/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fat Morgana Thread Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 22:05:14 Id:ca1204 No. 38532
Looking fat, Mona!
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Finally some love for the best phantom thief >>38561 Also berry Mona is super rare; nice to see some more pop up.
Honestly surprised it took this long for a Mona thread to pop up
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an edit of one of the portraits that i did myself!
>>39061 Holy shit dude that's amazing nice work
>>38560 >>38561 Who drew these?
>>39155 Probably cloudboyo
(80.34 KB 1044x766 Catto_by_AdDd3.jpg)
CW: Gas
This is probably my new favorite thread tbh
>>39291 Same it's kinda shocking how long it took for a Morgana thread to be made
>>39061 dude. you better have social medias, because this is so fucking hot and scrumptious.
>>39568 i dont, apologizes. i might post anymore edits that i might do in the future here for our favorite fatass cat.
>>39574 please do.
god i love this fucking pussy
>>39591 Don't we all anon
>>39593 Seriously, it would spray out like a god damned eclaire
>>39612 Same my love for this cat is like a truck he's so cute and even cuter fat
>>39204 Gas might be my 2nd favorite thing tbh
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Spoiler for gas
>>38562 Sequel pic for the first pic Praying the og artist makes this boi big(ger) and round(er)
this r9k filter fucking SUCKS
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how do you use this website fr fr
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>>40390 Does anyone know the artist?
>>41689 Artist is Nuumatic but posted by @/KilledCurious on Twitter
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I love this fat cat so much idek how he became a character I really like he's just so hot I wanna talk about fat he is too
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I'm tempted to post my discord here into the void and see if anyone adds me at all ;3
>>43187 Fuqq it it's slimechip add me If you wanna talk about how hot fat Morgana is or any fat furs I kinda need some fat fur frens x3
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>>38562 >>40390 Final part~
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>>44857 He caused 9/11
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>>45651 gif of the last one since it's static for some reason
>>45652 Source?
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absolutely love fats of this damn cat. just imagine him waddling through a palace really fucking slow and everyone just has to wait for him to catch up lmao
Both are slobby blobs so I'mma spoil em
Vore stuff is spoiled but some beta design stuff before Morgana becomes fat and real and crushes the servers for good
I don’t suppose anyone here knows any good stories about him, would you?
>>47480 I sadly don't know any good stories of Morgana so here's some butt as compensation
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got a little silly (art is mine)
>>48470 That looks cute, you did a awesome job on him.
>>48470 That's really good!! I love how you made him nice and bottom heavy
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God imagine being sat on by a fat mona…
(81.08 KB 1280x920 GCsFt5zXQAAhgl5.jpeg)
>>52453 Weird it spoilered everything? Well nothing in it is too weird then what's non spoilered in this thread
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>>51798 Imagine him crushing you with his sweaty fupa...
>>52581 >ywn get your back smothered by his fupa whilst he bends over a table gorging on junk food like a monster
>>52606 >Ywn have him sit on top of you and gorge until you can't get up It's so morgover
(150.79 KB 1435x1477 IMG_0277.jpeg)
>>52613 To have this short stack’s fat dumpy and pot belly slowly growing over you is only the morginning. A morginning I gladly welcome.
>>52628 So trueee gosh this is so embarrassing but I want him to dom me so bad it's unreal shortstacks are extremely hot but shortstack doms are even hotter
>>52640 Omg same!!! Imagine him effectively pinning you down by just sitting his fat ass on your lap~
>>52641 I love to think he can be both a dom and can be dommed at the same time fr… One minute he’s sitting his fatass on you to make him breakfast other times he’s obediently being force-fed several orders of sushi
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>>52641 >>52647g Both of these are so real hmn I'm like imagining a scenario where he's already a bit fat and just being all dominant until he gets too cocky just force fed food until he's even fatter
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Phantom Thief??? More like cobalt thief…
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This thread always makes me want to try a Persona 5 game, I think I will give a try to Tactics or Striker, I love turn-based but I absolutely despise the VN elements of Persona.
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>>50371 >>52970 hi, og artist for these here, glad to know my morg art is being appreciated here :)
>>53134 Awesome stuff! Have you ever considered drawing feral morgana as a fatty? Maybe him doing the big bang burger challenge?
>>53134 What other characters are you doing?
>>53134 I might be wrong because my id changes alot but I think I might've been both or at least the second post x3
https://x.com/MeowMymyamo/status/1753147733110899113?s=20 >>53150 well i dont really do feral stuff but i have this poll im doing atm
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>>53245 Respectfully I don't think any of us are sane or normal we like fat furries
>>53250 Source??
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Am I going crazy or is Morgana the hottest character in P5?
>>55880 Ur not crazy dw
There will be a P3 collab in Fortnite, maybe one day we will have playable Morgana in Fortnite.
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Go support this drive. It’s by MeowMymyamo
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(575.48 KB 4096x2306 GJmep6laIAAGEfz_orig.jpg)
>>57603 >weight gain drive >goes straight from skinny to immobile blob >two fucking parts why even bother
(197.11 KB 2048x1154 GJcpn_yagAA6WIj_orig (1).jpg)
>>59023 >beef chill dog. it's an opinion over furry fetish art. if you are the artist rest assured what you drew is real good art its just pretty middling as a drive sequence and probably could have used some rough in-between-update doodles to better show progression but what do i know, i'm just some faggot on a niche furry fetish imageboard
>>59022 >>59044 hey mona here, artist of the wg drive. ill be 100% i had no idea this many people would support the drive, and its my first time doing a drive at all so i apologize. next time (if ever) i do a drive, it’ll be way less of a “weight to money or likes” amount or something lol
>>59066 I'm an anon artist. I say this as someone who's been wanting to do these sorts of drives. I thought the entire point of a drive was to see how much folks contribute to it, ESPECIALLY for one focused on expansion. I understand it has to paced well but it feels a bit off if one sequence gets more donations/views than usual but then the next part doesn't reflect that massive change at all. Though maybe I'm confusing it with stretchgoals (e.g. "donate $X to see this happen" or "donate $X to see a certain body part get fatter). Is a WG drive just essentially "pay to see the next sequence until it concludes"?
>>60385 tbh the thing that made me end the drive so early was that i did the drive when i was on a break from classes, so i wasnt able to continue since i have way less time to work on art now :(
This is the ideal male body.
>>61680 I can beat drake. My body is hotter. I dont need a billi to get her old sweet honey ice tea. Uh real pusha
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lotta people drawing this cutie lately I've noticed feels weird, for all the moral hangups people have about ambiguously aged characters Morgana just gets a pass, even from the usually-vicious side
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>>63173 Im always mad because you take me for fool. I see right through you and you hate that i can.
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I love this little man
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Lub him so much
I wish there was more art of Morgana I'm surprised he's kinda just fallen to the wayside in furry art
>>70609 MORE!? There are thousands and thousands of artistic creationf of this dumb cat being fat.
>>70610 Send please I love him to a concerning amount i think most of these posts are me just the ids change for whatever reason
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More art I luv him...
>>70610 Guy means more than ever. (And he means great art)
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>>73119 It's peak..
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>>78081 >>78082 sex with this kitty
>>78086 He’s such a big fat blubber cat. Still eating the pile of greasy human food in front of him on the floor like a pig while you plow his fatass. Him just belching and farting away while you do
(167.80 KB 1011x791 image_2024-12-14_143306885.png)
>>78087 I'd love him to just relish his piggish transformation as he blasts onto my crotch and moans into his junk food pile.
>>78879 Guzzling down his slop, snorting like a pig and even meowing like the cat he claims not to be. Giving in to his feral instincts to just feast and belch and fart without care all while you rail his fat blubber ass
>>78910 Asking him what he is, and he responds by meowing and saying he's a fat lazy kitty and SLAMS his obese face into his high-cal mess. Brassy vibrating fart right on your lap. Sweaty unhealthy kitty lard slapping against you.
>>78914 Imaging him belching for more food as he just devours plates of greasy nearly unidentifiable slop
>>78914 Turning around with food in his mouth still to say he’s not a cat then belching right in your face with his reeking breath then turning around to dive face first back into his food slop pile like a pig eating from a trout while he also points his fatass ass right in your face and blasts the nastiest fart possible
>>78930 Morgana being Heart Attack Grills most obese patron, eating massive piles of salty chessy greasy slop, dirty talking with his mouth full. BURPing out "moar", moaning from the feeling of being clogged. >>78938 >Oim noht a cahtch... *UUURRRRP* oommphddummpphmmmpphhhh *FFFBBPRT* >Buht I ahm faaahhtt.. mmppgghchchlluuurrp SNORT SNOOOORT
Hey, not trying to be a stickler for rules, this is just a general curious question, is it allowed to just talk like this on these threads about certain things? This discussion is so damn hot and I'd love to join in or start one of my own is why I ask
I'd love to join in too but tbf I think it's best to just chat about these ideas on discord (mine is guhnky if u all want it :3)
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>>80416 >>80417 he's not a cat, he's a pig.
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>>80467 No it's not, It just a cat
Need more feral Morgan’s here too
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>>80652 Need more obese smelly slobby feral morgana eating and belching like a pig while still saying he’s not a pig or cat
>>81136 need to feed his junk food addiction, turning him into a absolutely rotten immobile slob hog kitty
>>81171 Eating tons of greasy fattening human food from a dog bowl like a pig. Making the sloppiest eating noises while getting his fur dirty and covered in food stains as he belches and farts every few seconds. Food still in his mouth when he gets in your face, forcing you to smell his nasty breath as he tells you to get him even more food then belches right in your face getting spittle and bits of food all over you
>>81186 Anything to grope his sweaty dripping blubber blob of an ass and get him some more chili cheese burgers deepfried in lard.
>>81234 Groping it with both hands as he blasts out a massive nasty reeking fart that could rival an elephant right in your face, with him snorting it’s awful stench and loving it, bragging about how much it stinks and how it’s the true stench of a phantom thief like himself
>>81245 do you think he uses a specialised mobility scooter and wears all the big bang burger merch
>>81245 Jesus christ get a room you two. Nothing more depressing seeing this thread at the top just for the last 5 replies being nothing but this sperging.
Can't, they're anonymous
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