kitty123_sequence1.png)
By Kitty123 You can get better quality on their individual pages on the artist's gallery: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kitty123/
There’s this comic I’m looking for where this fox or wolf character is sacrificed to a giant slime monster. It pumps slime into his mouth and up his butt. He swells up to a huge size before he explodes! I can’t remember the artist’s name, it was from over 10 years ago
someone has this content The Doe Dames The Doe Dames part 2
someone has this commission of heroic_ones these are the names of the contents The Doe Dames The Doe Dames: Part 2
(1.43 MB 1280x1050 All you can Eat Wings - pt. 3.png)
Anyone have art from Herroroo?
Anyone have art from heroic_ones
Anyone have art from The Doe Dames
Anyone have art from Himeric
>>35418 >>35447 >>35621 >>35622 >>35623 oh my god shut the fuck up you fucking schizo does this board just not have janitors to ban the actual children
>>35629 calm down , darling , better hold your tone down . >>35621 Can i call for a anti-minor over here please , thank you .
https://herro.e-junkie.com/product/1587681 Anyone have this?
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>>37307 >>37306 >>37305 >>37304 what an off-putting style.
>>37315 You're an offputting style.
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(504.04 KB 1280x2078 01.jpg)
(391.03 KB 1280x2099 05.jpg)
Whole comic and more from Clever Fox Man: https://payhip.com/cleverfoxman
dunno if this counts. also it needs updating. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8549631?o=0
>>37712 The beg thread exists you half-baked zygote.
(95.98 KB 1200x640 FhvDZlvWAAAXR1.jpg)
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(122.05 KB 2259x1695 FlBrxQwXoAAGmwt7.png)
>>33621 artist?
(196.01 KB 1935x2048 FZIX3cHVQAAGhaa.jpg)
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52671179/ https://twitter.com/supaskulled/status/1679324079269068802 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52918886/ spoilered the explody ones
Bump for bangs
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Bang for the bump
>>41779 Excellent! Thanks, bro!
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(58.80 KB 775x548 bowser one 1.jpg)
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(111.13 KB 1044x821 bowser ridiculous17inch.jpg)
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>>44976 Lagartuz_gartuz is good.
does huskyblue42 count?
not technically popping but threatening it
>>45275 bump
Does anyone have a weight gain sequence of a black cat with a semi realistic art style being slowly fattened up until they pop? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
may goes POP!
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(41.35 KB 433x600 [email protected])
(51.07 KB 433x600 [email protected])
(73.97 KB 433x600 [email protected])
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How is Beltpop so good?
any xenomorph bursting?
not technically popping but close to it
any aliens bursting out of furries?
(4.79 MB 3840x2160 npjs9h.jpg)
(4.56 MB 3840x2160 jzqjig.jpg)
The farmer's not gonna like this.
(65.63 KB 326x1280 media_Flep0iVXgAw21Ly.jpg)
artist huskyblue42
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>>30648 How dangerous do you like your pop?
(48.65 KB 1792x1080 Transparent Heffalump.webp)
(71.39 KB 999x750 Image0.webp)
Great material!
>>35601 Comparision time!
(488.81 KB 1162x3170 1685406066.lagartuz_comm.jpg)
>>44976 >>44990 So true! Now we need her to stuff herself until she pops!
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oldie but a goodie
>>55670 >>55671 >>55672 I will never understand how people find this hot. Like why people obsess over this fable more than actual porn. Like that one retard phraggle-whatever on FA who makes basically the same ugly-ass art every single time based off it. I can't wrap my head around it.
>>56306 Oh hell nah... the Phraggle guy's crap shows up constantly in searches and is fucking horrible. I don't even know what style he's going for. It is pure awfulness.
>>56333 It's ironic how picky you guys tend to be, if you don't like Phraggle's ugly art then post something you like rather than whining about it.
>>56343 I can’t wait for AI fat gore to come out.
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>>57165 >>57166 love how she rounds out
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>>55115 Not op but Anon you’re goated for this!!! Do you have the other packs?
>>55092 More please.
>>62037 Go on?
(679.62 KB 5120x2880 1653333939560.jpg)
(1.02 MB 1200x927 1713222135933897.png)
Spoilored gore
>>61606 Source?
>>65021 Glorious....I mean goriest. LOL
>>65066 de-flator
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>>54648 It depends.
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Delivery from another website other than 4chan.
(230.81 KB 1724x1274 GUJDtPFXAAA499o.jpg)
>>69830 Need to know the source of this bad, almost nobody does gory popping anymore
>>70966 Gurochan.
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>>70954 Source?
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>>73876 >wolfysweller Immediate euthanasia.
Almost popped.
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>We gotta squeeze all of that juice out of her immediatel—
>>80840 Is there a alt where the pic isn't pitch black?
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part 1
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part 2
