/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Sumo wrestling art Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 03:59:20 Id:c5418e No. 34715
Post your largest sumo wrestling furries here!
(328.88 KB 1280x1024 1601468608.travisexu_sumo_rex_2.png)
Thank you! I have been trying for weeks to get the other catalogues to create sumo threads. As a token of my thanks, check out this artist. They make a lot of furry sumos. https://www.deviantart.com/roxas617/gallery Now if only someone would make sumos from Trigger’s BNA. I would love to see Michiru fighting Nazuna in mawashis. Again, thank you!
Have more! RoyalJellySandwich is another good artist for sumo related content!
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by @GosuGosuke on twitter
(191.27 KB 2200x1450 FttrpUgXgAAE6jk.jpg)
(451.64 KB 900x900 1310670568.karsaku_yawn02_fa.png)
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We need more sumo ladies in this thread.
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(993.88 KB 3060x1785 Fvpjk5LWIAQfF4H.jpg)
(493.86 KB 2500x1624 FvzWHt0WwAAx_Ym.jpg)
(82.35 KB 600x471 [email protected])
(60.71 KB 600x472 [email protected])
(100.83 KB 454x600 [email protected])
(58.13 KB 600x408 [email protected])
(65.47 KB 424x600 [email protected])
You can never have too many sumo women!
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(269.21 KB 3500x2500 Fzu6W5HX0Ak5uMH.jpg)
(6.54 MB 2183x1700 Sumovember.jpg)
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(483.49 KB 1024x498 sumotable.png)
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Manmanuki Okihara AI chat https://c.ai/c/q2gJPcvBoX-wiq4l4iKBQZyQvsd9QoJkzYxMZzwYmzw
I am surprised that no one has posted my works to this thread. I mean I draw a lot of sumo furs. But then again, I am not interested in any popularity contests. And I am more awed by the other pieces shared here.
(80.71 KB 680x606 GDvutsJW0AA1k3f.jpg)
(2.97 MB 3264x3264 BeFunky-collage (1).png)
I ♥️ Flappy.
(175.80 KB 1412x2000 FfzPMfeXoAQPe6c.jpeg)
(230.34 KB 1883x2000 Ff7M7sWWIAMfK1a.jpeg)
(202.92 KB 751x1064 Untitled344 (1).png)
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(1.31 MB 2000x1690 Untitled1441_20240314173227.png)
(599.27 KB 1412x2000 Untitled1442_20240314190929.png)
>>57226 Cool tracing, bro.
>>57226 You got a deviantart or something?
>>58813 Excellent. Come get that. Before I smell your butt
(249.91 KB 1100x1209 1625784884.spookybiggulp_sumo1.jpg)
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(316.90 KB 1100x1209 1625785437.spookybiggulp_sumo3.jpg)
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(340.00 KB 1100x1209 1625785688.spookybiggulp_sumo5.jpg)
(358.20 KB 1616x909 IMG_3768.jpeg)
(Art Cred: BlueBot888 on Deviantart.)
