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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Amy Vanilla and Cream 01/24/2023 (Tue) 01:12:29 Id:daeb42 No. 30798
You read the title. Trying to rebuild the cream vanilla and Amy thread. Post whatever shit you got from whatever artists you like. Let’s get autistic up in this bitch.
(160.08 KB 1280x955 206885.jpg)
(548.96 KB 1280x955 221820.png)
Some vanilla
Some vanilla
(968.45 KB 1886x2800 cdf70a540baf12bae321.png)
Does anyone have that one image of cream ultrahand where's she's stuck in the door and her mother is Infront of her, shocked? Also bump
(54.41 KB 556x556 ultrahand 1657509593438.jpg)
(510.36 KB 2033x2444 ultrahand 1657513502097.jpg)
(858.38 KB 2609x2000 ultrahand_01.png)
>>35464 I think one of these is it
>>35464 I believe this may be what you’re referencing to
>>35521 Image didn’t attach
(314.62 KB 983x1280 1656361487.robot001_scan9581.jpg)
(225.48 KB 983x1280 1656361564.robot001_scan9582.jpg)
(288.49 KB 983x1280 1656361640.robot001_scan9583.jpg)
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(239.81 KB 983x1280 1656362392.robot001_scan9588.jpg)
(281.64 KB 983x1280 1656362453.robot001_scan9589.jpg)
(1.41 MB 2171x1221 1686435473537.png)
(1.21 MB 2171x1221 1686435483947.png)
from this video sonic hell
>>35475 Who’s the artist?
>>38056 Ultrahand, I think
(268.51 KB 1920x1080 url(2).jpg)
By Pixelrush
(244.60 KB 1883x2048 url(1).jpg)
Cream THE rabbit
anybody got a pic of cream the rabbit flattened as a pancake her body inflated her head inflated and melted from onion.ly or furarchiver?
>>41746 than on discord?
art bump please
(94.71 KB 683x487 1609276080815.jpg)
(120.53 KB 442x413 1609375326640.jpg)
(55.60 KB 780x824 1609375359025.jpg)
(566.91 KB 763x823 1609375509866.jpg)
>>35544 Source? I cant read the Water mark
>>43875 jiant101
(932.19 KB 1593x2329 Uber inflated Vanilla.jpg)
(671.58 KB 1633x2361 Uber Cream.jpg)
Anyone want some uber Vanilla and Cream balloons :3
Based thread.
>>35475 Oh, yeah, does anyone have the first one here in better quality? Reverse image searching hasn't helped.
Any more Amy?
(1.49 MB 4000x4000 Cream and the Big Meal 1.jpg)
(1.53 MB 4000x3940 Cream and the Big Meal 2.jpg)
>>45744 Took a while to remember these
(1.03 MB 3211x2558 Amy's_cheat_day.png)
(1.72 MB 3000x3000 Amykini.png)
(1.09 MB 4663x2727 blobby_amy.png)
(1.01 MB 3326x2246 cream's_20th_birthday.png)
>>47963 Do you have sources for at least the first two here?
>>47967 no but all 4 were done by the same artist https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fattyblaze/
(1.22 MB 1761x2520 Cream the blueberry.jpg)
Here's a blueberry Cream
(827.63 KB 1931x1200 sketch-1679172354339.png)
>>50377 Aint this artist a pedo whos into scat
>>50378 Where'd you get the pedo part from?
(565.77 KB 1200x1095 1289330497.lesang_heavy_cream_fa.jpg)
>>50379 >>50378 Bun who's four that grows some more, huh? Don't blame the artist, blame the thread creator!
(915.13 KB 1308x626 56856585.png)
(245.99 KB 804x393 1706895396056711.png)
(1.76 MB 2025x1856 cce8f0d69b613304667d.png)
(1.62 MB 2025x1856 e889431403e323a702dc.png)
(1.61 MB 3300x2100 a88e05e3e8f235c1c1ab.png)
(919.85 KB 3300x2100 19def4baa972fbfffb02.png)
(1.16 MB 3300x2100 1b06553392a69d4c1031.png)
>>53268 Lots of kids for Rouge to take care of and pounds to shed after the pregnancy.
>>53136 >>53252 Cream now has lots of little siblings now.
>>53403 And they are obese already
>>53431 Like Mother Cream.
(63.48 KB 1676x1529 IMG_3457.png)
>>30798 Alright.
>>53409 >>53252 Where did you find this?
(699.20 KB 3204x2583 pear.png)
Moar Amy for the thread
(190.38 KB 613x487 20240309_165622.png)
(266.25 KB 779x680 20240309_165746.png)
two I sketches I made from the other thread
>>56576 Sauce?
Why you love to make Cream fat?
>>56576 seconding the call for sauce on both of these, nothing's turning up from reverse image search
(273.20 KB 850x715 image_2024-03-15_201752871.png)
>>56576 >>56595 >>56986 sauce located, scrimbloat. apparently they deleted and returned not too long ago, some good ass shit
>>58168 sauce?
When I first joined this community there was a user named darkkeronwar11400. He made an Amy Rose weight gain sequence that I enjoyed and it was one of the first sequences I remember waiting for. Part 6 of the drive was unfinished because he went camping but he claimed he would finish it once he got back. For one reason or another he never finished the drive and hasn't posted anything since 2013. So I decided to go back and finish his work. I did my best to follow the og sketch and mimic his style including stuff like his sometimes messy line work. Darkwar, wherever you are, this one's for you.
>>56409 These are really good, would love to see more from ya sometime
have some more amy
>>53252 I swear I saw a sequel to this somewhere. wondering if anyone has it
have some more to bump the thread
(9.88 KB 655x545 creamy.png)
>>65978 Source?
(340.99 KB 1400x1250 1482650024.guyfuy_amysweater.png)
(636.79 KB 1690x1400 1544511341.guyfuy_amybringit.png)
more amy to justify my bump
>>65978 >>66007 Also, this is unfinished and I tried to finish it for whoever made this.
keeping this tread alive
(1.08 MB 1636x1107 74054185_p0.png)
(1.11 MB 1636x1107 74054185_p1.png)
(638.43 KB 2600x2000 1591725708014.png)
