/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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MLP Anonymous 05/11/2023 (Thu) 19:36:18 Id:6e5e0c No. 36921
My Little Pony Last thread: >>>13 https://web.archive.org/web/20230511192619/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/13.html
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Question for the thread! What's better? Many artists semi-regularly delivering big ponies, or one artist who isn't known for big ponies posting big ponies?
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>you're into fat or inflation >she's into the opposite of what you're into What do?
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Any from g5?
>10 years Equestria Girls came and went Post your gallery.
I like sirens.
>>36921 https://web.archive.org/web/20230708215935/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/23266.html
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>>38401 >you will never introduce them to early 2000s /v/
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>>37884 Lots of great art and sketches are now hidden behind a log-in wall.
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>>38364 >popping ponies M-more?
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Someone has this pack for share please?
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>>36930 we need more pony blimps
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https://nitter.privacydev.net/Xio_ze_fluff I don't understand why so much art is hidden away in random Twitter accs.
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This dude really makes the best art.
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>>44988 This dude seriously makes that best art and sequences. Would love to see more.
would anyone happen to have the full res version of this?
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Here's hoping someone will draw the sirens like this.
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part 1 of 3 Queen lotus couldn’t help, but feel a little nervous, she was still working off the last load, but her subjects had sent even more for their queen apparently. “I really shouldn’t, if I get too large, I’d be unable to perform my roy- is that lemon cakes?” She eyed the pastries sealed in the safety of their containers. The mare drooled at the sight, her subjects knew her favourite pastries. “There’s no way, it’s all my favourite.” She needed confirmation, her hooves grabbed a pizza box and opened. “Tomato sauce, hay, grass, beans, jalapenos with extra cheese! It is my favourite!” Setting the pizza down, the examination moved to the burgers. “It’s the chilli bun burgers!” She cheered and looked at this spread, it all were a lot more enticing then a minute ago. Whipping her head around the throne room, checking if anyone were around. “Well, It’d be rude to reject such a kindness.” She said more to herself and unwrapped the first of many burgers, the first bite sent delightful chills down her spine and her wings just spreads out on their own. “Mmpf! Mph! So good~” She sat her chubby butt in front of the feast and crammed the rest of the burger in her mouth and chewed, while her mouth chewed, her hooves grabs two pizza slices and puts them together like a sandwich. A strong gulp sent the burger down her throat into her gut, opened wide her mouth ate half of the slices in one bite, her body quivered in delight of the flavours, with a gulp and a second chomp, the slices were gone, she pulls a cake to her side, opening the lid, she took a whiff of the strong scent of lemons. “Come to mama.” The mare licked her lips and took a slice, not wasting time, she immediately shoves it in her mouth and swallowed, she had begun, using both hoof the poor pastry didn’t stand a chance, with every bite and every slice her tummy were filling up outwards at a steady pace. “Mpf mmm… ulp. I’m gonna be here a while.” She giggled with a pat on her gut.
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Part 2 of 3 Lotus was a ways into the feast about a quarter into it, tossing another empty pizza box aside. UUUUURRRPP!! “Excuse me~” the queen patted and rubbed her swollen belly, the feast had made an impact on her figure, from chubby to straight up fat, her hoof ran along the skin. “UUURP! Phew those jalapenos knows how to treat a mare.” The red belly earned a hug from it’s owner, putting her ear against the squishy balloon of food, she hums to the noises it was making. BLOORP, CHUUUUUURN, GURGLE “What’s that baby? You can hold more?” Speaking to it like it was alive, the belly sloshed loudly and jiggles for a good bit when released from her embrace, the motions caused small ripples to travel along her body, to her enlarged flanks easily twice the size before the feast. Reaching behind her, she hoists a cake to her hooves, tossing off the lid and immediately began to devour it, but her consumption slowed down and stopped at the last slice. “It’s starting to get cold…” she shrugged and ate the last slice, setting the empty plate aside. “I guess I’ll have to finish before that.” Turning her attention to the pile with a hungry glare. Lotus had begun to pig out on it, no time for chewing, just eating whole burgers at once, the pile started the diminishing fast, while it shrank, her body swells at a rapid rate, her hooves squishing deeper into her gut sprawling out under her, it began to lift up her flanks first, keeping her front at a reachable of the food, the red mass grows louder with it’s gurgling and sloshing, her skin groaning, slightly struggling to keep up with her expansion.
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Part 3 of 3 The queen couldn’t move an inch, but she could reach the last of the feast resting on her gargantuan belly, she hums and munches away, after she had pigged out on the final stretch, she had a servant of her castle put the remaining food on her belly, within her reach, now she was finishing up and ate at a pace, wanting to savour the flavours, her body had swollen up to enormity, her mass gurgling audibly, the food sloshing around in her digestive acid. “This is sooooo good, screw my diet.” One hoof feeds her mouth while the other were pressed deep into her softness, she swallowed the last burger and the feast were on it’s way to become royal blubber, she moaned with her hooves massaging and soothing her belly, her front hooves were already greatly layered with fat, being her, she felt her hind legs resting on top of the rear parts of her belly, her rump was ten times bigger then when she had begun, but she had loved every minute of the feast. “In all honesty UUUUURRRRRPPPP!! Aaah~ I could go for seconds.” As if on cue, her ears perks at the sound of a guard’s voice. “Here’s the second batch.”“THERE’S MORE!!?” A servant shouts in disbelief. But the queen merely smirked and licked her lips from the cake frosting. “Hear that?” Her belly responded with a growl. “Bring it in!” She ordered, should she tell her chefs, she’s had dinner? Nah.
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>>45823 I kinda want to see someone remake this sequence where we get to see her entire body on page 5 and get a better look at what she now looks like.
>>46058 Didn’t see the movie. What did happen to her horn, can it be fixed, and how is she now?
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>>46114 Sauce?
>>46116 RidiculousCake https://kemono.party/patreon/user/223471
>>46114 Does someone have animation?
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>>46419 Or do you prefer anthro?
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This is seriously one of the best sequences by this artist.
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Check https://boards.4chan.org/trash/catalog#s=infl for the pony inflation and weight gain general once in a while
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I love Lunar57.
Lots of tentacleflation isn't tagged with 'flation.
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Why does R9K stop me from posting images I haven't posted elsewhere and haven't been posted ITT ?
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would someone be willing to try and color this in?
>>36921 Have you seen the latest iterations of show-accurate AI generations?
ayo, first time posting here but i'm looking for something specific. IDEK who drew it but it's an impossibly obese and sweaty Twilight and Spike in an SCP-style facility with tubes shoved up their asses collecting their farts. Pretty sure the artist made some deep lore about it lmao.
Have you tried using AI to write stories or generate images?
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Helo lads
>>54285 Omg I want gab huge ass
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Made ai of fat vinyl scratch https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=yAp4b7xfoA78dNeDte2C0tm8_vdJgEgR22Cy5hJ4tew&source=recent-chats Also has more fat pons. Very tired.
>>54621 Sweetie Belle is so hot fr
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Some Halloween Derpy fun. Plus sonata. Also thing. Joy https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=UnAS7RtB_ecL3-sVhCtZIShxV3nhHuL9s-X0owm1PGc&source=recent-chats
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>>36922 More Chrysalis or Dazzlings overfeeding on emotion magic, please.
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>>56660 Anymore fat Spike?
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>>36921 Who's your fav pony expansion writer?>>36921
>>62313 The ones who makes ponies explode.
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>>62346 Based
Needs more Celestia/Luna
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>>62346 https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/61364428 OUGH
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does anybody have this?
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Try 4chan.
https://thisvid.com/videos/rainbow-dash-inflation3/ Do you know who made this?
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Would you help her?
